Human Virus

In Temple No. 2.

This Titan-class space battleship is already a little behind in the scientific and technological civilization that is advancing with each passing day.

Although all kinds of repairs are made and the appearance looks brand new, the various performances can no longer keep up with mainstream warships.

But because of historical reasons, Thanos still likes to issue various orders here.

So Temple No. 2 has also become the administrative center of the Milky Way, a sacred place that everyone yearns for.

However, only a few senior commanders and generals can enter Temple No. 2, and only scientists who have made outstanding contributions.

As for those dark sects and executive officers, those are biochemicals, not natural persons.

But today, two different guests are ushered in here, a very young boy and a very beautiful woman.

The little boy is the Anjilu who has space ability, and the beautiful woman is the little boy’s mother.

At this time, Anjilu looked around curiously, like a curious baby.

“Wow, is this the legendary Temple No. 2? It’s even more beautiful than what’s said in the textbook!”

Although the performance of Sanctuary II is lagging behind, Thanos doesn’t need this Titan-class warship to fight anymore, so in terms of decoration, it is naturally how beautiful it is.

Faced with her naughty son, Angela could only chase after him helplessly.

“Don’t run around, this is not our home, come back quickly…”

An Jilu ignored his mother, but continued to walk around and look around. After a while, he saw a beautiful portrait.

In the portrait, the sky is full of dark clouds, with only a ray of sunlight hanging down, while a tall purple figure stands in the sunlight and descends from the sky.

Below is a group of people dancing wildly with demons.

“Wow! Is this the portrait of Thanos Emperor’s Peace Messenger? It is said that because of the overpopulation of Kelan Star, wars continued, tens of millions of people starved to death, and countless people faced hunger. Thanos Emperor brought It brought light and hope, and let Kelan get peace and food.”

As the ruler of the galaxy, Thanos naturally knows how to manage his subordinates and people’s hearts.

Starting from kindergarten, everyone will be taught that Thanos is the most benevolent, most kind, most majestic, most wise and mighty emperor in the universe.

This kind of brainwashing education can be found in all textbooks in elementary school, junior high school, high school, university, etc., and the first page of most textbooks is to praise the greatness of Thanos first, and then there is learning content.

It’s the same even in society. The daily advertisements and news, this ubiquitous brainwashing process, makes everyone the most devout believer in Thanos.

However, Thanos did not choose to follow the path of faith.

Because everyone’s spiritual fragments have been absorbed by the source stone, so he doesn’t need to follow the path of the gods and absorb beliefs.

At this time, a little girl’s body suddenly appeared in front of An Jilu.

“Wrong, this is the purification map of Thanos Emperor. Back then, a highly contagious and fatal virus broke out on Mohe planet. It was our emperor who purified the planet with light and brought peace and hope. .”

Seeing the little girl appear, Anjilu was startled, but he quickly realized it.

“Wow, is this a holographic projection? It looks exactly like the real thing.”

After finishing speaking, he reached out and touched the little girl in front of him.

The touch and the temperature of the skin are exactly the same as real people.

The little girl rolled her eyes and said with disdain, “I am an advanced artificial intelligence, Deep Blue, and I am the steward of Temple No. 2. The emperor asked me to take you there.”

When Angela heard this, she immediately grabbed her son tightly, and then said apologetically, “I’m sorry for keeping the emperor waiting so long, we’ll go there now.”

And just after walking a few steps, Anjilu couldn’t help asking curiously: “The higher the fatality rate of the virus, the harder it is to infect? ​​After all, people are dead, how can it be transmitted?”

Deep Blue kept walking, and explained: “The logic you said is correct, but if the weather is decided by the umbrella seller, will there still be sunny days?”

When An Jilu heard the words, he immediately looked at a loss.

“What does this mean? Isn’t it talking about viruses? How did it involve umbrellas?”

He is still young and doesn’t understand the meaning of this sentence at all.

And Deep Blue didn’t reply, or she didn’t bother to answer.

So Anjilu couldn’t help but tugged at his mother’s clothes, and asked, “Mom, what does this sentence mean?”

Angela saw her son who was eager for knowledge, so she could only say helplessly: “I’ve heard about the Mohe star. As far as I know, a virus called human nature broke out on this planet. This virus is extremely contagious, but the technology of this planet is not weak, so the antidote will be developed soon.”

Speaking of this, she shook her head with complicated eyes, and continued: “But since the antidote was discovered, the virus has spread more and more, and even infected bodies have appeared all over the world. There is no way to eliminate this virus for decades. Virus.”

When An Jilu heard the words, he immediately showed a look of disbelief.

“How is it possible? Since there is an antidote, how can the virus spread out? Is this virus immortal?”

Angela smiled wryly, and said, “It’s not viruses that are immortal, but greed.

In order to ensure people’s research and development and originalThe enthusiasm of the country has a very complete and strict patent law.

The Patent Act is a good thing, but it has to be divided.

In singing, movies, electrical appliances, and toys, it is true that people can have more creativity and enthusiasm, but in front of life, everything must be compromised.

But Mohe star obviously failed to do this.

When those who researched the antidote gained a monopoly position, faced with huge profits, they couldn’t control their greed in the end.

While selling the antidote, they spread the virus around the world, and soon those people became the richest people in Mohe Star, but almost all of them died.

This is the reason why there will be no sunny days in this world when the umbrella seller can decide the weather, because greed can make people more devil than devil. ”

After listening to his mother’s words, Anjilu immediately fell into silence.

Obviously, this story had a great impact on his life values.

“I finally know why this virus is called a human virus. It really is human.”

Deep Blue, who was walking in front, said at this time: “This is the sacred mission of the existence of the emperor of the universe, to ensure the balance of the universe, so that intelligent life will not self-destruct due to greed or hatred.”

Hearing this, both Angela and Anjilu had a more intuitive feeling about the emperor they were about to meet.

This world can be without anyone, but it cannot be without the emperor of the universe, Thanos.

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