Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 111 Titan

The deep cosmic space brings out an obvious arc, and the bright starlight keeps rolling down from the top of the head, but when it reaches the bottom, it feels like it is speeding across the ground...

Suddenly, the universe stopped spinning.

The McQueen traveled through the wormhole.

"No matter how many times you watch it, you can feel the magnificence and beauty of the universe." Tony sighed, and Li Mo nodded in agreement.

"McQueen's crew!"

Sitting on the captain's seat, Li Mo took a leisurely puff of his cigarette, and lightly knocked it into the ashtray under Emil's nervous gaze.

"After another wormhole traversal, we traveled more than half of the galaxy, and finally came to the Orion Arm. It is 25,000 light-years away from the center of the galaxy, and it is a complete backcountry, and my hometown, the earth, is located here."

"Wow, back home." Tony shrugged with raised eyebrows.

Scorch shouted: "Boss, let's go, I can't wait to touch the land."

"Okay, let's continue on our way." Li Mo said with a smile.

The co-pilot Emil quickly clicked on the holographic keyboard, "Start the transition scanner."

"Scan successfully..."

The McQueen suddenly entered a space-time hole that suddenly opened, and after two space jumps, it finally came to the outer reaches of the solar system.

"Start the curvature engine, warp level two." Li Mo ordered.

Subsequently, the McQueen headed towards the Kuiper belt at a rapid speed.

(The warp speed level is the gear of the curvature engine. Level 1 is the speed of light, level 2 is 10.0794 times the speed of light, level 3 is 38.9407 times the speed of light...the current limit of the curvature engine is level 9.99.)

The Kuiper Belt is the outermost dense ring of celestial bodies in the solar system, probably near the orbit of Neptune, and contains many tiny stars, which are fragments of the protoplanetary disk surrounding the sun. Because of the unsuccessful combination into planets, smaller celestial bodies were formed, the largest diameter of which was less than 3,000 kilometers.

After crossing the Kuiper belt with dense celestial bodies, the McQueen gradually accelerated and soon came near Saturn.

"Captain Li Mo, the planetary scanner shows that there are traces of civilization creation nearby."

Just as they were about to continue their journey, McQueen's voice suddenly sounded.

"Shit! Why didn't you find out last time?" Li Mo asked in surprise.

"Our speed was too fast last time, and the nerve sensory center connected to the planet scanner has not been strengthened by space energy." McQueen replied.

"It seems that the solar system is also very lively. I didn't expect that there are neighbors so close to us. Let me show you the location." Li Mo shrugged and said.

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge hologram appeared in the air in the center of the cockpit. One of Saturn's satellites is highlighted in red light.

"Titan?" Tony recognized it immediately, frowned and said, "This is the only satellite in the solar system with a thick atmosphere, also known as Titan. Some scholars speculate that there may be intelligent life on it, but they didn't expect it to be true. .”

"Wow, do you want to pay a visit?" Li Mo asked with great interest.

"Of course." Tony shrugged.

"OK, let's go..." Li Mo whistled.

The McQueen turned sharply and headed straight for Titan.

Under the illumination of the star, the surface of Titan 6 presents a strange color of green and yellow. After the McQueen entered the orange atmosphere, huge thunderstorms tens of miles long could be seen everywhere.

The moon's surface is littered with plains, hills and ravines washed out by the liquid. The McQueen stopped near the plain where the buildings of civilization were found.

No one else was interested, only Tony and Li Mo got off the spaceship wearing nano spacesuits.

The surface gravity here is very low, and ordinary people can jump seven or eight meters away with a light jump. The surface temperature of the satellite is also very low, about minus 170 degrees.

The sky was orange and still flashing thunderstorms. The orange-red cloud of smoke drifted rapidly, and in the seemingly never-ending gust of wind, visibility was very poor. Saturn, with its giant rings, hangs above the horizon.

"Damn, is this hell? The creatures living here must have a bad temper." Li Mo complained, feeling a little stuffy and decided to open the helmet of the spacesuit.

"What are you doing?" Tony stopped him quickly.

"It's okay, my body doesn't need a spacesuit at all in this environment." Li Mo replied with a smile.

"I advise you not to." Tony spread his hands and said.

"You're too timid." Li Mo opened his helmet while talking, "shit! What's the smell?"

Li Mo quickly put on his helmet, and after inhaling oxygen for a long time, he recovered, "Why does the air here smell as bad as farts that have been stored for 1,000 years?"

"The air here contains a lot of methane and ethane, the smell must be bad." Tony shrugged.

Afterwards, the two turned around and looked at the plain where there were civilized buildings.

This is a large city with only ruins and ruins left. In the strong wind wrapped in dark yellow dust, tall buildings of various types can only be roughly discerned from the outline of the corroded ones.

"It looks like our neighbor may have died, or simply abandoned this place." Tony shook his head and said.

"Let's go up and have a look." After Li Mo said, he quickly jumped and ran towards the building complex, and Tony quickly followed.

After entering this building complex, you can feel the desolation and silence here more and more. Many buildings are left with broken platforms. Some of the remaining half of the walls were weathered into weird appearances.

"The metal content is extremely high..." Tony looked at the detector and frowned and said, "A large number of metal structures were used to construct these walls. It has been weathered like this..."

"It seems that this is not a low-level indigenous civilization, let's continue to look forward." Tony said thoughtfully.

At this time, the wind seemed to be more violent, and the orange sandstorm made the visibility even lower. Tony was even blown up, Li Mo quickly grabbed him, and said loudly: "This shit is just a ruin, let's leave."

