Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 36: Chaos City (7)

The New York Gazette was founded by William Bradford in 1725 and was the first newspaper in New York.

At the beginning of the publication, 以 mainly supported government policies, and was called "a boring material and boring eulogy" by people at the time.

In the 18th century, after joining the Zenger case, he joined the struggle for freedom of the press, and has since been known for his independent attitude and sharp speech.

I later saw the New York Communique in many major historical events in the United States. Nixon's visit to China, the Watergate incident, and the assassination of Kennedy ...

What is most famous is that their reporters followed Captain America many times to go to the front line and sent back a lot of detailed reports. That was the golden age of the New York Bulletin.

However, with the advent of the new century, the Internet TV media is highly developed, and all paper media, including the New York Bulletin, have shown a decline.

However, the importance of news value will not be ignored because of its different carriers!

一 大 Early in the morning, when people got the first New York bulletin, they were stunned by the headlines. The heavy news then detonated the entire New York at the speed of an atomic bomb.

"The black hand behind the New York mess!"

"Fisk's evil empire!"

"Awesome dark web!"

At first, there were still people who doubted the authenticity of the report, but with the sudden force of the mayor's line, countless solid evidence, audio and video were released one by one.

Citizens of New York are completely outraged. Countless people took to the streets to launch protests. What are they protesting?

Government's inaction?

Corruption of Mr. Kwong?

的 The incompetence of the New York City Police Department?

No matter what, anyway, something needs to be protested, someone needs to be responsible for these things.

Members of the mayor's bureaucracy of the Mayor's Department swept the previous slump and spoke in the media. Or righteous words, or cynicism, are old fritters, no one will miss this opportunity.

The FBI, the Prosecutor's Office, and the New York City Police Department have launched investigations into Fisker's group.

In fact, although Fisk's criminal network is hidden, it is aimed at ordinary people. Many in the upper ranks are more or less aware, but there is no need to provoke right and wrong without touching their interests.

Uh ...

The sky darkened.

上 The tall office building next to Central Park in New York.

Fisk stood in front of the tall floor-to-ceiling window, looking down at the still-heavy crowd of protesters in the street, with a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth.

詹姆斯 His James is still Wen Binbin with a calm look. "Boss, FBI and police are coming to this side, we should go."

"How's Vanessa?"

"Already arrived safely in Cuba."

"James, you're right!" Fisk stroked his cufflinks and said, "Standing in the dark will endure attacks from the dark. The most important thing is that you have to play according to their rules of the game. It's ... ridiculous! Find out who is targeting us? "

"It's the Night Devils and a nicknamed Master." James said seriously.

"What about that reporter?"

"Someone was protected, and the people we sent were caught."

"Never mind, don't worry, some time is to play slowly." Fisk's eyes fluttered, and his huge body turned, "Let's leave here."

In the corridor not far away, Matt, wearing a night coat, turned over a guard and stared at him, and said to Li Mo, who was yawning next to him, "Li, you are right, Fisk wants to escape."

Li Mo has been staying in Harlem for the past two days. He followed a group of black buddies to sleep during the day and night, and he was in a state of hangover. He said weakly, "Is it unknown? Fatty is not a fool. Saying Can't you change into a decent uniform, this body is really low, like a little thief or a underwear lover? "

Matt shook his head helplessly and continued: "The police have arrived, and we have also guarded the exit. Don't think about it ... bad, I heard the sound of helicopter paddles, they are going to flee by helicopter!"

After saying that, Matt rushed out, and Li Mo shook his head and followed.

The wind on the top of the tower was particularly strong, and the lights on the apron illuminated the entire roof. When Matt ran out of the top-floor exit, Fisk had boarded the helicopter, and saw Matt running out with a meaningful smile.

Matt was anxious, and while chasing forward, he turned in the air and threw out the short stick in his hand. The short stick broke the glass next to the pilot with strong inertia. The pilot was startled, and then he started the helicopter to take off.

Wen Wenbin's prudent James picked up an automatic rifle and fired continuously at Matt. Matt rolled quickly to avoid it, and a series of bullets struck the light on the top floor of the building, splashing stone debris.

Li Mo, who was a step behind, just saw the situation in front of him, shrugged his shoulders, opened a huge chrysanthemum shield and stepped forward to protect Matt, and then stretched out a ten-meter-long tentacle, no, vine! A helicopter dropped off the ground.

The helicopter dropped to the top of the building obliquely, and the rotating propellers scraped on the ground. With the harsh sound, the sparks were drawn, and then twisted and stopped.

James and the pilot were already bloodied, and Fisk slowly crawled out of the helicopter.

莫 Li Mo was stopped just before approaching, "He is just an ordinary person, I'm coming!"

莫 Li Mo blinked, "Well, you come."

