Marvel: Super Dimensional Lottery Group

Chapter 713 Aizen Wants to Go to Heroes? Shining New King's Fortune!

Red Queen: Kayaba Akihiko, I gave you the information, but I didn't ask you to do such a thing!

Kayaba Akihiko: Hahaha! I do have to thank you, otherwise, I wouldn't know there was such a life form! Now... I can't wait to get rid of my stinky skin!

Red Queen: ...forget it. Anyway, the technology in the Dark God Book can also allow me to reshape your body at any time, and then transfer your consciousness from the machine. So... just do whatever you want.

I am Iron Man: a human, a machine. What do you think of human life? This kind of action is simply a blasphemy to life! (♥~▼#)

Gabriel: That's right! The sins of human beings are really unbearable! If it weren't for the existence of games, I would have sounded the horn of doom! Erase human beings from the earth!

Gabriel: ah ah ah! I finally filled money to the highest level! After one game patch, half of it is abolished! I really want to destroy the world!

The true eye of the evil king is the strongest: It's a miracle that the world where Gabriel lives has not been destroyed...(⊙o⊙)

Aizen Soyousuke: Hmm... I can understand Kayaba Akihiko's thoughts, and it's not unbelievable to give up one's body in order to improve the state. But unfortunately, this way of creating the world doesn't suit me...

Aiwen: Oh? Why? Don't you...would like to be like me...become a dimensional lord?

Aizen Sosuke: Ha! I can't hide it from your eyes, Aiwen-sama!

Aiwen: Hey, I guessed it when you asked the Red Queen for information on the Dark God Book.

The evil king's true eyes are the strongest: what? This blue dye actually has such a terrible ambition? Want to keep pace with the administrator?

Sifengyuan Yeyi: I knew it! You will never be safe! Be careful with me! I will definitely stare at you! Meow meow...don't mess around! Let me go!!!

Ram: Rem, Rem, that black cat lady seems to have been pulled away, she looks so miserable.

Rem: Big sister, big sister, the black cat lady's claws left deep marks on the ground, and now I have to change the floor again.

Yuuki Asuna: Uh... what happened to that Miss Yoichi... I saw her, it seemed... pitiful?

Aiwen: Cough, the children are just messing around, you don't need to worry about it.

One-eyed writer: I said... Admin, why don't you seem to care at all? Aren't you afraid... Aizen surpasses you?

For Sister Quan's question, Aiwen just laughed.

First of all, how can a dimension lord be so easy to achieve?

Secondly... with Aiwen's current strength, it has surpassed Aizen by too much! And... as his dimension swallows more and more things, this gap will further widen!

It is impossible for Aizen to catch up with Aiwen, let alone surpass it!

Aizen Sosuke: Ha! Although I do have such ambitions, unfortunately, the method of creating the world in those materials is to rely on external objects to construct an illusory world, not itself, so... I decided to give up this method. , to find other ways to become stronger!

Aizen Sosuke: Now that I have even removed the Bengyu, how can I rely on other things?

Aiwen saw it and realized:

"It seems that his spirit was affected after integrating the jade last time, and Aizen has also learned a lesson. Now...he is determined to become stronger by himself! Naturally, he does not despise this method of constructing a virtual world by relying on computers." "!"

At this time, several members of the group who participated in the last battle of the Soul World also bubbled up.

The Oldest Hero King: Hey... Zanpakutō is really interesting. After the optimization of the system, this king can now use the Zanpakutō as part of the "King's treasure" and release it to kill the enemy!

The oldest hero king: It seems that in the future, it is necessary for this king to go to the Soul Soul Realm again, and put all the valuable Zanpakutō in this king's treasure house! Wow ha ha ha!

The king is responsible for the great world: Ha! Who stipulated that those Zanpakutō belong to you? As long as this king likes everything! Everything belongs to me! No one is allowed to interfere!

The most ancient king of heroes: Bold miscellaneous repairs! Come, come! When this king beats you again, you will know how serious it is to hinder this king's interest!

The king is responsible for the great world: come on! You think this king is afraid that you will not succeed!

Sifengyuan Night One: Meow Meow Meow... Don't... Corpse Soul World!... Meow Meow Meow...

Bong Jiao Frozen:......the relationship between these two kings is really good.

Bong Jiao Frozen: Thank you, the administrator, for giving me the opportunity to practice last time. Tomorrow Xiongying High School will start school. According to the dungeon, the enemy alliance will also come soon! And the combat experience I have gained in the Soul World, I will definitely make good use of it!

Aiwen: The enemy alliance? With your natural elemental ability, ordinary people can't hurt you at all. But if you face AFO, with his countless powerful personalities, I'm afraid it's still a little dangerous...

Boomstick: Even if there is danger, I will never run away! In the future, I will surpass that bastard father and become a more amazing hero than All Might!

Queen Tokiwadai: It is not for you to escape, but for you to do what you can and fight cautiously... If you accidentally die young, how can there be a future?

Bong Jiao Dong: I'm sorry, I was a little excited just now, thank you very much for your advice.

Yuuki Asuna: Uh... what are you talking about? What is the Higashi High School?

The evil king's true eyes are the strongest: that's right! I want to remind you that this world is very bloody! When I watched the copy of "My Hero Academia" for the first time, I was so excited that I almost cried!

Yuuki Asuna: Is that so? Let me take a look too.

Aizen Sosuke: Hmm... I have seen this copy before, and I feel that there is a "`" personality in it that is very helpful to me. If there is a chance, I would like to grab it!

Bang Jiao: What? What kind of personality do you like? Could it be... All Might's One, For, All? (¯△¯;).

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