Galaxy Black Hole

Three days later.

Thanos came to an unknown galaxy outside the Milky Way, then found a star at random, and flew into it.

This star is very common, with a diameter of only over 50 million kilometers, neither small nor large.

The temperature and pressure are also very moderate. The surface is more than 3,000 degrees Celsius and hundreds of times the standard gravity.

But this time, he hardly felt any pressure.

As he continued to go deeper into the stars, even if he went deeper into hundreds of thousands of kilometers, he didn’t feel too much pressure and temperature, and he didn’t even need to use the power of annihilation to elevate his body.

This made him very satisfied.

In order to use the power of annihilation, my body passively increased the strength of its cells.

Now it seems that the effect of this improvement is obvious.

However, you need to have basic physical strength to adapt to this kind of strengthening. Otherwise, the recovery speed of the cells is not fast enough, and the strengthening will fail.

After more than an hour, he completely arrived at the center of the star.

Compared to the black holes that can no longer be calculated, he can roughly estimate the data here.

The temperature has reached billions of degrees, and the pressure has reached hundreds of millions of times.

When he got here, he finally felt the limit of his body, and he had no choice but to activate the power of annihilation to increase his body strength.

With the surging power of annihilation, he felt that his body had been strengthened like never before.

Then he stretched out his hand and activated the star-absorbing method, and began to absorb energy.

However, absorbing energy inside the star requires the use of annihilation force to resist the pressure and high temperature, which is obviously not cost-effective, so he left the star again and went outside to absorb it.

Time passed quickly and before I knew it, more than half a year had passed.

After absorbing hundreds of stars, he finally felt that his body’s energy was half full.

But because he was afraid that Surte would not be able to wait, he thought for a while and then flew directly to the black hole of the galaxy.

The black hole of the galaxy is easy to find. He doesn’t even need to use his mental power to search, just fly to the center of the galaxy.

Because the operation of the entire galaxy is maintained by the black hole of this galaxy.

This incomparably powerful supermassive black hole uses its unparalleled gravitational force to firmly attract billions or even tens of billions of stars around it, allowing them to revolve around itself.

It can be said that this black hole is the anchor of a galaxy. As long as there are no problems with it, the galaxy will be very stable.

Generally speaking, the destruction of galaxies refers to the black holes that destroy galaxies, causing the galaxies to collapse.

When Thanos came ten light-years away from the black hole of the galaxy, he felt a huge gravitational force.

Within this range, even light is distorted and then absorbed.

After a while, he came to a light-year away from the black hole of the galaxy.

Here, because of the fixed space, he can only leave from the space jump.

As for the gravitational force here, he felt that it was even stronger than the gravitational force on the ground of a neutron star.

Even if he doesn’t do anything, but just stands still, he will fly forward non-stop at a hundred times the speed of light.

And this speed hasn’t reached the limit yet, it’s still accelerating.

After a while, he accelerated to a thousand times the speed of light.

Here, he has completely ignored the laws of physics, and only has one concept, which is constant acceleration and acceleration.

Soon, he will be 100 million kilometers away from the black hole of the galaxy.

The gravity here has reached a terrifying level.

If a space battleship is here, it will be pulled infinitely long due to the gravitational difference between the first meter and the last meter, and then break.

And in order to slow down the falling speed, he also had to use the power of annihilation to resist gravity.

But as he continued to approach, after reaching a thousand kilometers, the strong gravitational force made him continue to activate the ruler’s skills.

However, as his strength improved, the number of ruling stars did not increase, so the current ruler’s skills did not increase him as much as before.

So after a while, he used the power gem to increase his strength.

With all three skills fully activated, it can only give him an increase of about twenty times.

After a few minutes, he finally fell into the black hole of the galaxy.

The gravitational force here can’t be estimated at all. He only knows that with his own strength, he can’t move at all, he can’t even move his fingers.

So he can only use the original power of the Reality Gem.

As the original power flowed into his body, the cells in his whole body expanded again.

Obviously, even the power of annihilation cannot compare with the power of origin.

However, the nature of the original force is relatively mild. Although he felt a burst of swelling, it did not have the brutal force of annihilation that directly destroys the cells, but it accelerated the metabolism of the cells.

haveWith the blessing of the original power, he was finally able to stand up, and then aimed at the black hole, and began to use the star-absorbing method.

When Thanos was still absorbing the black hole of the galaxy in the black hole, in the blue star, Wanda started to feel restless at this time.

She is in the spaceport, looking excitedly at the space fleet slowly flying towards this side.

The leader is a large space battleship named Jupiter, which is a large space battleship produced by Blue Star Space Dock.

The whole body is silvery white, about 12 kilometers long, 3 kilometers wide, and 2.2 kilometers high.

Like a sharp sword out of its sheath, it looks very beautiful and beautiful.

However, the turret openings on the top, as well as various main guns and auxiliary guns, do not seem to be aerodynamic.

In fact, this battleship will not fight within the planet, so it has not considered aerodynamics at all.

And behind the Jupiter, there are three medium-sized space battleships and nine space battleships.

This is exactly the small formation battleship she got from her father.

She looked at the Jupiter, and the more she looked at it, the more she liked it.

Why didn’t I realize that space battleships are so beautiful before? Could it be that because it is my own battleship, I think it is particularly beautiful.

At this moment, Quicksilver next to him asked, “Wanda, why do you want a small team of space battleships from your father?”

Wanda smiled mysteriously, and said, “Of course I am of great use. You just need to follow my orders. From now on, you must call me Captain Wanda.”

The old Hulk next to him suddenly said, “Wanda has been talking about Thanos’ birthday a few days ago, so I guess I want to prepare a special birthday present.”

When Kuaiyin heard the words, he suddenly realized and nodded.

And Wanda immediately pursed her lips, with an unhappy expression on her face, put her hands on her hips, and said, “Who made you talk too much, can’t my brother guess for himself?”

Seeing this, the old Hulk could only shake his head helplessly, then walked aside with his newly dressed left hand in his arms.

Because the cells in his body have aged and his recovery ability has also declined, his left hand has been completely useless.

So he had to amputate his limb, and then installed a mechanical prosthesis.

After a while, the formation of space battleships stopped at the space port, and Wanda immediately led everyone into it with great interest.

A few hours later, the formation of battleships started to activate and drove out of the solar system.

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