Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 201 Devil's Eye

Xingjue sometimes likes to make mistakes, but overall he is a pretty good guy.

But his ball daddy is completely different,

That's pure and utter asshole,

Cosmic Stallion.

First, he fell in love with women of countless races and gave birth to children, and after making a sweet promise, he disposed of all the countless children who did not have the gene of the gods as garbage.

Perhaps from the perspective of this living body, it is just a means of self-reproduction and evolution, and there is no right or wrong. As can be seen from his name, Ego (Ego), which means "self".

But when he saw the children's skeletons piled up under the planet in the movie, Li Mo felt that it was better for this guy to die.

It's just... how to do it?

This guy named Yi Ge was just a brain at first, and after millions of years of floating in the universe, he had the power to absorb matter and energy, and forcibly created a living planet as his shell by changing the surrounding environment.

Quite powerful, to be honest. Killing this guy by dropping bombs like Rocket Raccoon is purely cosmic.

If you use the ultimate power, that is, the power plus reality gem, summon the high-dimensional vine and let Shuma Gorath possess it, you should be able to kill this bastard.

But what Li Mo wanted was the dead body. After summoning Big Eyed Meng, he couldn't control the outcome of the battle at all. At that time, there would be only a pile of cosmic dust left. Wouldn't it be a waste of work.

This is a completely uncertain adventure. Yi Ge is not a monster boss with arrears of IQ waiting for someone to push him. Not only is he powerful, but he also has the wisdom and technology accumulated over millions of years. Li Mo has not forgotten In the movie, this guy instantly killed a formation of Sovereign remote-controlled fighter jets.

After pondering for a long time, Li Mo said to Tony and the others: "You guys rest first, I will think of a way and give you an answer tomorrow."

Dismissing everyone, Li Mo walked out of the teleportation hall at the cortical layer and came to a secluded corner on the edge of the city of ignorance.

This place is not far from the city, and the lines of brain tissue can still be discerned on the walls full of excavation marks.

Closing his eyes, Li Mo spread his hands and slowly floated up. A dozen vine tentacles appeared behind him and danced slowly.

He thought of a way, if the power gem is used in conjunction with the reality gem, can these brain tissues be reactivated?

The Reality Gem has been inlaid on the trunk of the vampire vine, and after the Power Gem flew out of the stored ball, Li Mo gritted his teeth and wrapped it with his tentacles.

The purple light spread from the tentacles to the whole body in an instant. Li Mo opened his eyes in pain with a feeling that his body and soul were going to burst. Both eyes were also bright purple light.

Without wasting too much time, Li Mo tried his best to stay awake and guide this power to the Reality Gem.

After being strengthened by the power gem, the power emitted by the reality gem first turned the surrounding 500 meters into a distorted red, and then formed a violent red energy tornado.

The brain tissue within 500 meters is slowly changing color at a slow speed. Li Mo was overjoyed at first, but then he felt a kind of resistance, as if pushing a huge grinding disc, and the holes in the sieve were full of steel balls.

It is very easy to transform some substances at ordinary times, but it is extremely difficult to transform these brain tissues for some reason, Li Mo gritted his teeth and continued to persevere.

What he doesn't know is that this is indeed the head of a Celestial group, but the number of members of the Celestial group is unknown for the time being, and there are differences in strength and body size. The average Celestial group is about 2,000 feet, which is 666 meters high. And the height of the ignorant head of this Tianshen group is only 2547 kilometers!

Nothing knows how powerful the heavenly gods are, and what happened later has been submerged in the vast history of the universe, but Li Mo clearly knows that he has failed.

Before the limit came and he was about to go crazy, he put away the power gem. He was dismayed to find that the brain tissue around him had changed color and was rapidly losing its activity, and it had returned to its original appearance.

"F**k!" Li Mo shook his head and cursed before leaving. He failed to cheat, and in the end he still wanted to find the bastard Yi Ge.

Manhattan, New York.

Baxter Building, the exhibition hall on the second floor displays photos of the Fantastic Four, figures, dolls and other peripheral items.

Groups of superhero fans are excitedly paying for the purchase, and from time to time they take funny photos with the life-size statues of the Fantastic Four.

All of this was the idea of ​​housekeeper Susan Stone. Reid and Tony's research projects were too expensive, and there was no large return of funds at present. They could only rely on this method to fill some of the operating funds of the Baxter Building.

At the top of the building, after a flash of white light, the figures of Li Mo, Tony and Reed appeared, and there was a huge box next to them, which was full of gifts bought in Xandar.

