John slowly approached and found the fragments floating up and down in the glass cover, as if with a strong magnetic force.

"What's going on." John asked.

Regarding the origin of the core fragments, the system previously gave the answer. But what power this thing contains, it is impossible to detect.

"The core fragment is made of a special metal material, which is probably from outer space. Preliminary judgment is that this material is harder than vibranium. Judging by the current weapons on Earth, it is simply impossible to destroy them. But you're good enough to leave a mark on the pieces with just one rifle.

John was so nervous that his palms sweated, deliberately avoiding Stark's gaze.

"Child, can you tell me your true identity?"

Stark grabbed John's shoulder and asked softly. He wanted to know the answer, wanted to know who the little one really was.

"Like you, I'm just an ordinary person. I'm just more powerful and faster, not a modified person like Morgan.

John replied vaguely.

"Since you don't want to say it, then I'm not reluctant. But you know, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Sometimes, some things are not as simple as you think. No shot, does not mean safety!

"What does that mean?"

"You'll understand later. Let's talk about the debris, I detected a powerful force above, this force is like a magnetic force, can control the host body, thereby modifying the cell genes in the body to mutate.

Stark said, and entered the program into the computer. I saw that one side of the glass cover slowly opened, and a white mouse was sent inside.

The white mouse had just approached the debris when it suddenly lay on the ground and convulsed. John thought the subject died, but not long after, the size of the rat changed. In a matter of seconds, it grew to the size of a human.

Not only that, the growing white rat is extremely irritable, and its paws keep beating the glass cover.

Seeing this, John quickly took a few steps back.

"Don't worry, this glass cover is stronger than you think."

Stark pressed the red switch next to the computer, and a fire instantly ignited in the glass cover. The mutant rats inside were burned clean by the fire.

"No wonder the severed mechanical limb on Morgan's body can be restored again, it turns out to be the core power. With a core, and also injecting serum, what a greedy guy. John teased.

"Morgan is a reformer who gives him strength so that his body is free to undergo deep transformation. The injection of serum is to strengthen the flesh, so that the body can be controlled under normal conditions, and the two do not conflict. The most important question now is to figure out who owns the remaining core fragments? What are they trying to do with this force?

"The remaining core fragments? Why, could it be that there is still this thing on Earth?

Stark's words made John feel very troubled. He did not expect that there was such a dangerous thing on the earth. If this falls into the wrong hands, it will not be troublesome. At that time, even the military dispatch will not be their opponent!

Stark pointed to the fragment and continued: "I'm just guessing, the reason is the magnetic force of the fragment. At the time of previous testing, no magnetite was found inside. But if you look at it now, there seems to be a force in the outside world that is absorbing these fragments. Might as well venture to guess that perhaps the core fragments on Morgan's body are only a small part of the whole!

"Are you saying that this core was originally a whole, but it was artificially divided into multiple parts and then embedded in the body to obtain power?"

"It's just speculation, what the real situation is, I don't know."

Stark didn't dare to pat his chest to promise this, but he always felt that things were not as simple as he thought.

Perhaps behind this matter, there is also a dangerous organization.

"By the way, I suddenly remembered something. Morgan was not only a military colonel, but also a man from the Shield Bureau. The person who transformed him into that appearance was Professor Cardin of the Shield Bureau. Stark took off his glasses and said with a serious face.

John had also heard about this Shield Bureau, where many powerful people gathered. Cardin even built the experimental building under the banner of the Lian Shield Bureau.

They do things for the government on the surface, but behind the scenes they have their own actions.

The core thing may have something to do with them.

"Mr. Stark, can't you even enter the Shield Bureau with your identity?" John asked.

"People who are not in the Shield Bureau, even the president, need to be notified in advance. In short, I will find a way to investigate this matter. It would be nice to get some news. On weekdays, you should pay attention to your own safety in case they come to your door. After all, Morgan is defeated at your hands, and they will not give up.

"Don't worry, I can protect myself. By the way, Mr. Stark, you can use what you've learned to make your own suit of your own, such as steel armor. In this way, you have the ability to protect others and become a superhero in people's hearts.

John reminded of the last incident. Although he did not say all the armor of the Mark series, he at least gave some hints.

"Steel Warframe?"

The corners of Stark's mouth rose slightly, as if he thought of something.

After bidding farewell to Stark, John returned home and sent all the first drafts of Naruto to Japan.

He intends to make anime in a month and then release it worldwide.

After lunch, John went to a library in town. I was going to spend time here, but I suddenly sensed an evil force.

The mutated cells in the body stimulate John's sensing ability. The abnormal forces within a hundred meters nearby would attract his attention.

John gave up entering the library and chose to take a detour. He had a hunch that this evil force was most likely coming from him.

Sure enough, after going around the town for more than half an hour, the evil force behind him was still there.

In desperation, John had to walk to the garbage disposal station. After all, there are too many people coming and going in the town, and if you fight with them, it is easy to hurt the innocent.

Once at the place, John stopped, turned around and yelled: "Come out, hide and seek, it's not fun." Only

listening to a sneer in his ear, a long-haired man suddenly appeared beside him.

John quickly punched away, but he didn't expect to hit the air. The man who disappeared out of thin air made him feel incredible.

"What does it feel like to hit an empty fist full of confidence." The man laughed and mocked, but did not reveal his true body.

"Hmph, I'm afraid you're all over your body, only that mouth is hard! If you dare not show up, hide honestly in your turtle shell and don't come out.

After John taunted, he turned away directly, not stopping here.

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