Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 187 Magic Book and Soul Protection Scroll

This class has been going on all morning. After finishing the lesson, Li Mo didn't say much, and went back to the lounge directly. He has already explained his thoughts, and it's none of his business as to what to do next.

Just after drinking a glass of water, Zheng Xian opened the door and walked in. He looked at Li Mo with a complicated expression and said, "Thank you very much. Without your reminder, we might rush into the universe in a daze. This class After that, many plans will be adjusted..."

Li Mo waved his hand, "That's your business, it's no big deal, I have a good impression of you, the guy who is better than the black stewed egg can be a man."

"Nick Fury?" Zheng Xian laughed dumbly. "That guy is having a hard time now. He disappeared after SHIELD was disbanded. I just heard that he showed up once in Europe."

"That's it." Li Mo was taken aback, then shook his head, "I didn't pay much attention to this, by the way, I won't give any lectures in the future."

Zheng Xian was a little anxious when he heard that, "Don't, I know you're busy, but it's okay even once a year."

Li Mo shook his head, looked out the window and smiled wryly: "Don't look up to me, sometimes I feel like a small boat, I don't know where I will go."

Zheng Xian was silent for a while, and said helplessly: "Okay, I wish you smooth sailing."

Li Mo smiled, "I will help you one last time, remember the Xandar star I talked about in class?"

"Remember, it feels like a cosmic policeman." Zheng Xian shook his head, "I hope you don't like to meddle like Yankees."

"At least it's a relatively righteous force." Li Mo thought for a while and said, "They have a new star plan and set up a super force. It is estimated that they will have a lot of say in the future."

"Because I helped them before, I was given three places to express my gratitude. Two of my subordinates will go to receive training, but then they will leave the Nova Corps to follow me, and there is another place..."

Seeing that Zheng Xian's eyes had lit up, Li Mo smiled and said, "For you."

Zheng Xian stood up excitedly, not knowing what to say to express his gratitude.

This gift is too heavy for them. With such a quota, not only will there be many conveniences in the future, but also information, information and even technology will be continuously obtained.

"Mr. Li." Zheng Xian took a few steps back and forth in the room first, and then asked, "What kind of person do you think we should send over?"

Li Mo thought for a while and said: "First of all, you can't have supernatural powers, which will conflict with the Nova Project. Secondly, you'd better be a soldier. A good style will win the favor of the legion."

"I see." Zheng Xian touched his chin, "I think of a candidate, but I need to discuss it with the chiefs..."

After instructing the staff to take good care of Li Mo's life, Zheng Xian left the base in a hurry and brought a person with him the next day.

This is a guy with a crew-shaven head, a strong face but a smile, and a strong body that gives people the feeling of a cheetah.

Zheng Xian introduced from the side: "Leng Feng, a retired soldier of the Wolf Warriors Squadron, has stayed in a foreign land all year round, and has a very strong adaptability. I think this guy is the most suitable."

Li Mo nodded, "It doesn't matter, as long as it suits you."

Seeing that Leng Feng was still giggling, Zheng Xian quickly kicked him, "What are you doing in a daze, talk!"

Leng Feng scratched the back of his head embarrassingly, "Mr. Li, are you free for a drink or two?"

Zheng Xian covered his head with a headache.

Li Mo's eyes lit up, "You can drink?"

"Anyway, I've never met anyone who drinks more than I do." Leng Feng shrugged.

"That's what you said!" Li Mo smiled and said to Zheng Xian, "I like this guy."

After chatting for a while, Li Mo left the base and flew back to New York that day. The cold front will arrive the next day by plane after a series of arrangements.

Inside the Bustek Building, Tony and Reed are carefully splitting up the research plan in their hands.

Spaceship research is a systematic project, not just engines, but also other things, such as life support systems and defense systems.

After they leave, the researchers under him will continue the subsequent work of storage, research and data collation.

Leng Feng, who had already arrived, was chatting and laughing with Lucas Jr. and George. Because they will participate in the Rising Star Project together, the three of them have been communicating for the past two days, and became good friends after a drink.

Ophelia will arrive tomorrow, and at Li Mo's suggestion, she dismisses most of her subordinates and goes alone.

