Marvel: Super Dimensional Lottery Group

Chapter 798 How did Nanzi change? (5 more for full order)

Seeing that both Tony and the Red Queen mentioned the Scarlet Witch, most of the group were at a loss.

The Evil King's True Eyes are the strongest: Uh... Red Queen, who is that Scarlet Witch? Why do you seem to be very familiar with her?

Red Queen: Oh... Tony once mentioned to me before that the Scarlet Witch is a powerful super-ability person in his world, a thought can change the world, even destroy a race!

I'm Iron Man: That's right! This woman is really scary! Years ago, she used her Ability to make her father the ruler of the world! Before that, he was just a wanted horror It's just molecules!

Hearing this, the group members were all astonished:

I can see death: isn't this... this kind of ability just like the "what you want" in fairy tales? To be able to do this kind of thing... it's really incredible.

One-Eyed Writer: Hmm... your analogy is good. In the eyes of Scarlet Witch and Nanzi, the people in their world are probably similar to the characters written by our writers! Change it to whatever you want! If you are unhappy, you can be deleted directly!

Gabriel: Trembling... Such a 780 Ability that defies the sky, isn't it similar to the Mephista in the magic ban?

Upon hearing this, many members of the group were horrified and shocked!

The Evil King's True Eye is the strongest: Mephista? No way!\(¯A¯;)/

Asakami Fujino: Could it be that... finally a Mephista-level boss has entered the group?

Enoshima Shieldko: Hey, why don't you do this? Roar Roar is good? How can you say so exaggerated? I saw Nanko's performance in the dungeon, her Ability is indeed very strong, but there is still something to do Impossible!

Enoshima Shieldko: For example... the volcanic eruption that is about to destroy the island country, she can't stop it! In the end, she can only go back one year to wait for the further improvement of her Ability! It seems that it is difficult for her to modify and pay human beings. something other than that!

I just want to live a quiet life: well, the one upstairs is absolutely right. My modification ability only works on humans. But... that volcano is indeed my worst enemy at the moment! I have tried several times, but I can't completely block the volcano. This proves that I am not mature enough...

Sakata Gintoki: (afah)......But what you did is exaggerated enough! In order to prevent the volcano from erupting, you have to go back one year for four consecutive times! If this continues, your classmates will never be able to advance to the third year of high school La!

Suzuki Satoru: Hmm... Some of the anime I've watched before have a similar situation. Winter goes to spring, but the students will never upgrade and graduate! Could it be that... it's all Kusuko's credit?

I just want to live a peaceful life: heh...I don't know what you're talking about. But...with my ability growing day by day, I will be able to calm that volcano one day.

Aizen Soyousuke: I wish you success! But... in my opinion, the super ability that is too complicated and uncontrollable has also brought you a lot of trouble, right?

I just want to live a peaceful life: sigh...more than a hassle. Because my Ability is too strong, I can't feel any surprise, happiness, tension, sadness, anger, or even pain.

I just want to live a peaceful life: sometimes I wonder if, as my Ability grows stronger, will I become a walking dead with no human feelings?

I just want to live a peaceful life: maybe, it would be better if I didn't have super ability? But when I think of that volcano... ((00))

The evil king's true eyes are the strongest: wow... Nanzi is so pitiful, hug...

Minister of Serving Department: Hmm... What you said... It is indeed the troubles of the strong. But... good human beings have the duty to rescue the poor and the weak. So... please do your best.

Gabriel: Huh? Why does the words upstairs sound so... unpleasant? (▼△▼#)

Minister of Ministry: I just say what I want to say, I don't care what others think.

Unkillable Teacher: Do you want to be weak? Although the reasons are different, I can totally understand what this newcomer thinks.

Bong Jiao Dong: Amazing! Miss Nanzi! You can be called a great hero! I admire you very much!

Fubuki of Hell: The more I look at it, the more I feel that Nanko is simply Saitama-sensei from another world! In addition to being infinitely stronger, even the indifference of feelings due to being too strong is the same!

Fubuki of Hell: But... in their hearts, they are still very kind. Not only will they not use their Ability to hurt others, but they will try their best to help others!

I just want to live a peaceful life: hehe... I heard the copy of "One Punch Superman" you mentioned just now, and I also watched it, that Mr. Saitama is indeed a bit like me. Except... the head.

I just want to live a quiet life: but the power is too strong...sometimes it is really troublesome.

Aizen Soyousuke: Oh...then...if I say so, I can help you.

Upon hearing this, some members of the group became vigilant:

Sifengyuan Night One: Aizen! What conspiracy do you have?

Aizen Sosuke: Ha! I said it publicly, how can it be called a conspiracy?

Aizen Sosuke: My suggestion is very simple, that is... use AFO's Ability to gain some abilities that Ms. Kusuko doesn't need! In this way... me and she can both benefit, won't you kill two birds with one stone?

I just want to live a peaceful life: oh? Can you really do that?

Aizen Sosuke: That's right! I can even sign a contract with you, stipulating the range of abilities I can absorb, and only absorb those abilities you don't need!

I just want to live a peaceful life: this...

Just after Aizen made this suggestion, Nanzi suddenly fell silent and did not speak for a long time.

And a few minutes later, she suddenly spoke again. But this time, her tone was completely different from before!

I just want to live a peaceful life: Admin! Thank you so much! If you have anything you want me to help with, please feel free to ask! I will definitely try my best!

I just want to live a quiet life: Also... Admin, if you're free... uh... you can come and play with me. I know of a dessert shop whose coffee jelly is especially delicious! (

The evil king's true eyes are the strongest: Uh... Nanzi? What happened just now? Why do you seem to have changed?

Gabriel: Yes! Administrator, did you do something to Nanzi? (⊙o⊙).

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