The shepherd is empty

After listening to the other party’s words, Thanos asked curiously: “Will the universe balance itself? How to balance it? Let’s hear it.”

At this moment, he finally understood why the other party gave up their initial insistence, thinking that the universe would balance itself.

If the universe can really balance itself, then my persistence and belief are indeed like a joke.

But… Will the universe really balance itself?

At this moment, he suddenly wanted to hear the other party’s theory.

Thanos II nodded and said, “Like the history of Blue Star humans for thousands of years, this is a history full of wars, and it is also a history of self-balance.

For thousands of years, human beings have suffered from insufficient resources due to repeated population expansion, so wars broke out again and again.

And after each war, the population will be reduced to the extent that the existing resources match. Although this is cruel, it has indeed achieved a balance between resources and population, and we don’t need to intervene at all. ”

When Thanos heard the words, he immediately shook his head and said: “When human science and technology were backward, war would indeed restore human population balance, but with the development of science and technology, human beings now have nuclear weapons. There will be no winners, only survivors.

This is just a war that human beings do not even have a first-level civilization. If a war breaks out in those third-level civilizations, it will directly destroy the planet, so how can it be restored? ”

Thanos II also shook his head, and retorted: “It is true that the development of civilization will cause greater destructive power, but after a planet is destroyed, there will always be a day of recovery, just like our hometown, Titan.

After more than five hundred years, it slowly regained its vitality.

Even if the planets are blown to pieces, sooner or later they will recondense into planets, or stars, or other celestial bodies, becoming a balanced part of the universe.

So there is no need for us to maintain the balance of the universe, because this is a reincarnation. ”

Hearing the other party’s theory, Thanos suddenly felt disappointed.

I thought it was such a profound theory that made me in another universe give up everything I insisted on.

It turned out that I just believed in the theory of reincarnation.

Indeed, if everything can be reincarnated, then the previous theory of balance doesn’t need to exist.

He can also go back directly to take care of the elderly.

But that’s all if.

The water in this universe is far deeper than everyone thinks.

There is no bottom to be seen.

Thinking of this, he looked at the surrounding universe.

In this dead universe, it seems that the star above their heads is the only bright celestial body.

Or in other words, there is only one star left in this universe.

If everything can be reincarnated, then this is definitely the end of all reincarnation.

After a while, he said softly: “You are right, the universe will indeed restore itself to a certain extent.

But have you ever thought about what kind of disaster it will be if the technological civilization reaches the level of destroying the universe, or when two people with the ability to destroy the world break out in war?

Countless stars will be destroyed, and life will disappear with it.

This is a war with no victors, not even survivors. ”

Having said that, he paused for a moment, and then asked, “Do you know the reason why the Boötes constellation is empty?”

When Thanos II heard the words, he immediately asked with a puzzled expression: “The Boötes constellation is empty, the missing corner of the universe? What’s wrong?”

In the cosmic civilization, basically everyone knows the existence of the void in the constellation Boötes.

In the Bootes galaxy cluster, a vacuum region appeared, and about two thousand galaxies were missing.

And where did these missing galaxies go?No one knows until now.

Thanos nodded, recalling some of the secrets he had learned from collectors.

“That was a great war that took place more than 100 million years ago. At that time, there were no three empires and ten alliances in the universe, and there were only two fourth-level civilizations.

However, as the population of the two fourth-level civilizations continued to multiply, the resources began to gradually become tense, and finally a war broke out.

And the more than 2,000 galaxies in the void of Bootes disappeared in that cosmic war. ”

Having said that, he looked at the planet that had begun to crack under his feet, and continued: “This is only a battle of a fourth-level civilization. If it is two fifth-level civilizations, or two single universe-level powerhouses, I am afraid that The universe is going to disappear.

Now, as time goes by, people have forgotten the original space war, and as the population continues to expand, the disaster of the previous civilization will soon continue, and it will self-destruct again.

And this kind of reincarnation will continue until the universe is destroyed. ”

Explosions soon began to occur as the planet below began to shatter.

But the eight people who were fighting still didn’t intend to stop.

The explosion of a planet is equivalent to the end of the world to ordinary people, but to them, it is as normal as drinking water and eating.

Thanos II also fell silent as he looked at the exploding planet.

He felt that he seemed to be wrong.

The balance of the universe is limited. When the destructive power of human beings exceeds this limit, it will be the beginning of the destruction of the universe.

At this time, Thanos saw the Hulk and Carnage hit a nearby satellite, so he continued: “The only lesson intelligent life has learned from history is that it has not learned any lessons from history.

They will repeat the process of self-destruction time and time again.

It’s not that no one wants to stop it, but that they don’t know how to stop it, or they know it, but they dare not stop it.

Because the price…is too great.

It’s so big that everyone would rather pretend that they don’t know, and let the next generation solve it by themselves.

Only I am the only one who is willing to take action for it. ”

Thanos II fell silent when he heard this.

He was such a persistent and persistent person before.

And ever since he met Wanda, he understood one thing. In addition to balance, there is also love and family affection in the world.

After a while, he opened his mouth and said, “But what if we wiped out half of the life in the entire universe? Even within a hundred years, the life in the universe can recover to the number before it was wiped out.

What we have done is only delaying the destruction of the universe. ”

At this time, he had agreed with the other party’s thoughts, but he was still struggling at the end.

Because my own theory, even if it succeeds, cannot prevent the destruction of the universe.

It is precisely because he understands this that he chooses to give up, realizing that he is just a pawn for death.

Thanos shook his head and said, “Why do you want to wipe out half of the life in the universe? That’s just a temporary solution, not the root cause. What I want to do is to rule the universe and establish a complete and sustainable development.”

When Thanos II heard this, his eyes widened and he looked at the other party in disbelief.

“Rule the universe?”

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