Marvel’s Death Merchant

Chapter 324 Attack

"It's okay, there are too many things to do, but would you like to finish talking outside?" Chris said happily, looking at Alice outside.

When Alice came to the house, she found shoes, clothes, socks on the floor, leftover fast food boxes on the table, waste paper, and upside-down books. Alice shook her head helplessly and said lightly: "Chris, you It turns out that it also has the disadvantage of being sloppy.

"This...the popcorn under the sofa just fell to the floor..." Chris found a rare bit of confidence, but Alice didn't think that way.

"It seems that I still need to help Mr. Chris clean up." Alice shrugged and said.

"Ding dong, ding dong", the doorbell rang, Alice saw it was Jill through the peephole, and opened the door. By this time the house had been completely renovated and Chris' original room could not be seen.

"Hello, Jill!" Chris smiled at Jill, then made a way for him to come in.

"Chris, I want to know if there is any problem with Leon going to Africa. Does he need our reinforcements?" Jill asked Chris as soon as he entered.

"Maybe it's not necessary! After all, there are company troops in Lyon, and Death God Hank and Alfred are there." Chris thought for a while and explained to Alice.

Everyone then came to the dinner table and sat down. Chris arranged a Spanish-style dinner, which was made by a chef. It was a benefit of being an elite unit of Umbrella Company. Such complete preparations made others quite satisfied, and the three of them also chatted and the atmosphere was very lively.

"Sister Claire also went to Africa. He and Leon were sent to Africa by the boss. I told them to be careful there." Chris said after taking a sip of red wine.

"I heard that the Hydra organization is lurking again. Is it true?" Gil asked.

"Jill, I heard that Rebecca went on a mission. Leon said that she was looking for special energy in a place in Europe. That thing is also very important, comparable to things like the T virus. I don't know if she succeeded. , it seems that after they found it, they let the people from the recovery team get it."

Jill asked, "Really? Looks like that thing. Really important?"

"Yes, the company just needs other things to develop. After all, after decades of development, Umbrella's power has expanded to the limit, so it needs to stabilize the early expansion." Chris thought for a while and answered.

The words are not finished yet. Found a tactical laser coming from the window. When Jill and Alice saw Chris' face changing color as he spoke, they felt something was wrong.

At this time, Jill and Alice were sitting in a row, with their backs to the window, and Chris was sitting opposite, facing the window. Just listen to Chris yell: "Hidden!!!"

Just for a moment, the "whoosh" sound of the muffler sounded outside the window. Jill quickly fell down, Alice dodged to the right and also read the power defense, but Jill was still too slow to dodge, and her arm was cut open by the flying bullet.

Chris lowered the table to take cover, and countless bullets hit the walls, floor, and ceiling, causing a huge explosion. The bullets shattered vases, glass, and televisions. The room was filled with flying debris and left bullet marks, turning the place into a mess in a matter of seconds. From what Gil heard, the rate of fire and power seemed to be a modified M60 machine gun with a silencer. Alice crawled over to Jill. He picked up Jill's arm next to him and wrapped the wound with a scarf. Fortunately, it was just a deep cut and not too badly injured.

The attack did not weaken after 15 seconds. The three of them were waiting for the opportunity, which was the time for the attacker to change the ammunition box for the M60. Chris was behind the table, Jill had her back against the large refrigerator, and Alice was crawling behind the sofa. The three of them had weapons in their hands. Holding a pistol. But it is difficult to compete with the M60 with its high rate of fire. Finally, the gunfire stopped at 25 seconds. Chris immediately took out his pistol and smashed the light cannon, so that the attacker could not see clearly what was going on in the room.

Chris climbed over the table to the window and fired his Browning pistol in the direction of the laser. Performing fire suppression, Gil took out the Barrett M82A1 sniper rifle from behind the refrigerator. It was a heavy weapon that Chris got from Umbrella Company. Alice was amazed when she saw it. At the same time, a telekinetic shield was released to defend the surrounding area.

Gil came to the window and aimed his scope at the two people on the house opposite. They could see clearly now. It's a sniper with the red skull logo, a spotter, and they're both wearing gas masks. Gill's 12.7mm Barrett is a circle larger than the 7.62mm GM M60, and its power is not insignificant.

With a loud bang, the powerful recoil pushed Jill back onto the sofa, and the wound on her arm expanded somewhat. Because this gun was originally used for horizontal shooting, you can see how powerful the recoil is. The bullet hit the middle of the two collarbones of the Hydra sniper. This was enough. All the Hydra attackers were killed. The observing soldier showed no expression and was just about to pick up the sniper and continue the action. Chris fired another shot, hitting the observer in the head. In this way, the attack was perfectly resolved. Alice's shield was of great help to them, as it protected them from the opponent's bullets.

They thought it was over, but it was not enough. In an instant, they heard the back door of the house being kicked open, and someone raided from the back door. The situation was not good. As soon as they entered the back door, there was a straight corridor. After walking through the corridor, turn right and there was Jill. In the living room where the three of them were, Chris used tactical tactics on Alice and Jill, asking them to jump out of the window and retreat while he took cover behind them.

But Jill shook her head and swung her hands at Alice, hoping that the three of them would ambush the attackers in the living room and kill them in one fell swoop. Chris heard the footsteps as if they were two or three people, so he agreed.

Chris stood on the right side of the door. When the door opened, it blocked him. The three of them were ready. At this moment, the door was opened. Jill unexpectedly found three nine-headed men wearing night vision goggles. Three members of the Snake Organization also discovered Jill.

"Targets, core members of Umbrella Company, kill them all." Three members of the Hydra organization were ready to eliminate the discovered targets. Of course, if the enemy wears night vision goggles, they will be as blind to the darkness as the palm of their hand, but there is also a big weakness, which is the comparison of strength.

At the critical moment, Chris turned on the second chandelier in the living room. The light was amplified by the night vision goggles to an extremely powerful level. The three people put down their guns and took off their night vision goggles to cover their eyes. This bought Alice time. The horror With his mental power, he quickly destroyed his consciousness, and the attack was over. Chris looked to see that there was no danger of being attacked again, and he relaxed a little mentally.

Jill walked over and looked at the bodies of members of the Hydra organization. She initially concluded that the Hydra organization had come to carry out the assassination mission, which happened to cause Umbrella Company to suffer losses.

"It seems that they are well-informed." Chris said calmly, and then notified the New York Police Department and sealed off the scene.

"To ensure your safety, please return to Umbrella." Wesker said cautiously to Jill and the others on the phone.

At this time, Jill's wounds had been bandaged by Umbrella's doctors. Jill said calmly: "Okay! We'll leave early tomorrow morning. It's really unlucky that someone will disturb us even though we're on vacation. We still need to work. ."

"Yes, that's true." Chris agreed. (To be continued.)

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