Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 96: Timeline deviates completely

Rocky is aggressive,

躺 He was lying on his back, his mouth widened, and he didn't dare to move. Steve's image grew instantly in his eyes.

He couldn't help looking at Sol, who couldn't see far away.

The moment Steve moved the hammer, Sol sensed it.

扭 He turned his head back, staring at Steve in confusion and panic, and suddenly felt that his lips were a little cracked, and he couldn't help swallowing.

Rocky smiled indifferently, he suddenly felt that everything he suffered was worth it.

"Come on!"

Rocky could not help shouting expectantly.

Steve uses his whole body strength, but always feels a little worse.

有 This hammer is weird!

Steve shook his head and gave up doing nothing.

Rocky was anxious,

"Try again, you can do it!"

Seeing Steve unmoved, I added, "As long as you pick up the hammer, I immediately give up all actions!"

"Do you mean it?" Steve frowned.

"This bastard!" Sol felt a little stuffy in his chest.

只要 "As long as you can pick up the hammer."

Rocky said seriously, word by word.

"I'll try again then." Steve nodded.

Sol's heart raised again.

Steve held Hammer Bing and exhausted his whole body to lift up.


His muscles bulged and he yelled at his teeth.

"It's almost a bit harder!"

Rocky also blushed and shouted thickly.

However, the hammer was not lifted in the end.

Steve shook his head,

Rocky was a little disappointed,

Sol came over in three or two steps, took the hammer in a panic, and then touched the back of his head, "What are you playing ... hahaha ... Well, my brother is a bit naughty, don't take it to heart, hahaha ..."

Rocky chuckled, just ready to speak,


Sol stunned him with a hammer,

"Hahaha ... he's really naughty ... let's get out of here first, hahaha ..."

Steve glanced at Sol suspiciously and shook his head without talking.

上 Some messy square, Coulson drove down in a Kun-style fighter ...

Uh ...

In the original timeline, what happened in Stuttgart was just a normal superhero who broke the bad guys and did not attract much attention.

However, with the unusual behavior of Iron Man Tony Stark with huge popularity, coupled with the video streaming online, this matter spread to the world immediately.

The next day, all the media fry pans, and various comments filled it, and unknown people also talked about it.

Iron Man fans couldn't accept it, and constantly defended their idols. Some people said that Iron Man was receiving a secret mission, and some people said it was a huge conspiracy.

Those who have long been accustomed to superheroes, continue to express their opinions on the Internet, television, and print media as if they were fighting chicken.

Pepper, Pepper, who had been received in a safe place, had no regard for those, and she only hoped that Tony would return safely.

当然 Governments of other countries will of course have their own channels.

Aliens want to attack the earth?

Or is it led by the legendary god?

Look at the good things your Americans are doing. Is n’t even the earth enough for you to toss?

In this crisis of possible extinction, all countries immediately launched their deepest hidden spies.

The members of the World Security Council are from the permanent members of the United Nations, which means that there are many loopholes, and most countries soon know that aliens will attack the earth through time and space.

I don't know the specific location, but it must be in the United States!

Almost all countries hold the idea that the front should be controlled as far as possible within the United States.

This day, the world is inexplicably peaceful.

Many countries began to frequently mobilize their troops, the Air Force was on standby, and all ICBMs were aimed at the United States.

In addition, leaders of nuclear countries also issued orders: all nuclear bombs re-edited data, targeting the United States.

The pressure is no longer sufficient to describe the mentality of the US government at this time.

The collapsed ones want to pee well!

"We must have a solution!" The new black American president slaps at the table during an emergency meeting at the White House.

"But we know nothing about our opponents." The Secretary of State shook his head.

"Is it possible to keep the battlefield away from the United States, North Korea is a good place." The president looked at the cabinet members with some anticipation.

The cabinet members looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders to indicate that it was impossible.

"What's happening over SHIELD?" The President frowned.

"They haven't interrogated useful information," a silver-haired general replied.

"Prisoners must be in our hands."

"Nick Fury is very tough and the World Security Council cannot agree."

"In any case, we must be fully prepared." The President frowned, and said firmly: "In this case, I plan to make special executive orders to activate the Federal Disaster Relief Agency."

Some members of the Cabinet are glad that if special administrative orders are passed, they will have unparalleled rights, at least until the end of the war with aliens.

"What about the leaders of this department, do you have any suggestions?" The president asked.

"In this case, I think we should choose some tough people." The Minister of Defense nodded,

"I recommend General Ross and General Tarbert."

Uh ...

The tide organization is a very loose hacker alliance, organized by some hacker masters. The original goal of the alliance was to restore the truth to the public, but as some members kept buying and selling confidential information because of lack of money, the organization gradually became tasteless.

