Marvel’s Death Merchant

Chapter 170 Battle in the Virtual World (3)

Leon has been thinking about something recently, and his feeling about the world is becoming increasingly unreal. Suddenly, bursts of soul-stirring cries came from the dark world, which reminded Leon of the intermittent memories of the past.

The intermittent sobs in the darkness made them unbearably terrified, making it difficult to tell whether they were humans or ghosts.

"Survivor?" Zoe asked lightly, breaking the terrifying silence and hearing the cries clearly.

"I think the survivor who can make such a terrifying sound is an infected person." Francis licked his lips.

"Oh, if only it was New Orleans wings." Louis said in that weird high-pitched voice of a pre-teen, and that helpless, funny look on his face.

Leon admired these two people for being able to joke around after massacring a lot of infected people. Leon thought that only battle-hardened people in the world could do this without any trouble.

"Whether it's a survivor or another monster, if she pounces on you, shoot her immediately, no matter what she is." Bill said calmly, as calm as ever.

"Ha, Bill, you look like an American crocodile," Louis joked, although they didn't think it was funny at all.

And Bill used his fist to hit Louis's stomach with his head, and said: "Listen! Newbie, what I hated most after the Vietnam War was black men, and meeting you and being your comrade is the only black man I have ever seen in my life. It's the most unlucky thing outside of becoming president. Sooner or later, I will be killed by you, killed by you!" Bill said angrily, and walked away while talking, while Louis made an innocent expression of being at a loss. To be honest, his expression Even more funny than his words.

"Bill, the crying sound seems to be on the third floor." Zoe said, still looking around vigilantly.

The stairs leading from the second floor to the third floor were quickly found. And Francis made a gesture of invitation and said to Zoe: "Ladies first." This guy wanted others to test it first, but Leon took the lead and walked up without thinking.

The third floor seemed darker. Several black figures were staggering in the darkness, and the crying was more obvious, with some regular "rustling" sounds, as if someone was scratching the wall with nails. It's hard to imagine how strong these nails must be.

"Hey...over there." Louis whispered. Pointing to the door on the left side of the corridor, Leon held up the Sand Eagle in his hand. He could see the door with a tactical flashlight, which was about twenty meters away from us.

The distance of twenty meters made me feel like I was in another world. They were walking cautiously, as if they were afraid of disturbing something. The surrounding zombies mercifully did not bother them, and Leon didn't seem to be a good sign.

Bill and Leon came in, while the others stood guard outside.

Leon gently pushed the door open, dust flying unbridled under the light. He looked around. It seemed to be a warehouse. The sound came from the depths of the warehouse, as if there was no end. The cry was very ethereal, ethereal and terrifying, as if her cry was coming from all directions, just like 3D sound. As the light spread, Leon also saw the owner of the cry.

"Leon. Pay attention." Bill pressed his gun to prevent the light from shining on it. "Look at that red light." Leon saw it. Two red lights shine in the darkness.

"What's wrong?" Leon asked doubtfully, thinking that the red light might just be the reflection of the earrings.

"Also, claws." Bill said, "Look at her hands." After hearing this, Leon carefully shined a light in front of the crying girl. I could see her lower body clearly from the corner of the light. It was a claw that was five inches long. It was scraping the ground, making that heartbreaking sound, leaving Leon with no doubt that the claws could tear a person alive.

"She has mutated, and she is a more terrifying monster than a tank." Bill said as he put out the cigarette butt on the ground.

"What should I do?" Leon asked nervously. "Let her stay here?"

Bill didn't say anything, just thought for a while, "Well, it seems she won't attack us for the time being. As long as she doesn't mess with us, we shouldn't mess with her. We'll leave as soon as we get the bullets." Bill finished. , they carefully stepped back.

The crying was louder, and seemed to be mixed with weird laughter like a witch, as if they were taunting us for not messing with her.

As the lights faded, the dust stopped flying, and dispersed with a "cut" sound, just like a group of people watching a good show who knew they were done with the show. The entire warehouse became quiet again. Just as it was before they came in.

"Hey!" Leon heard a voice coming from behind. When he looked back, it was Francis! He also held a flashlight in his hand, and the light shone on the blood-red eyes. "There are zombies coming outside!" Francis said.

And Leon had no time to complain about Francis. He saw the blood-red eyes of the infected person looking at Leon, with a terrifying smile on his lips, as if he knew we had been fooled! She opened her claws, which were a generation longer than a human head, and stood up.

"Ah." This roar was very scary.

"Run!" Leon no longer knew what to say. His thoughts were replaced by fear, and his brain only issued one command to himself, run.

"Francis! Why are you still in a daze? Run!" Leon and Bill rushed to the door almost instantly, and Francis raised his shotgun and fired several shots at the girl, no, the zombie. He and Bill had already After rushing out, Francis fired a few shots and closed the iron door.

"What is that?" Francis spread his hands.

"Bang!" came a sound from the iron door that they couldn't believe. The 3-centimeter-thick iron door suddenly protruded. We didn't even have time to communicate. There was a "bang" sound, and the pale and gray hand A hole had been punched through and sticking out of the door.

"Run! Go to the gun shop!" Bill remained calm at this moment and took the lead in running, and we immediately followed. When I ran through the stairs, I could already see the zombies swarming below. Zoe and Louis were fighting and retreating below.

"Bill, Molotov cocktail!" Leon said, and Bill quickly and accurately threw it down, helping Zoe and Louis separate themselves from the zombies. And I took the sniper rifle from behind, squatted down and pointed it at the door. It was already half rotten. This woman was very beautiful in life.

"Bang." The rapid and powerful sound of the sniper rifle made Leon feel very pleasant. The infected person had disappeared at the door.

Leon didn't have time to do anything else. Zoe and Louis told them not to come up yet. If the zombie was still alive, they would be torn apart. Then Leon ran to the gun shop.

In the gun store Leon picked up shotgun and pistol bullets.

There were still gunshots downstairs. Leon quickly picked up the bullets and rushed over. As soon as he went out,

"Bill! We can't hold on anymore!" Zoe's voice came, "We need ammunition!"

"Bang..." Finally, Bill saw something was wrong and hit the witch in the head with a sniper rifle.

The witch was shot in the face by Bill, and her head turned directly to the back. The neck was broken, Leon could clearly see that it was impossible to still be alive if it was twisted to that extent.

Leon also got rid of the biggest crisis in the virtual world and continued to survive. (To be continued...)

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