Marvel: The Strongest Villain

Chapter 647 Enter the quantum realm


The gate of the quantum realm was closed, the dazzling energy light gradually dimmed and disappeared, and the quantum spacecraft was gone.

Hope stood by the computer nervously observing the data. After a while, he heard Su Sheng's voice from the bracelet.


Hope took a breath and relaxed, his back was already wet with cold sweat.

Quantum field.

This is a field that mankind has not yet explored and opened up. When the spacecraft shrank to a microscopic state and entered the quantum realm, Su Sheng couldn't help being attracted by the surrounding scenery. Colorful, different brilliance, not the kind of darkness imagined, but there is a kind of Alice in Wonderland, entering a bizarre world.

The entire space seemed to have a faint levitation force, somewhat similar to the feeling of being in the sea or in space, Su Sheng temporarily turned off the spacecraft, and the spacecraft was drifting and moving with the current. The scenery is bizarre and indescribable. At first glance, it seems that there is no boundary at all. There are many plants that resemble underwater corals, and there are floating 663 like hairballs, but the volume of these hairballs is very huge.


A huge amounts of eyes appeared beside the spacecraft's window, and Su Sheng paused and looked carefully. The owner of this eye is a huge amounts of crawling creatures, milky white with relatively fine hairs, and four on eight feet.

"Is this a water bear insect? One of the smallest known microorganisms in the world. The smallest is only 50 microns and can only be found with a microscope. But now this volume contrast looks taller than a dinosaur. It is said that this is the most tenacious creature!" Su Sheng looked at this'behemoth' with great interest, and the other party was obviously also looking at him.

After a while, the water bear insect seemed to retreat slightly, and the round mouth on its head opened straight as if it wanted to swallow Su Sheng with the spaceship.

"Well, although I am very interested in you, but I don't want to study your internal structure!" Su Sheng muttered to start the spacecraft, and when the power was pushed, the spacecraft flew out quickly. The water bear insect fell into the air and turned around slowly, but Su Sheng's already stance spaceship disappeared.

"This should be the outside of the quantum realm. It's time to look inside."

The quantum spacecraft accelerated again, and as it accelerated, the surrounding space changed again. As if a black hole appeared, the surrounding space was shaken apart, and the spacecraft plunged in!

The scenery changed again.

Inside the quantum realm.

Although the brilliance is still eye-catching, the color has become a lot more monotonous, with a warm yellow feeling. Huge amounts of coral filled the entire space, just a small section of limbs seemed to be the size of a block. There was a clicking sound, the spacecraft's power system seemed to have some problems and it began to become unavailable. The energy that pushed the spacecraft to move flashed and flashed, and there was a feeling of disappearing at any time.

"Is it affected by the quantum realm?" Su Sheng thought about driving the spacecraft to find a place to stop, opened the cabin and drove out.

When the feet land, there is a feeling of stepping on the water bed. Roots grow on the ground, not long, just like weeds on the ground. Shutting down the spaceship Su Sheng walked around casually and contacted Hope. "I have entered the quantum realm. It is very large and very large, and the space here has a special kind of energy. Preliminary judgments can affect the state of the mind and the body, and have a great impact on the molecules of the body. It has the effect of cracking and healing. This process should be very painful. But it has no effect on me."

"The energy here has a manifestation. I found many golden particles and quantum particles. The energy contained in them is the same as the energy in space. Although I am not sure what is useful, I will collect some. In addition, the quantum spacecraft is subject to Even if the system is okay, it is estimated that the energy is insufficient, so I plan to temporarily shut down the spacecraft and communication, and I will contact you regularly."

Su Sheng simply said the situation and then closed the bracelet communication and realized a particle container to collect the quantum particles. After finishing this, Su Sheng began to fly around, looking for Hope’s mother, Wasp Janet. While admiring and understanding the surrounding situation.


Very big!

Su Sheng feels that this should be only a part of the quantum realm, a region, but this feeling is just like in the universe, vastness. Su Sheng's full flight, but still has the feeling of Wangshan running dead. It can be seen how big this place is.

I haven't seen water bear worms or other creatures here, but the danger here is greater than outside. The whole space is full of energy and continuously affects Su Sheng, definitely Su Sheng is not affected at all, whether it is mental or physical. But if ordinary people come in, I'm afraid it will collapse in less than two minutes because they can't bear it.



Su Sheng looked for a side while Roar shouted, but didn't get any response.

Flying on the fly, Su Sheng suddenly felt that the surrounding flow seemed to be different. There was a suction force coming from the front. Although it was very weak, it did exist. "Could it be other quantum domains?" Su Sheng thought this way and speeded up at the same time.

Then he saw a moving black vortex.

This vortex is huge, just like a tornado generated from the outside world, the surrounding quantum particles are sucked into the vortex one after another, and the vortex is moving in the direction of Su Sheng.

"It doesn't look like an entrance."

The suction power increased countless times, Su Sheng muttered while holding his body, but the corners of his mouth rose slightly. "Whatever it is, Janet doesn't seem to be here anyway, since I have encountered it, I will see it!" Relaxing the power of resistance, Su Sheng was directly sucked into the vortex.


Su Sheng didn't control his body, letting the surrounding forces lead him into the whirlpool. The original dark yellow light disappeared, and his vision fell into darkness. Su Sheng could feel that he was still flying and spinning. "It seems that this vortex should lead to another space, otherwise the vortex alone should have come out for such a long time." Su Sheng thought secretly, and then felt his body shake and shake, and his eyes were filled with bright light.

①④ Marvel: Infinite War

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