John looked at him, and the two glanced at each other subtly.

Stark took off his sunglasses, walked up to him and asked, "Child, you look a little familiar, have we met somewhere?"

"I think you're mistaken for the wrong person, Mr. Stark." John replied politely.

"Maybe, but I always think I've seen you somewhere."

Stark touched his chin and tried to recall.

"John, how did you get here. The party has not started yet, and the pastries here are not edible. Just

then, Jameson suddenly appeared. He pulled John up and reprimanded.

"So you're John, I said how could it be so familiar." It's a real honor to meet the creators of the recent hot movie "Transformers".

Jameson heard the praise of others for his son, and just wanted to show off, but found that the person in front of him, the famous Tony Stark

, could meet the big man here, and Jameson was very excited.

Looking at the entire business circle, who doesn't want to have a good chat with Stark for the night.

The benefits can be imagined.

"Mr. Stark is serious, I'm just a film and television creator. It is my honor to meet a genius like you.

"You're still young, and you still have a lot of time to study later." One day, you will surpass me.

"Hopefully, I'm looking forward to it too." John responded with a smile.

He was already very happy to have Stark's approval.

"Is this next to you your father?" Stark asked.

As soon as John was about to answer, Jameson suddenly rushed forward, grabbed Stark's hands, and said excitedly: "Yes, I am his father." John is where he is today because of my daily hard teaching. This is my company business card, if you have business needs in the future, please feel free to contact us.

Stark took the business card, didn't look at it, and stuffed it directly into his pocket.

John felt very humiliated when he saw his father act like this.

"Kid, would you like to visit Stark Industrial Zone? Of course, your father must agree to this.

"Of course I do."

John blurted out without the slightest hesitation. Such a rare opportunity, he did not want to miss it.

Jameson saw that his son was so excited, so he should do it. This kind of opportunity does not come every day.

After the party, John rode in a supercar and came to Stark Tower first.

Exactly like what you saw in the movies of your previous life, Stark Tower is spectacular.

"Try my cocktail? Sorry, forgot you were still a child. Stark smiled, refilled his drink, and handed it to John.

"How is it here?"

"It's spectacular, exactly like what you see in the movie." John said in amazement.

"Movies? Child, those are virtual composite images, how can they be compared with reality!

"That's true, too."

John took a sip of the drink, glad he didn't continue to say the wrong thing.

"What's that?"

A bottle of green liquid on the table caught John's attention.

He put down the cup in his hand and slowly approached.

Just as he was reaching out to pick it up, Stark suddenly came from behind and took it in his hand.

"Child, this is just a bottle of experimental liquid, don't touch it at will."

Stark's explanation did not convince John. Looking at the pinhole scar on his arm, a bold guess came to mind.

"System, whether it can detect the composition of the liquid in the bottle."

John awakens the system in his body and examines the liquid in the bottle.

"The system test result shows that the green liquid in the bottle is super soldier serum, or SSS for short. Serum can enhance the user's metabolic function and physical function, and the brain utilization rate is 100%, reaching the peak of human potential. The

system's test results also confirmed John's guess. This super soldier serum is exactly what was injected into Captain America's body.

John let out a long sigh and asked deliberately, "Mr. Stark, the liquid in this bottle should not be some kind of serum?"

"What did you say?"

Stark was shocked, and the child in front of him seemed to be able to see through everything.

"Mr. Stark, do you want to go beyond human limits and become a superhero like Steve Rogers?"

Faced with John's pressing, Stark drank the drink in his glass and did not make a sound.

"If I'm not mistaken, the scar on your arm should have been left by the injection. Super Soldier Serum, developed by your father's team. Even though you are a genius, you can't develop the same serum in a short period of time. Is it worth it?

"I can't answer that question. It is because of the serum that Steve Rogers is regarded as a superhero and called Captain America. And how ironic it is that I develop a new type of weapon, but I am called a saboteur. In that case, what's the harm of one more Captain America? Stark questioned loudly.

"I hope you understand. You can't become a superhero in people's minds by injecting serum alone. What's more, not everyone injected with serum can become Captain America. Injecting these serums that have not yet been successfully developed is prone to genetic mutations and becomes eccentric.

John tried to persuade that he did not want the hero in his previous life to do such a stupid thing.

"Mr. Stark, don't forget, you're a genius. R&D and production of this kind of thing, it is difficult for you. You can build yourself a weapon armor and become a superhero who protects the world. "

Weapon armor? You're right, I'm such an idiot. In order to become a superhero, he injected serum into his body!

Stark blamed himself very much, and directly threw the bottle containing the serum in his hand on the table.

"Compare with a mortal body to a god, and you will definitely become a superhero." John said silently.

After all, in movies in previous lives, this man was the superhero in people's hearts.

"Sir, Morgan asked for a meeting, and the man has already arrived outside the door."

Jarvis's sudden notification made Stark nervous.

He quickly put away the serum on the table and cleared the research and development data from the computer.

Seeing that he was so nervous, John asked suspiciously: "Who is this guy outside the door?"

"Morgan is from the Shield Bureau and is here for weapons. This person's mind is not correct, and the serum cannot let him know. I heard that in order to become stronger, this guy specially found Professor Lian Dun Bureau and embedded some lethal weapons on his body. "

Transforming people?" John asked in surprise.

"That's right, you can call it a reformed person."

"In that case, why supply him with weapons, wouldn't it be better to refuse directly."

"Some things are not as simple as you think. Quick, take this bottle of serum and quickly hide it in the cabinet.

Stark shoved the serum into John's hand and quickly pushed him into the cabinet.

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