After talking with Ancient One, Su Liu stood up and prepared to leave.

"Don't take a look at the disciples in holy place"

Ancient One glanced at him.

"Is there anything good, I don't know many of them..."

Su Liu glanced at his mouth.

"Wang still hopes to see you very much."

Ancient One smiled.

"Come on, he hasn't seen a few people in total."

Su Liu turned around and suddenly turned around and said, "I think you should find another apprentice to serve you, don't worry about me..."

Ancient One:... "You know, the time is not up yet!"

"Not always!"

Su Liu smiled mysteriously.

Ancient One frowned, and when she wanted to ask further, Su Liu's figure had disappeared.

"What does this guy mean, has the future changed?"

Ancient One muttered to himself.

After thinking for a long time, she pinched a mark, and the Eye of Agamotto on her chest slowly opened, and she was still going to check it in person.

On the other side, Su Liu, who left the holy place, appeared directly at a hospital above New York City.This hospital is the hospital where the future Doctor Strange Stephen Strange is located.

Below, there are some young and energetic Dr. Strange who have just completed a perfect operation and drove out of the hospital.

The reason why Su Liu appeared here is to determine one thing, which will determine whether he is determined to kill Thanos in advance.

The sky was getting dark, Dr. Strange drove the car very fast, and he soon drove into a highway with few vehicles. Su Liu danced his wings and followed him in hiding. Then Su Liu found Dr. Strange Answered a call.

On the phone, Strange was still talking and laughing, and seemed to have a good chat with the people on the phone.

And Su Liu has been paying attention to the situation of the highway, and can't help but sigh slightly when he sees this scene.

It seems... the result is almost what he expected! Because the chat was too devoted, Dr. Strange didn't realize that there was... a sharp turn ahead. He didn't slow down, and drove the car to the sharp turn. , At this time, a car that was driving at the same speed suddenly appeared on the opposite side.

Beep beep! The harsh car whistle sounded, and Dr. Strange, who was driving while answering the phone, only felt that a bright light appeared in front of him, and he subconsciously twisted the steering wheel, and then...Boom! Oncoming! The vehicle and Dr. Strange's car passed by, but Strange, who was driving at high speed without slowing down at all, rushed out of the highway, and the vehicle was completely out of control.

Bang bang bang! After the vehicle hit the highway guardrail, the speed did not decrease, and it rushed directly down the road hillside, and below...there was a valley! Su Liu, who witnessed the car accident with his own eyes, was silent.

He did not take action to save Doctor Strange, because according to the development of the plot, Strange could not die at this time, but... as expected! Not only the previous plot has been messed up, the plot of Doctor Strange It's also ahead of schedule. This car accident... is obviously... the result of the forced revision of the plot, this Nima... is there really a rule in the dark that controls the progress of the world's plot events? If it is true This is the case, it would be terrifying! In other words, even if Su Liu wants to forcibly kill Thanos, he may return without success, and he may even have to get in, unless Su Liu already has the influence to ignore the plot change. But obviously...killing Thanos is not in this situation.

He is similar to Thanos's current strength. If the compulsory correction of the plot occurs, Su Liu will definitely be pitted! Can't be offended! Su Liu's figure flashed and appeared directly next to Strange.

He checked Dr. Strange's injury, and then estimated the time when the rescue would arrive.

What did Dr. Strange say? It was really bad luck. It was destined to be a catastrophe! After half an hour, seeing the ambulance appeared, Su Liu decisively flashed people.

To be sure that the matter has been determined, there is no point for him to stay, and the rest of the matter can be left to the rescuers.

This time, Su Liu went straight back to his home.

Skye was not at home and didn't know where he was going crazy.Some time ago, he said he was going to the East to find Si Xiaonan to play, and he didn't know if he had gone.

Su Liu also didn't mind paying attention to her whereabouts.As for the safety issue, as long as she doesn't kill herself, there should be no danger.

New York is brightly lit at night, but the darkness of the sky is so mysterious.

At the moment's Su Liu couldn't help feeling that this world really has something like the protagonist's luck? A miracle.

Then, do I have that kind of...Mysterious protagonist's luck protection. If he follows the network novel routines he has read in his previous life, he is definitely a proper true protagonist, then... maybe... I should die too. Nope! Su Liu imagined wildly in his mind, but he was extremely calm in his heart.

in spite of....

Is there anything like the halo of the protagonist, regardless of whether you are the protagonist or not, you definitely can't do things that kill you.

As for Thanos... let him be arrogant for a while! Su Liu knew in his heart that if there is such a thing as the protagonist's luck, he controls the entire Avengers, these people are the absolute protagonists in the Marvel movie world, even if Thanos is strong , These people can also save the world.

So, just stay honestly, do less things like changing the plot, at least don't take the initiative to do it.

After thinking of this, Su Liu suddenly felt a clear heart in his heart, and his irritability was relieved a lot.

This night, Su Liu slept extremely sweetly.

In the dream, he dreamed that he really became the protagonist in the story, and the author of the story told him solemnly: You will never die, you are the real Son of Destiny! Woke up the next day, Su Liu recalled the dream In the scene, I suddenly felt that the whole person was refreshed.

"Since Thanos's plan has not yet started, let's raise the defense power of the earth first and prepare as soon as possible!"

Thinking about this, his body disappeared in place, and he reappeared at Avengers headquarters.


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