The battle lasted for hours, and the Hulk became angrier and stronger.

"Sir, there is still ten percent of Mark's armor energy left."

"Instead of being tired, this green monster has become stronger, what the hell is going on. Jarvis, unleash the Warframe reserve energy. "

Sir, once the reserve energy is depleted, the Warframe will lose power."

"It can't be delayed any longer, we must hurry up and solve this green monster."

Stark never expected that this first battle would be so embarrassing.

Starting up reserve energy is a very risky decision. Once the armor loses power in the sky, it will fall high in the air.

"Sir, the reserve energy has been opened, and the Warframe energy has reached one hundred percent."

"Very good, start attacking!"

As soon as the words fell, Stark flew into the air and continuously emitted light waves at Hulk's head.

While the smoke and dust blocked his view, Stark quickly approached, and iron cables flew out of his steel arms, binding the Hulk firmly.

Turning anger into strength, Hulk broke free of the iron cable tied to his body, wrapped it around his fist, jumped up abruptly, and dragged Stark to the ground.

I saw him swing his iron fist and hit Stark's steel head.

"Sir, multiple damage has been detected, please turn on repair mode."

"No need."

Stark refused the armor repair, he didn't want to waste energy, after all, he had to solve the big guy in front of him.

He quickly activated the pusher under his feet, passed under the Hulk's crotch very smoothly, and flew back into the sky.

"Jarvis, how long can you use the freezing ray with the energy you have left now?"

"About ten minutes."

"Okay, just bet on these ten minutes."

Stark quickly descended, sending cryorays at Hulk's legs, rendering him immobile.

"Jarvis, turn on maximum output."

The energy suddenly gushed out, and the power of the freezing ray increased a lot.

Stark flew around the Hulk, and the freezing rays emitted from his arms had frozen half of his body.

The Hulk roared, and the ice under his feet suddenly began to crack.

Stark quickly increased his energy and refroze the cracked place.

At this moment, Hulk threw a punch and hit him in the face, causing his facial armor to shatter instantly.

Seeing that the ice on Hulk's body was slowly breaking, Stark was very shocked.

He didn't expect that this guy was so powerful. Each time the power is improved, as if it is constantly evolving, it is simply terrifying.

"Sir, there is still 40% energy left, please turn on the energy-saving mode."

Jarvis's reminder made Stark ready to give it a go.

He took advantage of the fact that the freezing of the lower half of the Hulk's body had not yet been lifted and flew into the sky.

"Jarvis, concentrate all the energy on the energy body in your chest."

Stark concentrated all the energy in his chest, and a super powerful freezing ray hit Hulk's body.

The freeze ray lasts up to two minutes, and this super attack also depletes the energy of the warframe.

As the Warframe lost power, Stark fell directly from the sky to the ground.

Stark slowly stood up, and suddenly found that it was not the green monster that was frozen, but a naked middle-aged man.

"What's going on, is the Green Monster this guy?"

Looking at the frozen man, Stark was also very puzzled. Since the Warframe has no energy, it cannot unlock the frozen state. He had to pick up a stone from the ground and prepare to chisel it open.

"At the end of the day, you have to thaw it yourself with your hands." Stark complained helplessly.

The ice gouging mission lasted for more than half an hour before the person was rescued.

Seeing that the man was pale and breathing weakly, he quickly pulled the man into the sun.

After two or three minutes in the sun, Banner, who was lying on the ground, finally woke up.

"What's going on, where is this?"

Banner looked around, oblivious to what had just happened.

"Hey man, your life is really hard, you have been frozen for so long, and you haven't died yet. Wake up, can you tell me about the green monster? "

Green monster?" Banner muttered, and his head suddenly ached. Everything that happened just now came to mind.

Seeing him like this, Stark quickly asked, "You shouldn't remember it?"

Banner laughed, "How could you forget, thank you for saving your life, Stark!"

"You know me?"

"Who wouldn't know a super genius, my name is Banner, it's nice to meet you."

"It turned out to be Dr. Banner who developed the gamma bomb, what a blessing."

Stark grabbed his hand, "Can you tell me what's going on with that green monster?"

"It was an accident at the Essel Experimental Building, his name was Hulk, and he had consciousness of his own. Whenever I feel angry, my consciousness gradually blurs, and then I wake up like this.

Banner pointed to his naked body and said helplessly.

"So, the more angry that Green Monster Hulk is, the more powerful he is. No wonder I fought him stronger and stronger just now, it turned out to be like this.

Stark breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this. Fortunately, all the energy of the Warframe was gathered in the chest just now, freezing the Hulk. Otherwise, I am afraid that it will be him who is lying on the ground now.

"Stark, can something like mine be reverted?"

Banner looked at Stark expectantly, seemingly waiting for good news.

"The radiation from gamma radiation changes the genes in your body, which creates abnormalities. With current science and technology, medical technology, it is not possible to treat this abnormal condition. But you don't have to worry about having a big guy to protect you in this chaotic world. But you have to learn to control your emotions, like today's situation, you can't come often, it's really unbearable.

Banner smiled: "Don't worry, since the Hulk is in my body, there must be a way to communicate and coexist, and there will be no more wanton destruction."

"Did you see any strange people in the Essel Experimental Building?"

Stark remembered what John had said, and simply asked.

Banner did not hide the matter. Everything he knew, he told Stark. Even the theft of his own experimental results was said.

"Banner, do you want to join us in the Justice League. It's a shame that your abilities aren't being reused. The experimental equipment in the Stark Building is no worse than that of Kardin. Stark asked excitedly, desperate to bring this genius into the team.

"I only have one question, is there a salary to go to work there?"

This question made Stark laugh.

"Dr. Banner is real! Rest assured, you get paid. There will be more than at Kartin!

After hearing the answer, Banner chose to join.

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