Marvel’s Death Merchant

Chapter 373 Dilemma

Everyone was in a state of great joy and sorrow as they walked along. Especially at this moment, there was not even a single cruise ship in the port. Several boats were on the river a hundred meters away from everyone, and the closest boat was... It was a large cargo ship, about ten meters away from the port. Everyone on the minibus was filled with despair. Behind them, countless living corpses were swarming in, as well as hundreds of mummies. The guards kept attacking, and they had no way out!

"There are still Jericho missiles, and we still have a chance. ∷∷, there are no heavy weapons, there is no hope, but there is no problem." Tang Xing encouraged Zheng Zha and said, the lines in his words were Deadpool from "Zombie Heroes" in Marvel Comics if. After saying that, Tang Xing used missiles to attack that place, clearing up another vacancy in an instant.

"Yes, Tang Xing is right. O'Connor! Believe me, go ahead, rush forward with the car, don't think about anything, just step on the accelerator and keep moving forward!"

Zheng Zha gritted his teeth, roared loudly, and ran towards the minibus with all his strength. He had heard Tang Xing's words, and now he was also full of hope.

O'Connor, who was in the driver's seat, gritted his teeth. He roared loudly, stepped on the accelerator and rushed madly down the straight road towards the port river. Everyone stared blankly at the river getting further and further away. freighter, everyone was at a loss.

Zheng Zha took out the Bible of the Dead from the ring while running. He recited one of the spells loudly. It was the spell that Saitoichi had taught him before. It was a spell that could control rocks, bury human corpses, and change people's bodies. terrain!

The road in front of the minibus gradually became higher and higher, and everyone noticed something unusual, but no one said anything. They all looked at the large ship carrying cargo on the river, and O'Connor even shouted His voice was hoarse. He stepped on the accelerator, controlled the steering wheel with both hands, and pointed the direction of the minibus towards the location of the freighter. Then the minibus kept rushing forward along the road that was getting higher and higher.

While Zheng Zha was reciting the incantation, his strength was drained away by the Bible of the Dead, and then he staggered, just as he was about to fall. Tang Xing stood up and carried him on his shoulders. At this moment, he burst out with great strength. He grabbed Zheng Zha with one hand and threw him hard towards the minibus. The bus was a few meters away. The bus windows are open. Then the minibus and the bus flew up fiercely, heading straight towards the freighter on the river, towards the hope of survival.

The minibus flew straight through the air towards the large cargo ship more than ten meters away from the shore. The people on the boat seemed to be normal. They watched in stunned silence as the minibus flew through the air and then crashed into the cargo being transported behind the freighter. Among the goods... it was a large pile of cardboard, layered on top of each other. In this era before the invention of the container, cardboard was transported with at most a layer of tarpaulin on top, so when the minibus crashed into the pile of cardboard, it was hard. It looked very loud, but in fact it was just pushing the cardboard and sliding for a while. When the minibus stopped, nothing terrible like a big explosion happened.

Everyone in the car and Zheng Zha praised him very much. Except for Tang Xing, there was no problem at all. Several people were beaten to death by this. In comparison, Zheng Zha and several senior people recovered their consciousness the fastest. After all, their physical fitness was much stronger than ordinary people, especially Ling Dian and Zhang Jie, who recovered the fastest. He grabbed his weapon and rushed out of the minibus.

Zhang Jie lifted Zhao Zhengzha up. This person hit the rear of the minibus directly, and the impact was much more serious than everyone else in the car. Fortunately, these two people were both very physically fit. Especially Zheng Zha, at the moment of the collision, he instinctively blocked Tang Xing with his back, and his physical fitness was much stronger, so after the collision, the two of them looked different than the ordinary people in the car. Much better.

Zhang Jie silently helped the two of them sit down. Then he rushed to the cargo ship control room with the gun in hand, and Zero Point was even more direct. After he put down the pistol, he actually put the Gauss sniper rifle rack on the edge of the ship, and he took out a long Gaussian. He filled the Gauss sniper rifle with a mithril demon-breaking sniper bullet, and then aimed the wheel at the port. Countless living corpses over there kept squeezing towards the water, but the mummy guards seemed to be extremely worried about the water. , they don’t seem to dare to touch the river water. Therefore, compared with the living corpses that "entertained" to dive, the mummy guards who had previously been a great threat to everyone had no attack power at this moment.

Zheng Zha reluctantly opened his eyes. He tried hard to stand up, but as soon as he moved his body, there was a sharp pain in his back. This frightened him greatly, because they were about to go to the Capital of the Dead for a decisive battle. If his back is broken, he will basically be a useless person before the end of this horror movie. Moreover, as the team leader and the absolute strongest melee combat power, if he loses his role, it can be said that this horror movie will Even if they are dead.

As soon as he thought about it, Zheng Zha immediately started to sweat all over his face, and his body was trying to stand up. "Don't move! Your back bones are a bit dislocated! Do you want to become paralyzed?" Tang Xing said seriously to Zheng Zha. She said, but her tone was commanding. I saw Tang Xing on Zheng Zha's back. Zheng Zha only felt the bones on his back snap softly. The sharp pain quickly disappeared, followed by the comfort of freedom of movement.

Zheng Zha glanced at Tang Xing gratefully. Fortunately, Tang Xing was so powerful that he was able to throw him out intact, otherwise the two of them would have been left at the port. What awaits them is definitely life or death. At this time, Zhan Gang and the rest of the people also walked out of the minibus. Among them, Jonathan and the American seemed to have been badly hit, with a big gash on their heads, and the rest of the people were also more or less injured. Some of them were hit badly. They just had time to get out of the minibus, and then everyone heard a long roar from somewhere on the freighter, and the speed of this large freighter began to increase. It seems that Zhang Jie's efforts have been successful.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but Ling Dian suddenly shouted: "Be careful! Zheng Zha and Tang Xing, if blocking him is useless, the rest depends on you!" Everyone quickly looked towards the port. In addition to countless corpses and thousands of mummy guards, a wind of sand and dust swept towards everyone from far outside the port. The wind of sand and dust turned into a human face when it was a hundred meters away from the freighter. This picture The huge human face opened its mouth and swallowed the wheel

"It looks like the nasty guy is here. I have to deal with it well and kill him if necessary." After all, Tang Xing has an indifferent attitude towards the characters in the plot, and he can do whatever he wants.

"This plot world, although it may seem a little false because the latitude is slightly lower, but there is no problem. The indigenous people are still the same as people at other latitudes." Tang Xing thought silently in his heart. (To be continued.)

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