Marvel’s Death Merchant

Chapter 391 Weird Farm

Their target was Strange Island No. 13 in the Atlantic Ocean, but they didn't know that according to the news, the Hydra organization had recently conducted biological experiments on the T-virus on this island, and a group of prisoners were used as experimental subjects here. ▲∴, T-Virus Hydra organization also does not want the virus to spread. A global biochemical crisis is something no organization wants to do.

Strange Island No. 13 on the Atlantic coast, the irregular semi-primitive island appeared in everyone's eyes. From the air, you can also see the no-entry warning signs placed inside, which formed a sharp contrast with the conservative green surrounding it. This is another secret island of the Hydra organization, an area where the T-virus is developed.

"There are still three minutes until the landing site." Leon said calmly.

Taking this opportunity, Chris looked around the cabin and found that his teammates were all silent and thinking about something. Wesker was observing his surroundings intently. Barry was gazing at the scenery outside the cabin while wiping his Colt pistol with a soft cloth. Leon was also eager to try it. After all, it felt very good to have superpowers, just like Deadpool among mutants. Same.

"Chris, although you have always advocated the elimination of hostile organizations, we still need to think carefully about this mission."

Because Jill kept her voice as low as possible and the plane engine was too loud, Chris had to get closer to Jill. And Jill really didn't want other teammates to hear it. After quickly glancing at the others, he then stared into Chris's eyes.

"What you said may be correct." Chris said lightly, "So I think it's better to work hard."

Gil was relieved to see Chris calm down, and he continued: "You can think of me like this and I'm relieved."

Chris smiled, his resolute face showing no emotion. "Thank you, Gil. Speaking of which, the last mission in Africa was all thanks to Deadpool. The boss's superhero organization is really powerful. Maybe no one will have our thoughts." He glanced at Leon as if nothing was happening. There is no need to be cautious with such friends, so we can be less defensive and more safe.

Chris's eyebrows gradually widened, because precisely because of their partners, their team has always been the strongest. Performed many dangerous missions.

"So I believe everyone, the company is also our firm foundation." Gill said encouragingly.

After finishing speaking, both of them were silent. After a long while, Chris said: "Jill, the members of this team can rest assured. Even if there are people who don't know, the company's S.T.A.R.S. is the company's ace team, and all our team members are responsible for the work." They have gone through psychological tests, resume investigations, and even searched their origins, so there is no possibility of spies in our team."

"I know, I just hope you can be more open-minded." Jill sighed. said.

"Okay, everyone, get ready for action! We are approaching the Strange Island Area 13, and we will land somewhere near here." Wesker said loudly, and Jill could only cast a look at Chris for the last time, and then Close to the hatch. Chris also followed Leon and Claire as they approached the hatch on the other side.

Looking out of the narrow window on the plane, Chris looked around for the enemy, still thinking about the battle in his mind. Now is the time to begin the search in earnest. Wait until the mission is over before talking to his boss. Chris also wants to have the power of the T-virus or mutant potion.

The helicopter had already entered low-altitude flight status. Chris stared at Island 13, which seemed to be a fusion of modernity and primitiveness, and all his consciousness was devoted to the search. The base of the Hydra organization should have been hidden. Even if it is hidden in a dark corner, it will always be discovered one day.

After a while, after the helicopter had flown into this place and landed perfectly, Chris finally discovered something. Even Jill pointed not far away and said: "Look. Chris! It's really different there."

Chris' worry suddenly turned to fear. The ground was filled with corpses wearing heavy-duty prison clothes. A wave of danger shot straight into the sky, as if the breath of death had polluted the sky.

"Captain, we found a lot of things similar to virus experiments." Chris said. Judging from this scene, the Hydra organization must have experimented with something dangerous. You can tell just by looking at this farm-like place.

Wesker put on black sunglasses and went out to the cabin door to take a look. Then he came back and said calmly: "Island No. 13 has been used by the military for more than ten years. It has become a farm to the outside world. In fact, it is also a secret experimental area internally. Later, based on the information we received, it was discovered that the Hydra organization has recently Some interesting things were found here, and the source is the T-virus." There was no personal emotion in his voice, as if it was a cold machine.

"We should go down, we won't know anything until we get there." Jill thought for a while and said to Wesker. Although she knew clearly that this mission might not be simple, but after experiencing Raccoon City and the African mission, Jill's has become completely powerful.

Wesker was still watching everything expressionlessly. After receiving Tang Tian's order, Wesker worked hard and completed the task seriously: "Yes, we will land in a dangerous place. In other words, everyone must Weaponed, I want everyone to move in a basic fan formation immediately after landing. Chris and Leon, you lead the way!"

The two men nodded and cheered up again. Wesker is right, now is not the time to indulge in feelings, he is a truly qualified captain.

"Richard, look for a secluded place and let us go there at night. The last confirmed location they were in was in an abandoned house on Island 13. Brad remains in the helicopter, ready to take off at any time. Any questions ?"

No one spoke, and Wesker nodded slightly. "Okay, Barry, check everyone's weapons. Leave the remaining equipment here and come back to get it later."

Wesker returned to the driver's seat to talk to Brad. Jill and Chris approached Barry. Since he is a weapons expert, Barry is responsible for checking the weapons of S.T.A.R.S members to ensure that they can be used at all times. And after re-establishing the unit, they remained as they were.

"Okay, there's nothing wrong with the weapons." Barry also reported to Wesker seriously. No matter what happens in this mission, their team will receive tens of thousands of dollars in bonuses, which will make their members rich.

Wesker returned to the team members again, and several of them stood in front of the hatch, waiting to place the helicopter and prepare to start the mission.

This mission on Strange Island No. 13 can be said to be easy or complicated. The most important thing is that they don't know what dangers they will encounter. If they are ordinary zombies, they can easily deal with them, but mutant varieties are very dangerous. (To be continued.)

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