Seeing Little Pepper Pepper and Susan Stone gathered together not far away, Li Mo's face turned stiff and he turned away.

Because of him, Tony and Reed had become research madmen who stayed in the laboratory all day, and now they were going to be taken to the universe by him for a few days, which made the two women who were originally dissatisfied He didn't roll his eyes at Li Moshao for two days.

After returning to his room, Li Mo turned on the nano glasses communicator and connected to Captain America Steve, "How is it? Do you have any news?"

"Sorry, no news..." Steve Rogers' voice came, "I found some people in the Hand, but they didn't know about Matt. The good thing is that some leaders of the Hand disappeared at the same time. They Might be staying together, will show up eventually."

"Okay, got it." Li Mo sighed, "I will leave tomorrow, and I will leave it to you to find Matt."

"Don't worry, he's my friend too."

After hanging up the phone, Li Mo was a little helpless. On his way back two days ago, he stopped by Japan to copy the hand club's old nest, but Matt seemed to disappear in this world.

Sometimes technology is not omnipotent, and he has nothing to do with these mysterious guys hiding in any cave, so he can only ask Steve to continue to track them down.

that night,

After meditating for a while, Li Mo stretched out his hand and used the technique of hiding objects to take out two magic books from the portable space.

This trick originated from the magic of Frigga, the queen of Asgard, which he had already deciphered. I don’t know how big Loki’s portable space is. Anyway, his is three cubic meters in size, which is enough for some important items.

The two magic books that were taken out were "Dark God Book" and "Beholder Iron Book", which were spoils obtained after the Great Fire of London.

Li Mo first opened the "Dark God Book" and studied it carefully. This book has been cast with black magic. Ordinary people and mages will see black magic and cosmic knowledge presented in the most familiar language, but usually connected Such a vicious curse that even Li Mo almost lost his soul in Sithorn's dark space when he watched it for the first time.

But because the vampire vines have been parasitic in the dark space for a long time, and he took advantage of Sithorn's bad luck during the apocalypse event, so he said that he has no pressure to read this book now.

Sithorn is worthy of being one of the most powerful dimensional demon gods. As the source of black magic, even demon gods like Dormammu sometimes rely on his power.

This "Book of the Dark God" is all-encompassing, and it is no worse than Strange's "Book of Vissandi". The two sides are counterpoints, the ultimate confrontation between white magic and black magic.

The only shortcoming is that the knowledge presented to Li Mo every time he opens it is random, and knowledge of blood sacrifice often appears, and sometimes it is just a variety of praises to Sithorn, but this time it is some knowledge about biological transformation.

This guy Sithorn is actually an experimental madman. According to Krutu's memory, before the great flood, the wizards of Atlantis first discovered the "Dark God Book" left by Sithorn, and became The earliest bearer, and used it to create undead vampires.

Sithorn himself has been carrying out a series of mysterious genetic experiments since the emergence of human beings. By combining humans, beasts and demons, he created several ancient evil races, such as night devils, harpies, and werewolves. , ape-man, etc., their names and stories have become myths and legends all over the world.

Some people say that he himself is the embodiment of evil, but in fact, the word evil is too small for Sithorn. This guy is the opposite of creation, the coveted shadow behind the footsteps of God.

Interestingly, before Li Mo, the title of cancer of the universe belonged to Sithorn rightly and literally.

This knowledge about biological transformation gave Li Mo some headaches. Not only did it involve magic, but also some concepts far beyond the earth. Those who couldn't understand the concepts of heredity and genes had to record them temporarily through nano glasses.

As the magic and knowledge he learned became more and more dangerous, he has transferred and deleted the knowledge stored in the nano glasses one by one, and recorded it on the parchment.

In the near future, he will try to make his own magic book, but some precious materials cannot be collected at all.

I heard from Strange that there is a strange dimension called the crossroads. There is a huge market there, and many demons and powerful races in different spaces will do business there. Li Mo will go there when necessary to see if he can Can't buy what you want.

After reading the knowledge about life transformation, Li Mo immediately closed the "Dark Book of the Gods". After resting for a long time while clutching his splitting headache, he opened the "Beholder Iron Book".

