Marvel’s Death Merchant

Chapter 421 The Punished Punisher

Night is coming in New York City, a once bustling city of steel and concrete. The apex novel was almost destroyed after a few months of Deadpool and Tang Tian's actions, and many places were still the same when darkness came at night. The world without superheroes and superhero criminals is chaotic and peaceful. For him, coming to the ultimate Marvel universe and destroying it is not the most important thing. The enemies of this universe seem to have been defeated by Deadpool, who has become a god. .

That's not the most important thing. After Tang Tian came to the Ultimate Marvel Universe, he first occupied the base of the undead race-Observer's blue area in the universe. He also looted the shuttles in the Observer's parallel universe, strengthened the space jumping capabilities of his own space battleships, and gave himself an interstellar force capable of large-scale operations. Various mechanical legions and biological and chemical weapons units were ready. Tang Tian went to several of Deadpool's colonies while he was performing his mission, and brought various high-tech and biological genes obtained from the Marvel Universe to those colonies. , he needs the colonies to continue to increase their strength, those are preparations for the ultimate war.

Tang Tian's plan for the Kingdom of God has been launched, and now he believes that he has the strength and ability to complete that plan. He has given Deadpool the power of his own weapon, allowing him to carry out his final mission, the collection of the ultimate Marvel Universe Infinity Stones. The power of the seven instruments activates one under the influence of the Phoenix Force and the energy of the Observer, and the remaining requires Infinity Stones to achieve full activation. Next, he needs to continue traveling through other movie planes to obtain the remaining needed technologies, and finally return to the movie universe to obtain the Cosmic Cube inside to connect his colonies in multiple planes. In his words, multiple plane colonies are the guarantee for fighting plane wars. The final battle is definitely easy to happen, Tang Tian needs that kind of power to ensure that his goal is achieved.

"I think after I get what I need, I can end it in the most gorgeous way. This is the right way. Let me see the latest situation in this ultimate universe." When arranging Deadpool's mission. He is also observing the latest situation in this universe.

"Huh, ladies and gentlemen. Things seem to have undergone amazing changes now. It seems that we have discovered something incredible." The reporter looked at the scene that surprised him tremblingly, which also surprised many people many years later. A memory that cannot be forgotten.

"A lot of superheroes and super criminals are involved in some large-scale agreements! As far as I know, these superheroes or criminals seem to like to throw themselves into death." There are Kingpin, Red Tank, and Bullseye in the picture. The super criminals stood on top of the building, all closed their eyes and waited to jump. Those people among them jumped down one by one with expressionless faces, as if they were controlled by telepathy, and they jumped down completely unable to resist.

"What creates a plan without a plan? How will the world develop with the disappearance of superheroes and super criminals? Where will we go without superheroes?" The live broadcast reporter asked the camera with some pain Said, the appearance and actions of Deadpool and Tang Tian brought the world back to a truly peaceful place.

"Some religious elements, claim that this is the end of the world. Others even say that it is just the arrogance and arrogance of the superheroes that punish them. Even doubts are possible, it is difficult to deny. There is a divine hand of vengeance at work in our world. Of course, we can understand that as some degree of punishment, like a punisher."

He slowly tasted the red wine in his hand and smoked the cigar he had just taken out. Tang Tian was thoughtful. After seeing these, he knew that Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet had been obtained by Deadpool. Such ultra-long-distance telepathic control is possible except for the Mind Stone in the Infinity Stones. There is no other power that can reach that level.

"It seems that Deadpool is moving very quickly. And the fly Punisher is already here." Tang Tian thought for a moment and was ready to make the next plan.

"Puppet Master. Have you finished setting up the trap?" Tang Tian suddenly turned his head and asked politely to the Puppet Master who was setting up the puppets on the ground.

"Of course, boss, I'm done. Then can I leave here?" The puppet master looked at Tang Tian tremblingly. He was wearing Deadpool's uniform. The reason Tang Tian did this was also to attract the Punisher. He killed this superhero not to get anything, but to complete the massacre of the Marvel Ultimate Universe.

at the same time. The other side. On a windowsill opposite the building, a middle-aged man wearing a black trench coat with a skeleton in the middle was looking at Tang Tian and the puppet master in front of him. The targets of the sniper rifle are Tang Tian and Deadpool. The Punisher is also looking for them when they eliminate a large number of superheroes. After all, they are a disaster that destabilizes the entire world. The Punisher's goal is the same as Taskmaster's, which is to find Deadpool and Tang Tian and eliminate them.

"Finally the target was found. Deadpool and the mysterious man must pay the price. They must disappear completely. I will punish them."

Frank the Punisher's face was cold. The Punisher would not be merciful to them, or he would not be merciful in the first place. So he took a sniper rifle and aimed at Deadpool. In his impression, Deadpool was the most difficult guy to deal with, and his information on Tang Tian was somewhat blank, so it was very clear that Deadpool was the primary target.

"Bang bang bang!" Several metallic sounds of sniper rifles sounded, and Deadpool was hit twice in the head and heart. Tang Tian was also hit with a bullet by the Punisher, and the target was also his head. However, the power of atoms was not easy to deal with, so Tang Tian easily neutralized the attack.

"Sorry, guys. You are of no use anymore, and I don't have time to chat with you. We have to kill Deadpool before his healing factor allows him to recover." The Punisher quickly took out his weapon and put the help Several of his super criminals were taken out straight away.

"The next step will be very exciting. The punisher punishes himself. That is also very interesting." Tang Tian looked at the puppet in the hand of the puppet master whose head was shot on the ground and sneered. When the punisher killed the puppet master just now, the puppet had already started. Like a curse, the Punisher will be killed like that.

Then the Punisher kicked open the door, and the wooden door was destroyed instantly. The Punisher holds a pistol in his right hand and grabs the body of 'Deadpool' with his left hand, preparing to see whether the person on the ground is Deadpool.

"Let me see your face. After what you did, when I kill you completely. I want to see your eyes." The Punisher murmured to himself like a winner. Then, when he saw 'Deadpool', he suddenly showed a horrified expression.

"The puppets on the ground and the puppets in his hands, plus the ground around him. There is also that person's weird smile. That person is the puppet master. It's terrible." Frank the Punisher suddenly broke out in cold sweat. He felt something very bad. Something happened. (To be continued.)

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