Marvel: Super Dimensional Lottery Group

Chapter 451 Stealing Speed ​​Force, Darkseid's Gift! (2 more for full order)

"It's unbelievable that human experiments are actually being carried out in this base!

The cyborg Cyborg looked around at the humanoid monsters soaked in the huge glass jar with a wanting expression on his face.

"Hmph, I'm not surprised at all, the government and the military have done so many things like this.35

The unshaven Batman opened a metal wine bottle and took a swig, while The Flash beside him looked speechless.

"Uh... We are going on a rescue mission, will you be in trouble if you drink so much alcohol..."

"If I don't drink, I'll be in trouble!"

Batman took another sip before putting the metal bottle back in his arms.

Batman Thomas Wayne has been drinking alcohol since his son Bruce Wayne died in a crime alley many years ago.

Only while drinking and slaughtering the wicked can he temporarily forget the pain of losing his son.

"According to the information I got, Experimental No. 1...that's the name these people gave that alien, and has died in an accident. But Experimental No. 3 is still alive...and..."

The lawful and kind good boy Cyborg said hesitantly with a tangled face:

"Subject 3... appears to be a sixteen-year-old girl.

The equally kind The Flash is stunned:

"What? Isn't that Kayla? These people kept her here since she was a child? That's too much."

"Humph, humans are such filthy creatures! If I'm not mistaken, the official may also conduct various human experiments on these aliens! Like the humanoid monsters we just saw, they are the products of experiments!

Batman said grimly, his tone full of cynicism.

" shouldn't be like this! It must be a government agency's own initiative!...our government can't do this kind of thing"!35

Cyborg argued fiercely, with a heartbroken expression on his face.

Just when Batman was about to sneer and refute him again, everything in the world suddenly stopped.

Then, Aiwen came out from the side passage, looked at Batman and laughed dumbly:

"Heh... the master of this world is really mean, he's just an old angry youth.

When Aiwen saw what happened to Kayla, a surge of anger suddenly rose in her heart, and she almost wanted to kill Batman and others!

But he calmed down when he heard Batman's cynical words.

"Well... The Flash can't be killed, otherwise the speed force on him will converge on Reverse Lightning. In that case, I'm afraid even Quicksilver won't be able to catch up with him. But... it seems that hurting him won't help."

Aiwen remembers very clearly that after gaining the Speed ​​Force, The Flash's physical recovery speed also increased greatly. He had been burned all over by lightning before, but he recovered completely in a few minutes.

"Killing can't kill, hitting doesn't work... This..."

Aiwen's thoughts were spinning, and suddenly his heart moved, and he hurriedly asked the system:

"System, can the Prometheus recipe continue to be upgraded with the item upgrade card? After the upgrade, can I take the ability other than the power of the opponent's god?"

The current Prometheus recipe has been upgraded once by Aiwen with an item upgrade card, so he can take out his own skills such as "domineering" and give it to others.

But other than that, this recipe doesn't seem to be able to extract other people's super ability at will.

[Yes! Host, as long as you upgrade the Prometheus Secrets once again, you can take an ability from the enemy if the enemy is willing or seriously injured! 】

"Well... there were two item upgrade cards left in the previous lottery draw, and now it's up to me to see if my Ouhuang skills work!

Seeing that the time was approaching, Aiwen gritted his teeth and pumped seven times in a row, and finally pulled out an item upgrade card, making up three!

"Upgrade Prometheus Tips!"

After completing the upgrade, Aiwen used the heavenly world to slam The Flash with a punch, and a blue flame burst out!

Time to run!


"who are you?"

Batman and Cyborg were shocked when they saw the stranger who suddenly appeared in front of them. But... the worst is The Flash!


Hearing a miserable Roar, The Flash suddenly seemed to have been hit in the back by a heavy hammer, spit out a mouthful of blood, his eyes darkened, and he almost fainted.

But compared to the physical pain, what scares him the most is his super ability!

" speed force...why not?"

Falling to the ground, The Flash-----no, Barry Allen's face is full of disbelief now, because he feels that the speed force he gained after being struck by lightning twice has disappeared again. !

"Heh... I didn't expect that the Prometheus secret book obtained in the world of the godslayer could actually play such a big role?"

Seeing the embarrassed look of The Flash, Aiwen put away the slate in his hand with satisfaction.

According to the system, the current Prometheus Secret Book (Zhao Ma Zhao) can store the stolen super ability, and then give it to himself or others according to Aiwen's wishes.

At the moment, seeing The Flash who vomited blood and fell to the ground, Batman pulled out his gun and aimed at Aiwen, saying vigilantly

"Who are you? What have you done to him?"

But Aiwen At the moment didn't look at him at all, instead staring at Cyborg with a frown.

I saw a strange red ring on Cyborg's chest. Through seeing the domineering look, Aiwen could feel that this ring seemed to be emitting some kind of special energy!

Thinking of the origin of Cyborg in the DC world, Aiwen suddenly moved:

"This is the mother box! Apocalypse Star Darkseid's mother box! Through this thing, Darkseid can even open the sound explosion channel, and then invade the earth! Make up.

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