The Entertainment Circle

After returning to his own universe, Thanos immediately asked Agatha to start fusing the six infinite gems.

Then let his men march towards the Zeus galaxy with all their strength.

According to that celestial god, Jamil, Doctor Strange is frantically devouring planets in the Zeus galaxy at this time, and his strength is increasing rapidly.

The other party is currently in the bright star system of the Zeus galaxy, and the next destination should be the Cro star system.

If he can be quicker, he should be able to find Doctor Strange in the Cro star.

The reason why I say yes is because no one can be sure about the future, and all predictions about the future are made on the basis of the current situation.

And while Thanos was waiting for the opportunity, suddenly Wanda found him.

“Father, I have found a few talents who should be able to help manage Blue Star.”

Thanos has already handed over Blue Star to Wanda. Although he still provides military force and artificial intelligence support, he doesn’t pay much attention to how to manage Blue Star, and has always left it to the other party.

And Wanda, who had never studied management, found a few management talents after he pacified Blue Star.

So when he heard that his father was back, he hurried to find him.

Thanos smiled slightly, touched his daughter’s red hair, then turned his head to look at a few blue star people who stood aside and said yes.

There were six people in total, including two men with black hair and yellow skin, two women with black hair and dark skin, and two men and a woman with yellow hair and white skin.

They were all probably between forty and sixty years old. Although they lowered their heads, judging from their clothes, they should be the so-called upper-class people.

“Tell me, what talents do you all have?”

When the six heard the words, surprise flashed in their eyes.

As long as they can successfully fool the big purple man in front of them, they will not only stabilize their position in Blue Star, but even spread their business to the entire galaxy.

That’s right, they are all businessmen, well-known businessmen on Blue Star.

The reason why she is not a politician is because Wanda hates politicians the most, so she will never let those people come over.

But looking at the alien in front of them, the six of them didn’t want to speak first.

Because this time is different from the situation facing Wanda. They don’t know Thanos’ preferences, and they are afraid that what they say is wrong, which will lead to death.

But they didn’t speak for a long time, and Wanda became impatient.

“Why don’t you talk anymore, tell my father all about your glorious history, and let me talk about it first.”

The two people pointed out by Wanda could only look at each other helplessly, then stood up and said respectfully: “Dear Your Majesty Thanos, we are from the peninsula, and we have been in the entertainment industry for more than 30 years. The grasp is definitely clearer than anyone else, Smecta.”

After hearing that the other party was in the entertainment industry, Thanos suddenly felt unhappy.

Under his control, of course the entertainment circle also exists, but everything is transparent and open.

There is no such hype and gossip in other civilizations, let alone the so-called transvestites.

“Tell me how you control people’s hearts.”

The two Peninsulars nodded and began to say, “My lord, we are in the entertainment industry, and the most important thing is to make money.”

“However, how to make money is a difficult problem.”

“Yes, after all, life on the peninsula is so stressful, who would spend money to watch people sing and dance?”

“First of all, we need to identify the target audience, and young people are the main source of money, so of course we should target young people.”

“So we created star singers of all kinds of young men and women, and then spent money to find people to hype and build a fan base.”

“But male fans are obviously more rational than female fans, so we putAbandoned the male group, began to create a variety of male stars. ”

“However, we found that even if we have a group of female fans, the effect of making money from records and concert tickets is too slow.”

“That’s why we started various rankings to let fans play the board and compete for rankings for their brothers.”

Thanos felt bored when he heard this.

After all, he was just thinking of ways to make money. Although he was a little clever, it was far from playing tricks on people’s hearts.

At this time, the two Peninsulars clearly saw Thanos’ impatience, so they started to get into the theme.

“But we found that even if the fans spend money hard, most of the female fans are still very sensible.”

“That’s right. Everyone knows that stars make a lot of money. Although female fans are willing to spend money for brothers, they won’t go crazy.”

“So we aimed at women’s emotional weaknesses, and began to secretly discredit these brothers, making them the point where everyone shouted and beat them.”

“Only in this way, those female fans will frantically defend their brothers and willingly spend all their money.”

“And those male groups who don’t get rid of hair have become our targets.”

“So we let the stars start to pussy up and make men hate it, and the more men hate it, the more those female fans will maintain it and spend more money.”

“Even behind, there is no need for us to smear the brothers, those young people will spontaneously start to smear.”

“This is a win-win situation. We have made money, female fans have satisfied their desire to defend their brother, and young people have a way to vent their anger.”

After finishing speaking, the two of them showed a glorious expression.

In order to make money, they tried every means.

It’s fine to cheat one’s own fans, and even take advantage of innocent passers-by.

It can be said that there is nothing to use.

And Thanos really wanted to kill them when he heard their shameless words.

But thinking of his own situation, his eyes suddenly brightened.

The reason why Death dared to sell himself at a high price was because he was not strong enough and his influence was weak.

Although he almost ruled the Milky Way, the Milky Way is so small in the universe.

If he could drag in those irrelevant forces, or even the entire universe, would Death sell himself at will in such a chaotic situation?

Just give yourself time to find Doctor Strange’s Time Gem, and then quickly get Blue Star’s Reality Gem.

With six infinite gems, I have controlled the power of this universe and reached the level of a single universe.

At that time, whether it is death or other unknown existences, unless the entire universe is destroyed, there is nothing they can do about themselves.

This is also the only way to free myself from being a pawn.

However, he is not a quick-tempered person, so he patiently listened to the other four people’s words.

They are all ways to make black-hearted money.

After listening, Thanos nodded in satisfaction, and then said to Wanda: “Daughter, people like them have very good brains, very good, but they are not suitable for assisting you.”

Soon, he recruited several fighters from the dark sect, and they were all taken away amidst the heart-piercing cries of the six people.

Wanda looked at her father suspiciously, and asked curiously, “Father, why isn’t it suitable?”

Thanos patted Wanda’s head, and said flatly, “You are too young to accept these things.”

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