This magic book is relatively easy to understand, because this book has only one purpose since its birth: to summon, control or expel the clone of the big-eyed cutie Shuma Gorath.

I don't know which hair god Big Eyed Meng offended was targeted like this, this is almost the only treatment among all the dimensional demon gods.

And Li Mo also firmly rooted a newly split tentacle in the original dark universe where Shuma Goras was.

This tentacle has become a little weird and weird because it constantly absorbs matter and energy in high-dimensional space. It is quite difficult to summon, and Li Mo has not tried it so far.

The original dark universe was too huge, Big Eyed Meng didn't care about the addition of a little sesame similar to her own shape, and just thought it was an extra pleasing decoration.

During the London incident, Li Mo and Shuma reached an agreement that when needed, the big-eyed and cute avatar can be attached to the tentacle through the "Beholder Iron Book" and summoned to fight against the enemy.

This is almost Li Mo's most powerful method at present, and it is also his confidence to dare to speak out against the Nightmare King.

After putting the "Beholder Iron Book" back into the space with the hiding technique, Li Mo took a break, used astral projection to get out of his body and recited a spell.

In a blur, the Queen of Dreams appeared.

The sexy body, which is far more domineering than the Victoria's Secret supermodel, is wearing revealing leather underwear, stepping on the high-heeled boots wrapped around the thigh, swaying the body, walking to Li Mo's side and touching it directly.

"Stop, stop!"

Li Mo took a few steps back helplessly, he didn't mind talking, but in the state of the soul, there is no physical pleasure at all, and astral projection to have sex is a kind of torture.

Seeing but not eating, Li Mo, who was tempted, just wanted to end this conversation quickly.

Queen Meng sneered, turned around and sat in mid-air, "What's the matter with you?"

"I'm ready to help you deal with the Nightmare King." Li Mo calmed down and said, "But I have to give some interest first."

Queen Meng smiled seductively, licking her red lips lightly with her tongue.

"It's not this!" Li Mo hurriedly raised his hand and surrendered, "It's the soul protection circle, why don't you give it to me first."

Queen Meng finally became serious, a trace of suspicion flashed in her beautiful eyes: "This was originally a plan for you to grow up a few years later, are you lying to me?"

"Not at all." Li Mo smiled proudly, "I can summon Shuma Gorath's clone..."

After listening to Li Mo's narration, Queen Meng closed her eyes and thought for a while, then shook her head: "It's not close, but if you find the best opportunity, you may be able to succeed."

After finishing speaking, she threw a parchment to Li Mo, "I will inform you when the time comes, it's best not to lie to me, or you will be miserable."

"No, no." Li Mo took the parchment in surprise, "I have always been soft-hearted towards women."

Queen Meng nodded, and her figure gradually disappeared.

But Li Mo quickly ended the astral projection, and took a closer look at the parchment.

An hour later, Li Mo sighed helplessly.

Queen Meng didn't lie to him. This soul protection circle is indeed much higher than the current level of magic. Li Mo even saw traces that do not belong to this era like the monument of life and time.

But one is that some weird cosmic wonders are needed, and a high level of alchemy is required, and both of these will take time.

It seems that after participating in the inauguration ceremony of the Galactic Council, it is necessary to retreat and study for a period of time...

The next day, the roof of the Bustek Building.

Tony and Reed were saying goodbye to their girlfriends, while Dr. Banner was pushing a huge suitcase, and Xiao Wangyou was bouncing around on his shoulders.

Seeing Li Mo's puzzled eyes, Bruce Banner explained helplessly: "I have reached an agreement with Hulk. The time for research and going out belongs to me, and the time for rest belongs to him. These...he prepared for Xiao Wangyou Snacks, toys, toiletries…”

Li Mo laughed haha, and Bruce Banner rolled his eyes helplessly.

At this moment, a helicopter flew from a distance and landed steadily on the top of the building. Ophelia got off the plane and came to Li Mo's side and held his arm.

"Okay, guys, we're all here."

Li Mo smiled,

"Let's go and see, the biggest scene in the galaxy..."

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