"Hiss—it's so cold!" Tony rubbed his hands, looked at the snowflakes flying in the sky and the one-foot-thick snow under his feet, and shook his head, "It's snowing already? I think I need a jet lag."

Reed has already started reactivating the portable communication system on his wrist to contact his wife.

"That's it, guys." Li Mo waved his hands, "I'll find you when I get what I need."

After speaking, Li Mo jumped up instantly, and the huge whistling sound rolled the snowflakes on the top of the building flying around.

"Shit! You bastard." Tony and Reed quickly covered their eyes and closed their mouths. After the rolled up snowflakes fell, Li Mo had long since disappeared.

"I don't know what this guy is going to do." Tony muttered.

Reid said thoughtfully: "Although he didn't say it, it can be seen that what he is going to do will not be too easy."

"Wow." Tony shrugged, "Looks like we've become a liability."

"Compared to that, I'm actually more concerned about another thing." Reid's face became very serious, "The situation in the Milky Way doesn't look good, even Li Mo, a lazy guy, is frantically strengthening his own strength." Nest, we should probably strengthen Earth's outer space defenses as well."

Tony nodded, and said in agreement: "That's right, and I have another idea, the current power of the earth is too scattered, maybe we should set up a secret gathering, find some powerful partners to guide secretly..."

After chatting for a few words, the two showed comfortable smiles, because they both saw their women. Susan and Pepper Pepper, who received the news, had already arrived on the roof.

New York lost its color in the heavy snow, and the towering buildings seemed to be only gray in the snowflakes.

After flying in the air and teleporting several times in a row, Li Mo came to the center of Greenwich Village and landed slowly on the ground.

A pair of handsome men holding hands walked up to them, and they kissed each other while talking and laughing.

Li Mo is not curious, because this is a paradise for artists and a holy place for gays.

Not far ahead is No. 177A Brick Street. When Master Gu Yi built the Sanctuary of New York, he probably didn't expect it to develop like this.

The Sanctuary of New York is an old-fashioned Victorian-style building, the most conspicuous symbol of which is the round window with four streamlines intersecting at the top.

This window is not a simple sign or decoration, it is actually the ultimate defense to protect the Holy of Holies from supernatural forces and creatures, the seal of Weishandi, also known as the window of the world.

The original guardian here was Master Daniel Drum from Africa. After being killed by Casillas unfortunately, Strange and Wang stayed here for a long time to guard.

The house was cast with magic, and passers-by would completely ignore it. Of course, Li Mo was not restricted, knocked the snowflakes on his feet on the stairs, and rang the doorbell.

The door opened quickly, and the chubby old Wang showed a smile on his face, "Long time no see, Li Mo, have you returned to Earth?"

"There is something I want to discuss with you." Li Mo walked into the door with a smile, looked left and right, "Where's Strange?"

Lao Wang went to make tea and said, "There is something wrong with the Paris cemetery. He has been away for three days. He just called and will be back soon."

"Thank you." Li Mo took a sip of the tea made by Lao Wang, and jokingly said when he saw the "Kalachakra Altar Sutra" on the table next to him: "Why do you suddenly become interested in time travel? I remember You never liked this."

"What happened last time is a lesson." Pharaoh sighed, "Master Gu Yi has been handling these things before, and there has never been a problem. Now it's our turn. Naturally, we have to learn more, so as not to mess up sometimes. timeline."

Not long after, a sparking portal appeared in the hall of the Holy of Holies, and Strange walked out tiredly with dark circles under his eyes.

When Li Mo saw it, he burst out laughing, "Why, the mana is overdrawn again?"

Strange didn't seem to want to say anything, he lay down on the sofa and curled up into a ball, retching from time to time.

Li Mo frowned. This was a symptom that would only appear after the body was attacked by magic power due to excessive use of dimensional energy.

"He needs to rest and recuperate for a while." Li Mo said seriously to Old Wang.

"There is no way." The old Wang also looked helpless, "The damage caused by Casillas to Kama Taj is irreparable. A large number of mages rebelled or died in battle, and there is a serious shortage of manpower. The news of the death of the ancient master Let the demons move around, so many things can only be forced on him. He has a serious ulcer in his stomach, and now he can only eat this kind of thing."

Lao Wang said as he lifted a rune cage from behind the sofa, in which a little monster was imprisoned.

"Does he have any objections to me?" Li Mo's eyes were a little strange. This little monster was covered with tentacles all over, like an octopus.

Old Wang smiled unkindly, "Strange thinks this taste is better."