地下 A basement in Brooklyn, New York, cluttered with laptops and servers, a box of pizza and a few bottles of beer left casually piled aside.

A man with disheveled hair cheered suddenly, "We've done it! Skye, you are the best!"

凯 Skye, a mixed-race beauty with obvious Chinese ancestry, did not respond to the man. She stared intently at the confidential documents in front of her, her eyes filled with incredibleness.

"How can this be?" After reading the file, she was a little dazed, and murmured.

She broke through the SHIELD database today and found some clues. Then she traced down and discovered the changes in various countries around the world. She was completely shocked after intercepting a confidential document.

Aliens are going to attack the earth?

She suddenly felt that the world was a little unreal.

"We're going to be famous!" The man beside him couldn't help shouting.

不 "No, I don't feel right, I can't make it public for the time being." Skye was a little flustered. "I need to ask someone's opinion."

嗯 "Hmm ... okay, listen to you." The man's eyes flickered a little, but Sky's messy heart didn't notice.

She took a laptop and went out to the Queens directly.

David Lieberman kissed two children and took them to the car, then watched his wife drive away.

After experiencing that incident, he quit all jobs and devoted himself to being a family cook. He felt that this was life.

However, when he turned and was about to go home, he found Skye who was not far away.

David's face changed drastically, and he quickly walked up and asked in a low voice, "What are you doing? Didn't I say that I don't want to contact me in the future?"

He had been with him for a while, and they were good friends, but now he was family-centric and didn't want to provoke wrongdoing.

"I need your opinion, you must look at this thing." Skye said as he took out the computer.

"Take it, take it, I don't watch, even if the world is destroyed, it's not my business!" David Lieberman growled.

"But the world may really be destroyed!" Skye said anxiously.

"You lie." David Lieberman swallowed.

"look by youself!"

David quickly read all the information, his eyes were a little sullen, "hatfk!"

"What should we do, do we need to announce it?" Skye asked, staring at him.

"I don't know." David's face was a little pale. "If it is not announced, a large number of people may not know what is going on until death. If it is announced, it will cause confusion and more people may die."

"I really don't know!" David grabbed his hair hard. "You take care of it yourself, I'm going to take my family out of the US as soon as possible."

After speaking, David ignored Skye and ran home when he called.

She sighed, and after taking a taxi for a while, returned home, she decided not to make it public.

However, when she returned home, she found that her boyfriend had taken all the information and wondered where she had gone ...

A confidential document was sold to the world's major media. At first, some people were afraid to report it. But after the Sun first reported it crazy, the major media followed closely.

"The end of the world! "New York Times

"This is the judgment from God! `` Christ Pravda

"Aliens will attack the earth! 》 AFP

Uh ...

Countless people just thought it was a April Fool's joke, but after more and more evidence and media reports, they finally believed in this terrible fact.

A large number of people from Europe and the United States rushed to the streets to protest and demand the government to disclose the truth.

Emotionally clashes with the riot police, the police fired tear gas, and the public lit the police car ...

Many chaotic gangsters smashed and robbed and raped women. A large group of desperate and crazy people followed.

new York,




Uh ...

混乱 The world's major cities are in chaos.

The Earth was in a state of collapse before the Zittaris had called.

Uh ...

Aegis Trident Building

秘密 Secret meeting of Hydra, several ambiguous holograms sitting at the table.

"The situation in the world is not so good. Should we continue to hide or seize power?"

"I think we should start an insight program."

"That thing is not mature yet."

"I think we should welcome our God back first, this is the best

time. "

"Ha ha"

"What the **** are you laughing at?"

"Whatever you want, I am interested in alien genes ~ ~ may help my research."

"That's it, let's not move yet!"

Africa Wakanda

The young prince Techara looked at his father Techarka: "Father, the world is at stake, and I think we should make a contribution."

Elderly King: "Child, before that time, the greedy gaze that will ruin Wakanda."

Techara was anxious: "But ..."

Elderly King: "No, boy, if one day, Wakanda will do everything, but it is not time yet."

"If there is such a day," the old king sighed, "the glory will be greater than everything."

The young prince nodded firmly,

Step back, cross your chest with your hands,

"Long live Wakanda!"

Karma Taj

The chubby Wang looked anxiously at Master Gu Yi, "Master, are we going to shoot?"

Master Gu Gu looked at the eye of the artifact Agomo in his hand and said with a smile,

"You know, Wang, space-time and time are an interesting thing, with countless possibilities, and countless worlds. We are just one of them."

"I won't shoot because the world is more interesting ..."

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