Marvel’s Death Merchant

Chapter 188 Return to the city

Jacqui looked at everyone and said solemnly: "Nowhere is safe! It's almost the same! But if you want to collect weapons, why not go to the Atlanta Police Headquarters! It's not far from where I work, I pass by there every day!"

"Very good, does anyone want to come with me?" Ailiang said to everyone present with a smile, "Priority is given to guns!"

"I'll go!" Rick touched his nose and then raised his hand first.

Then, Moore, Daryl, T-boy, and Glenn all raised their hands to express their willingness to go.

"Jim, don't you want to go? Don't you want to find hoses for the RV? And we will need other parts in the future!" Ailiang invited Jim by name, "For everyone! Only you can do this!" "

Jim looked at the others, thought for a moment, and nodded in agreement.

"Sean, what about you? We need you, come together!" Ailiang continued to invite Sean. Sean should be isolated from Luo Li, so that he will slowly change his views.

"No, if I stay here, the camp also needs protection, right?" Sean looked at Ailiang guiltily and said.

It's broad daylight. We just fought off a group of zombies last night. What kind of protection do we need? Ailiang knew why Sean wanted to stay in the camp. But he couldn't do anything too deliberately, after all, in the eyes of others, Sean's reasons were very good.

"Okay, in this case, Dale, Morales, Sean, and Ed will be responsible for guarding the camp!" Ailiang set the final tone.

So, everyone started to pack up their equipment and set off.

They brought their weapons, a few empty backpacks, and toolboxes. They also prepared two plastic oil barrels and a long hose. There was not much gasoline in the camp.

Maul mounted his Harley at Aili's instructions, while Daryl sat behind with a crossbow. The others got into the truck they had brought back from last time, with Rick driving. Jacqui sat in the passenger seat and led the way.

After the truck entered the city, it slowed down to minimize the roar of the engine. The Dixon brothers rode Harleys in front to explore the road. Of course, they also drove at a low speed.

During this period, we had to take detours several times because of walking corpses blocking the road. A lot of time was wasted. When they arrived at their destination, it was already noon.

The Atlanta Police Department is a seven-story building. The upper floors are the various leading agencies and departments of the regional police force, while the lower floors are the offices of various operational departments and teams.

U.S. police officers generally all carry guns. In addition to the firearms issued by the police station, they often also carry private firearms. Some police officers do not want to use the standard firearms issued by the police station, or even receive the issued firearms, and only register their personal firearms.

But during certain operations, heavy dynamism and automatic firearms are required. You must temporarily apply for it in the equipment warehouse. Therefore, for safety and convenience, the equipment warehouse is located on the negative floor. This is Ailiang's goal.

Fortunately, the street where the police headquarters is located is very clean and there are no zombies wandering around.

Ailiang divided the people into two groups: T-boy and Jim were protected by Moore and went directly to the parking lot of the police station to look for gasoline and usable car parts; Ailiang went with Rick and Daryl to find weapons and ammunition. Jacqui and Glenn were responsible for staying in the safer car to look out and report any situation at any time.

The three of them searched the hall carefully. This shows the horror of American gun culture. They are visible in the many desks in the hall. Six pistols of various types and nearly 200 rounds of ammunition were found.

One of the USPs caught Ailiang's attention, although the ammunition capacity was only 12 rounds. But it comes with a silencer!

"Good stuff!" Daryl looked at it and said enviously.

"Yes, with your marksmanship... you can basically use it freely now, and you no longer have to worry about the sound of the gun being too loud and attracting zombies!" Rick agreed with a smile.

Ailiang smiled and acquiesced to their statement. Although his marksmanship is like a god. But the loud sound of the gun always made him afraid to shoot, fearing that the sound of the gun would put him in a tight siege. When the time comes, no matter how good his marksmanship is, he will not be able to withstand the mountains of corpses. The more he hits, the more likely he is to die. With this usp. Kailiang no longer has such worries and can show off his amazing marksmanship at any time. What's even more convenient is that, like my m9, it uses standard 9mm bullets.

Then the three of them found the entrance to the underground floor and planned to go in and search for the equipment warehouse.

"Bang!" "Bang!" Two gunshots suddenly came from the street.

"What happened! Who was shooting?" Rick asked angrily into the intercom. Daryl on the side also looked anxious.

"Oh my God, zombies, a lot of zombies! A man is being chased by zombies, and he's running towards the police station!" Glenn's panicked voice sounded on the intercom.

Ailiang grabbed the walkie-talkie from Rick's hand and asked hurriedly: "Approximately how many zombies are there? From which direction are they coming?"

"There are hundreds of them, coming from the east!" Glenn reported over the intercom in panic.

The police headquarters is located at the northwest corner of an intersection, with its gate facing the southeast. Trucks and Harleys are parked one after another on the east side of the intersection, and the entrance to the police station parking lot is also there.

"You and Jacqui lock the car door and hide in the trunk immediately. Don't be seen by the zombies!" Ailiang quickly gave the order, and then ran towards the door as fast as flying. Rick and Daryl followed.

Ailiang pushed open the glass door of the police station and saw a man running over. The door suddenly opened, startling the man.

"Come in!" Ailiang waved to the man.

When the man saw this, he didn't care to speak and quickly rushed into the police station. Jie Liang found an iron rod, opened the door, and blocked the swarming zombies outside.

After the blond man entered the police station, he was panting and resting on his legs. He held the gun tightly in his hand and looked at the three of Akuliang warily.

The three of them looked at the man and were speechless.

"Who are you? You attracted a group of zombies with such a big fanfare. Do you want to kill us?" Daryl asked the man angrily.

"I'm sorry, I just came out to find something to eat. But I accidentally disturbed the zombies." The man who seemed to be a policeman expressed his apology to the three of Akuliang in a neither humble nor overbearing manner.

"What's the use of talking about this now? We're all stuck here!" Rick scolded the man impatiently.

"It's missing!" Ajie explained calmly, "The zombies came from the east and are now attracted to the entrance of the police station, so our car parked on the west side is still safe. We can leave through the back door of the police station. As long as The speed is fast enough, and the zombies can’t catch up with us.”

"Glenn, what's going on outside?" Rick asked into the intercom.

"All the zombies gathered at the door of the police station. They didn't notice us. They were still a few steps away from the car." Glenn reported quietly on the intercom.

"After finishing the work, we rushed out of the back door. Moore and Daryl used the cover of the truck to ride their Harleys. We found another car from the parking lot to load the supplies, and then let Glenn drive the truck. We Let's evacuate together!" Ailiang calmly made a plan. (To be continued...)

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