Marvel’s Death Merchant

Chapter 178 A narrow escape from death

"Here! Rick!" Ailiang raised his hand and knocked down the two zombies, cleared a passage, and jumped off the tank.

Rick got up from the ground, took out his big revolver, and quickly joined Ailiang.

Ailiang threw an M9 to Rick and took the lead, leading Rick towards the alley where he could escape.

In the original film, Rick escapes into the tank and seals the entrance. The zombies outside the tank all turned to fight for the killed horse, so the number of zombies on the other side of the tank gradually dwindled, allowing Rick to escape with a pistol.

But at this time, there were a lot of walking zombies on the street. Some of the walking zombies never gave up Rick as their prey. Now another one is added to the mix, making the walking zombies even crazier. At a glance, the road leading to the target alley is full of walking corpses. There are only gaps between the walking corpses that need to be turned sideways to pass.

Ailiang and Rick activated all their potentials and fired continuously, and a zombie fell down with every shot. After just a few shots, the bullets in Rick's revolver ran out, so he put away the revolver and switched to shooting with M9.

With two people and two guns, they killed more than a dozen zombies in a short time. However, there were at least twenty zombies between them and the alley. Even if they used up all the bullets in the guns, there wouldn't be enough!

In this case, every minute and every second is precious, or £∷, maybe a second of delay is the difference between life and death! They don't even have time to reload!

The huge pressure made Ailiang's heart beat crazily, and all he could think about was how to find a way out. The obsessions in his heart kept adding up, as if something was about to break out!

Suddenly, Ailiang felt a surge of strength in his body, and he felt like a new person. The body that had been pushed to the limit seemed to have broken through some kind of obstacle and was suddenly liberated - it could jump higher! Move faster! Hear more clearly! See further!

Ailiang's finger when he pulled the trigger suddenly blurred, and a long, weird gunshot echoed through the buildings.

Less than a second. Ailiang poured out all the ten bullets left in the magazine, and the ten neat zombies facing him fell backwards and fell to the ground. It was a spectacle for a moment!

If you step forward and examine carefully, you can find that there is a bullet hole in the center of the eyebrows of the ten zombies.

Rick glanced at Ailiang in surprise. I forgot to continue shooting for a moment.

"Don't be dazed, shoot, move forward, rush into the alley ahead!" Ailiang ordered Rick sternly.

Rick quickly came to his senses and ran forward past Ailiang, continuing to shoot the walking corpses in front of him as he ran.

Then Ailiang pressed his thumb on the handle of the gun and took out the magazine. His arms turned into phantoms, and he took out bullets from his body and loaded them into the magazine. The whole process took less than five seconds!

After loading the magazine, Ailiang walked step by step behind Rick, with the gun hanging by his leg. Whenever a zombie that Rick couldn't hit tried to move forward, a short gunshot would sound, and Ailiang would Liang's hand was still hanging by his leg, as if he hadn't moved!

Rick shot and killed the last walker blocking the road, and was about to turn around and flee into the alley. But suddenly he saw a figure standing in front of him. Rick subconsciously raised the gun and was about to pull the trigger.

"Don't shoot. I'm alive!" A small Asian man raised his hands and shouted. It was the Korean in the original film, Glenn!

"Follow me, I know the way!" With life and death hanging by a thread, Glenn panicked and led Rick and Ailiang to run into the alley.

"Quick! Quick! Move quickly!" Glenn jumped onto the metal vertical ladder installed in the building on the left first, and climbed up using his hands and feet. Rick followed.

By this time, the zombies had followed into the alley.

Kailao waited calmly for Glenn and Rick to climb up the vertical ladder, then slowly raised his right hand and pointed at the walking corpse entering the alley.

There was another long and weird gunshot, and Ailiang once again poured out all the bullets in the M9 within one second. A dozen zombies fell backwards at the same time without saying a word, leaving the alley empty.

Then, Ailiang jumped up the vertical ladder and climbed to a metal platform on the third floor. Up there, Glenn and Rick were breathing heavily and looking at him with strange eyes.

"It's a little trick," Ailiang said to them with a smile, "it's not worth the fuss!"

"You guys are really good!" Glenn looked at Rick's police uniform, "It's like making an action movie! Is the new sheriff riding a horse and bringing his superhero friends to maintain law and order?"

"That's not what I'm about," Rick gasped.

"Okay, whatever you want, you're stupid enough anyway!" Glenn said unceremoniously.

"My name is Rick." Rick extended his hand and introduced himself. "thank you for your help."

"My name is Jie Liang. I'm glad to see a yellow face. You must be Asian." Jie Liang said lightly.

"Well, I'm Korean." Glenn looked at Rick and Jiliang, hesitated for a moment, then stretched out his hand to shake their hands. "My name is Glenn."

At this moment, the bottom of the vertical ladder was already crowded with zombies. A zombie grabbed the vertical ladder and was trying to climb up.

"Oh no, we should continue." Glenn said in panic.

The three of them looked up. The vertical ladder going up had no protective net and led to the distant roof alone.

"The good news is - if we die, at least we will fall to death!" Glenn said a joke that was not funny at all.

Glenn took the lead and climbed up the ladder, followed closely by Rick and Akuli at the back.

The building is more than ten stories high. Halfway up the metal ladder, Ailiang boldly looked down. The walking corpses on the ground were already the size of mice. The straight walls hung down to the ground without any protrusions. There were only Thin steel bars landed on each other, and it felt like the whole person was hanging in the air, helpless, and might fall like a leaf at any time. For a moment, Ailiang's legs went weak.

Fortunately, Glenn brought them an open window next to the ladder, otherwise Ailiang would not have been confident that he would be able to climb to the top of the building.

Glenn led them across the entire building, through a small door, to the other side of the building. There is a small cement overpass without guardrails on this side, which can reach the adjacent building. Below the overpass is another alley. The entrance to the alley is blocked by a bus, and only four zombies are wandering in the alley.

"Is this the roadblock you set up at the alley?" Rick asked Glenn as they passed the overpass.

"It was someone else - it should have been before the zombies took over here." Glenn explained, "The people who set up the roadblocks must not have expected that there would be so many zombies."

Then, Glenn took Rick and Jiliang down to the inside of the building through the shaft on the roof. After passing through several offices, they came to the outside of the building again, on a stepped metal ladder. Through the metal ladder, they could go down to the alley they just saw. (To be continued...)

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