Cosmic Locust

Why do you say that the self in this multiverse is also favored by death?

Because Thanos found out from the data that the reason why his Titan star in this multiverse was not destroyed was because he embarked on the road of plunder.

When Titan’s resources were at their peak, Thanos led a fleet, ransacked a planet, and brought a large amount of resources to Titan.

And after tasting the sweetness, the people of Titan star forgot their ancestral precepts and turned into forces like interstellar robbers, and began to crusade in the middle and east of the Milky Way.

Thanos has even become the hero of the Titans, the locust in the galaxy.

At the same time, all the information shows that after Thanos captures a planet, he will kill everyone and leave no one alive.

This is not being affected by death, what is it.

Otherwise, how would they implement the massacre strategy? Aren’t they afraid of arousing the anger of people throughout the galaxy?

After reading a bunch of materials, Thanos still looked back at the battle between the superheroes of the solar system and the Celestial Group.

The more he watched this battle, the weirder he felt it, as if there was some huge secret in it.

So after thinking about it, he still made a clone and planned to check it out himself.

Outside the solar system of the main universe.

A group of single universe-level celestial bodies are surrounding the solar system, with serious and disturbed expressions on their faces.

“Damn it, how could these bugs reproduce so much!”

“What should we do now? Our sealing formation cannot seal these bugs forever.”

“Do you want to seek support from your superiors?”

This proposal was immediately opposed by most of the gods.

“No, if the higher-ups know that we can’t even deal with a group of bugs, they won’t laugh at us.”

“Yeah, we have to solve this matter ourselves. It is related to our future promotion.”

“That’s right. This is related to our future and reputation. How could it be reported.”

Hearing the objections from all the gods, another god couldn’t help but stand up and said, “Since you refuse to report it, then everyone should send out your real bodies to solve this crisis, otherwise it won’t be a problem to procrastinate like this.”

Hearing this, the gods even looked at me and you, and no one spoke.

The reason why the gods here are all single universe level is naturally because they are all clones.

As for the real body, none of the gods really came out.

Because those bugs are too scary, everyone is afraid of death, and dare not use their real bodies.

Seeing that no one spoke, the god was suddenly disappointed.

While the gods were still discussing, the parasitic superheroes and gods in the solar system began to gather and charged against their seals.

Seeing this, the gods immediately calmed down, and then looked at the solar system with contemptuous eyes, but they didn’t intend to step forward to stop them.

Because this sealing formation is their most powerful formation, it can absorb all forms of energy and attacks.

And because they are connected to their Heavenly Temple, the energy can be said to be almost inexhaustible.

It is precisely because of this that they stayed outside the solar system with peace of mind, discussing issues slowly, and most of the gods refused to report.

But after a while, they were stunned.

Because those infected people lay on the sealing formation, and then a group of yellow liquid flowed out from their bodies, adhering to the sealing formation.

They also saw that the energy of this sealing formation was being consumed at an extremely fast rate.

But those yellow liquids became more and more, and began to spread around.

But they, who have eyes like microscopes, naturally know that these yellow liquid-like things are not real liquids at all, but a kind of worms with tiny diameters of a few microns.

These insects are the nemesis of the Celestial Group, the subsidiary insects of the cosmic locusts, and are a kind of small insects that specifically parasitize on the cosmic locustsson.

But it was these tiny bugs that caused headaches for all the god groups here.

“It’s over, these bugs can still absorb cosmic energy, what should we do now?”

“What the hell is going on with this universe? Why is there such a terrifying thing!”

“I think it’s better to just pull in the black hole of the universe, and leave the rest alone.”

“Draw the black hole of the universe? Are you trying to destroy the entire multiverse? And who knows if these bugs even eat black holes!”

Just when the gods were getting anxious, suddenly bigger bugs flew out of the earth and flew towards the boundary of the solar system.

These worms are about one meter long. They are covered with black carapace, but their green belly and tail are exposed.

Seeing these bugs appear, all the gods suddenly became confused.

It seems to recall the shadows shrouded in bugs billions of years ago.

At that time, they were just sent to this universe by their superiors for management. Facing the new work, everything was still so fresh and passionate.

All the gods are full of energy and look forward to managing this multiverse well.

But not long after arriving here, they were taught a lesson by these inconspicuous cosmic locusts.

The cosmic locusts don’t know where they came from. They eat everything, whether it’s organic matter or steel, plastic, or soil.

As long as it is material, I will eat it all for you to see.

And even planets and stars cannot escape their mouths.

At first, they didn’t take these cosmic locusts seriously. After all, in terms of combat power alone, the Celestial Group could kill hundreds of millions of these cosmic locusts with a wave of their hand.

But the number of these cosmic locusts is a bit beyond the imagination of all the gods.

Because the unit of 100 million can no longer be measured, and even trillion is not enough.

It is barely enough to use Jing, Gai, and even Zi units.

In the first battle with the cosmic locusts, because they feared that this was the main universe, they did not dare to let go of their hands and feet, so countless locusts even killed a multiverse-level god, and it was still the real body.

At the same time, there were thousands of individual universe-level gods who died at the same time.

Although they paid a terrible price, they still killed all the cosmic locusts in the end.

But unexpectedly, by accident, they found these bugs on Blue Star again.

So there was a scene where thousands of gods surrounded Blue Star.

But what was even more unexpected was that these cosmic locusts seemed to have evolved and began to learn to infect.

Not only infecting carbon-based life, but even infecting them, gods

“Oh my God! How did these cosmic locusts hatch!”

“Before those big bugs break out of the seal, report it quickly.”

“Yes, if these cosmic locusts escape, as long as one escapes, it will be the end of this universe!”

“Report, now I can only report!”

After a burst of panic, all the Celestial Team finally reached a consensus that this matter must be reported.

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