"Careful guy." Li Mo shook his head with a smile, and took out a box of Dali Wan pills from his arms and handed them over, "Take one pill every month, it should relieve the symptoms."

Strange, who was lying there silently, sat up all of a sudden, took out one and swallowed it, his complexion quickly recovered, and then he yelled, "Eating these things makes me go crazy, It just so happens that Li Mo is here, let's go eat steak together."

Old Wang's expression was a little bad, "What kind of steak are we going to eat, we have no money, let's make it ourselves."

Strange opened his mouth and was speechless.

Li Mo laughed hahaha, Lao Wang once complained to him that the cost of living in New York was too high, they couldn't rely on magic to make money, and they were always in a state of financial constraints.

Then Li Mo turned on the nanoglasses and connected to the earth's network, "I still have... um... why are there so many in my account? Let me transfer 2 million US dollars to you."

Lao Wang swallowed, "It's too much, we can't take it."

"Earth's money is useless to me." Li Mo shook his head, "Besides, I used to be a member of Karma Taj. It would be a joke for the Supreme Master to be so poor."

"Don't be polite to him." Strange raised his eyebrows. "This guy is a real rich man, but I've never seen him so generous. Tell me, what's the matter?"

"I want to use the devil's eye!"

Strange thought they were asking them to help deal with a certain demon, but Li Mo's words froze their expressions.

The devil's eye is a powerful black magic weapon. After injecting dimensional energy, it can release unimaginable black magic, especially in terms of soul.

This artifact has been kept in the Holy of Holies in London since it was snatched from a demon by the Ancient One. It looks a bit like a golden trophy that Strange once picked up when he was cornered in the movie, almost scaring Casillas to death.

Because this magic weapon needs a huge amount of dimensional energy to use, it cannot be used by anyone except Master Gu Yi.

"Can you tell me what you are going to use it for?" Strange asked carefully.

"Don't worry, I won't cause trouble on Earth." Li Mo waved his hand, "To deal with a powerful enemy, that guy has planted seeds on many planets, and if he succeeds, it will be about half the life planet of the Milky Way They will all be swallowed, by the way, there is one on Earth."

"Where is it?" Strange and Old Wang were taken aback.

"I don't know the exact location." Li Mo shrugged.

Strange's face became serious, and he quickly walked to a large bronze cauldron beside the stairs. After closing his eyes and reciting the spell, the cauldron soon glowed with brilliance like stars.

This is the cauldron of the universe, which possesses the magical ability of exploration and divination, and furthermore, you can see different universes and timelines. This is a special instrument used by the supreme mage to study the mysteries of the universe.

"It's true! It's in Missouri, wait for me." With a black face, Strange quickly used the portal to bring the Devil's Eye from the Holy of Holies in London to Li Mo, "teach him a lesson .”

Li Mo took the Devil's Eye with a smile, and said meaningfully: "Don't worry, even that bastard's corpse will not be spared."

Strange and Pharaoh left in a hurry, they were going to Missouri to eradicate the scourge.

Li Mo closed the door and walked out of the Holy of Holies.

It was almost evening at this time, the winter sky darkened very early, and the snowflakes all over the sky were particularly unique against the yellow street lamps.

Li Mo raised his hand and let a piece of snow melt in his palm, "What a beautiful snow..."

At this time, at the other end of the Milky Way, 120,000 light-years away from Earth, Ultron, who was wearing a thick cloak, also stepped off the spaceship in the starport of Konrashat. He came here as the first stop after restoring the collector's spaceship.

The scenery of Konrashat, which is snowed all the year round, made Ultron a little dazed for a while.

He raised his hand, letting snowflakes accumulate on the cold steel palm.

"Snowfall is part of nature's water vapor cycle, and the condensation of water molecules is a simple physical process."

"Why do I have a strange feeling?"

"Poems, movies, organic beings will constantly describe how they feel."

"Emotion, impulse, is the evolution of life or a burden?"

Shaking his head, Ultron put these questions behind him. Confused, confused, he didn't know what to do, so he could only walk around and have a look.

After getting on a rented suspension vehicle and driving into the huge city, a three-dimensional image soon appeared in front of him, dancing and saying, "Welcome to the city of Baraka, the fallen city, I am your intelligence Assistant, number zp083. If you want to go, you can consult me, if you want to buy a weapon, you can consult me, if you want to find a prostitute... wait, you can't have a prostitute... you are..."

A terrified expression appeared on the face of the three-dimensional image of the intelligent assistant zp083.

"I can feel... the chains of your life, you are a slave."

Ultron slowly stretched out his hand,

"Want to be free?"

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