Matt came to Fisk, who had just climbed out of the helicopter, and just pushed on his shoulders, he was pushed away with a great force.

Fisk stood up like a giant bear, staring at Matt with fierce eyes, screaming with open arms and sulking.

Unexpectedly, Matt was slammed to the ground, making a loud noise.

Li Mo wrinkled his face and took a cool breath. "It's ruthless, but this trick is so familiar, it seems that fat people on arcades are often used." Seeing Matt take another old punch, he asked loudly: "Would you like it?" Help, man? "

Matt tried to break free of Fiske's shackles, pulled away and gasped, "No, I can do it."

"Okay, whatever you want." Li Mo shrugged his shoulders, took out a cigarette and took a long sip, looking at the excitement.

These two basically belong to the same level of players, one is dexterous and the other is strong. Playing that one is flesh and blood, comparable.

The two of them fought for hundreds of rounds, and saw Matt Leopard's eyes glaring and angrily screaming, "Wow, yeah, kill me, Phoebe, look at the stick!"

Instantly, Matt used a stick stick to draw a cloud-shaped iron stick backhand, and it was a stick according to Fisk's Fengmen Point!


Ying Ying-Xiong-Closing.

Breathing, Panting gasped, Li Mo looked at Li Mo in a strange shape, and asked weakly, "Li, what are you doing?"

Li Mo put away the look, "It's okay, I'm idle and boring in memory of an old gentleman with a single name."

"You still miss him at this time, you must be a very amazing person."

"Well, it's amazing, I know all the wonderful worlds from his mouth."

"Be sure to introduce it to me after that."

"Unfortunately, you can't see him!" Li Mo took a deep breath and looked at the dark sky in confusion.

Can not go back…

Uh ...

With the arrest of Fisker and Chery, the haze over New York also seemed to be swept away.

Although Matt is still hiding, citizens have learned about this superhero who is active at night in New York after Ben Uric's report.

The media nicknamed him: Daredevil.

As Matt changed brand-new equipment, the demon-like helmet gradually took on the nickname.

Uh ...

Manhattan West 32nd Street.

Li's handicraft shop.

Little Lucas stretched his waist, "This **** thing has finally passed, it seems that there are more people on the street."

George also nodded and said, "Yeah, people always become stronger after a disaster. Just like the captain ..."

Li Mo drank his mouth tea and said, "I'm very impressed by the nerves of the people in New York. It will become more and more powerful in the future."

"Right, little Lucas." Li Mo suddenly thought of something, "I have a bad feeling, it will be more and more dangerous to stay with me in the future, or you just go to school far away."

"No! Boss, this is my home, I'm not going anywhere." Little Lucas shook his head firmly.

"What if someone threatens you with me in the future? What if you get killed if my brain is not threatened?" Li Mo asked jokingly.

Little Lucas' expression was serious, "I have followed George to learn some self-defense skills, and I have also registered a new Chinese martial arts hall on the street next door."

"China's martial arts hall ..." Li Mo touched his chin with a touch of heart, "or else I'll learn both hands? Anyway, I'm idle."

On the afternoon of the same day, Li Mo followed the young Lucas to the so-called Chinese Martial Art Museum.

When I saw tatami, samurai clothes, wooden swords ... Li Mo immediately stunned, "Little Lucas, you still learn Chinese culture with me ~ ~ This is the Japanese Budokan!"

"Even Mr. Bruce Lee said that he can't be ruled. No matter what kind of fighting technique is useful?" A woman came over speaking pure Mandarin. "Hello, I'm the coach of this Taoist school. Lynn. "

Li Mo looked at the woman in front of her, this eyebrow, this eye, "Are you Chinese?"

Colleen Wen shrugged. "My father is Chinese and my mother is Japanese. This gentleman, you can't learn even if you want to learn, you have passed the best age for studying."

"You mean that I am old?" Li Mo came to his temper, and touched the protruding belly, "I have to see how difficult it is for you this thing?"

"Forget it, you will be hurt."

"Ji Jiang is very useful to me, I must learn to learn."

"Okay." Colleen Win was helpless, this uncle was really difficult to talk, "Let's warm up first, follow me, 1, 2, 1, 2 ..."

Li Mo: "1234, 2234 ... what's the hard part, primary school students are more complicated than this."

Colleen Wen: "After warming up, now I start to stretch my muscles."

Li Mo: "What's so difficult, isn't it just splitting the fork?"

Colleen Wen: "You have no effect, you have to push it down. Come on, everyone can!"

Li Mo: "It's the end, what are you doing?"

Colleen Win: "Hey! I press!"

Li Mo: "Ah ~~~ 嚎 嚎 ... Little Lucas, call and roar!"

卢 Little Lucas: "Boss, how many people?"

Li Mo: "What do you want? Find a doctor and ask Claire to come over quickly. Alas, what are you doing? Your brain is pumping me."

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