"No, let's take a closer look." Tony shook his head, "It always makes me feel uneasy that there are traces of this kind of civilization in the solar system."

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Li Mo shrugged helplessly, "But it seems that they are all dead, so there shouldn't be any danger."

The wind was blowing more violently. The gravity here was similar to that of the moon, but the atmospheric pressure was 1.5 times that of the earth. In addition, the extreme unevenness of cold and heat made the weather very bad. The two continued to walk in the ruins against the strong wind.

Although the visibility is very low, and the dilapidated buildings have been eroded by the wind, only the outlines remain, but one can still roughly feel the former glory of this civilization.

When he walked to an open space similar to a square, the detector on Tony's arm suddenly beeped.

Tony quickly observed the detector, performed a series of operations and analysis, and said to Li Mo: "There are a lot of metal reactions about 15 meters underground here."

"Is there any treasure?" Li Mo's eyes lit up immediately, "This is a scene often seen in adventure movies, and it really happens."

"You have such a beautiful idea." Tony shook his head and said, "I only said that there is a metal reaction, but I don't know what it is. Besides, how do you dig? Do you use tentacles?"

"Don't worry, I've been dreaming of this day for a long time. So I bought an artifact very early, a multi-purpose planetary exploration engineering vehicle." Li Mo said proudly.

Tony: "Um... should I praise you for your vision?"

Excited, Li Mo ignored him and directed the McQueen to hover over the square. After the belly compartment was opened, a 15-meter-long multi-purpose engineering vehicle slowly landed in the center of the square with blue flames at the bottom.

This engineering vehicle has a bullet-like streamlined shape. After it landed on the ground, its tracks were retracted, and eight mechanical legs stretched out to stand firmly.

Through the operation of Emil on the spaceship, the two sturdy robotic arms cut the ground with lasers and moved the cut rock fragments aside, which is very efficient. When approaching the place where there is a metal reaction, the fine operation begins again.

After about two hours, something appeared in front of them, which was a part of a broken spaceship.

Li Mo was disappointed, but Tony checked it with interest.

"It seems that this civilization already has the ability to travel between stars." Tony said after walking around the wreckage of the spaceship: "They should use Titan as a colony, because the resources here simply cannot provide an interstellar civilization. growth."

Then, the engineering vehicle cut a big hole in the shell with a laser, and Li Mo and Tony walked in.

The spaceship was in a mess, almost all the metal had lost its original luster, and the surface was pitted and covered with rust spots.

The space inside the spaceship is very tall, and there are some huge, very human-like bones on the ground, which have become like fossils. Almost every one is more than two meters long, and their bones are extremely thick.

All the instruments in the spaceship have long lost any function. After sampling and analyzing several bones, Tony exclaimed: "These guys have experienced at least millions of years."

And Li Mo was staring at a round platform in the center of the spaceship cabin, with a hint of doubt on his face.

After seeing this, Tony came over and asked, "What did you find?"

Li Mo pointed to a line of alien characters protruding from the side of the round platform and said: "When I was studying in Asgard, I saw this letter in an ancient book of mythology."

"What does that mean?" Tony asked.

"Cronus, the second-generation king of the gods in Greek mythology, the Titans." Li Mo frowned and said, "Do you know what bad things I thought of?"

"Crazy Titan... Thanos." Tony's expression was a little dignified. Li Mo had already told him everything he knew about the Cosmic Stone and everything he knew.

"These guys must be inextricably linked with the earth." Tony turned around twice and said, "Greek mythology has been handed down on the earth under their names, and I have no doubts about the existence of the Assas Protoss." They also existed, although they may not be the same as the mythological records."

"Look at their size." Tony walked up to a skeleton, "Earth was an extremely oxygen-rich planet as early as the age of dinosaurs. Biological scientists speculated that there might have been giants at that time, and giants were also called Titans. And many archaeological discoveries show that there are prehistoric civilizations on the earth. Perhaps these guys are the survivors of prehistoric civilizations."

"The ancient history of mankind has long been blurred, and we can only get some plausible clues from some myths. Do you think these are the people of the crazy Titan Thanos?" Li Mo guessed.

"Probably not. If there is such a powerful existence, how could his people be like this?" Tony was also a little surprised.

"Who knows, maybe this place was originally a planet full of birds and flowers, but something happened to make it look like this, and they were forced to leave." Li Mo scratched his head, "Why don't you meet Thanos and ask about it?" ?”

"Shit! Am I mentally ill? It's best not to see him in this lifetime." Tony shook his head, he had heard a lot about Thanos in the universe.

The two walked out of the dilapidated spaceship. At this time, the wind and sand had subsided, and the orange-red sky was covered with thick red clouds, and huge thunderstorms kept flashing among the clouds. The giant Saturn hanging on the horizon is also tinted orange.

After Tony came out, he found a rock and sat down, looking at the huge ruins of the city in front of him, lost in thought.

After Li Mo commanded the engineering vehicle to return to the McQueen, he came over and said with a smile: "Tony, what's the matter with you, are you frightened by our guess?"

"Tentacles." Tony stood up, pointed to the front and asked Li Mo seriously: "Look at this post-apocalyptic city, what do you think of?"

Li Mo's expression became serious,

“There is absolutely no oil in this place!”

This is a supplement to last night’s chapter. I definitely didn’t bother to watch the World Cup. I was too tired to write. I fell asleep while writing. I felt in a daze that I had finished writing, so I went to bed. In the morning, I realized that I had only written 500 words. T_T.

Continue to update at night

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