Marvel Reverses Wolverine

Chapter 279 What a coincidence

If the entire universe was a vast continent with mountains and rivers and crisscrossed river valleys, then it would also have differences in zones between "luxuriant and fertile soil" and "barren deserts."

Like many irregular galaxies, the Large Magellanic Cloud is rich in gas and interstellar matter and is undergoing significant star formation.

This massive star formation may be due to the tidal forces of the Milky Way affecting the Large Magellanic Cloud.

At the same time, the tidal force of the Milky Way also stripped some stars and interstellar matter from the Large Magellanic Cloud, forming the long Magellanic Stream.

The splendid star stream is like a peacock's tail feathers composed of flames and particles, stretching across the boundless deep sky with a length of light years, illuminating the sky of the Kree home planet Hala.

In the barren Large Magellanic Field, stable stars and planets suitable for life are much rarer than in the Milky Way, and most of them have harsh environments and are full of disasters.

"Holy Hara" has almost no distinction between day and night, and the sun at an inappropriate distance cannot bring sufficient light and heat to the planet.

But the Magellanic Stream shines its brilliance forever on the Kree planet, providing abundant light energy and allowing life here to see the most magnificent wonders of the universe at all times.

In a period when the technological level of the Kree people was still relatively backward, the constant light and heat on the surface made it difficult for them to survive. They relied on building underground cities to survive from generation to generation. Therefore, the pure-blood Kree people who have been inherited since ancient times prefer the dark. Living environment with less light.

The forces of the Charge, represented by the traditional Kree nobles, still live under the planet's magnificent ground buildings.

Even the Dark Star, the giant flagship of the Command Group that has been passed down for thousands of years, maintains a dark and deep environment style, floating in the deep space of the universe like a giant eagle with its wings spread.

The black and simple metal shell with a rocky texture is layered and twisted to form an arc outline. The length of dozens of kilometers makes the Dark Star a real interstellar fortress. The position in the middle of the wings is like a deep eye pupil. , silently watching the Kree Empire Star Troopers spacecraft that was as big as a bug and slowly approaching towards him.

Yon Rogg looked at the Dark Star that was about to enter through the hanging window. He waved to the bridge to indicate that it would temporarily stop moving forward. He glanced at the team members sitting in the belly of the spacecraft. There was so much expression on Fors Will's face. There was a pause.

"I'll go up and say hello to Ronan first. You guys stay here."

When he mentioned Ronan, the Supreme Accuser, Yon Rogg's brows furrowed slightly. He flew the Separation Fighter alone into the "Giant Eye of the Abyss" and let the darkness completely engulf the fuselage.

"The captain doesn't seem to like the 'Supreme Accuser' very much?"

The female warrior Fosse Will who succeeded the title of "Surprise" asked carelessly. She suppressed the complicated emotions of finally rushing to the battlefield and pretended to be natural.

The team members in the cabin looked at each other in tacit understanding, but no one said a word for a while.

In the end, Minerva, a precision striker who became neighbors with Firth in the living area, slowly explained with deep thought:

"The Accusation Group is a pure-blood supremacist. Not only superficial people like you and the captain, but even I am not a pure-blooded Kree noble. Normally, I am not qualified to enter the Accusation Group's sphere of influence and battleships. ."

Minerva, who has black hair and blue skin, is an out-and-out beauty according to Kree aesthetics. Her skin is also the bluest and deepest among all the team members in the battleship.

Firth curled his lips indifferently, because the memory damage caused by the previous mission on C-53 has not yet been fully recovered, and he is always unclear about some of the empire's cultural common sense.

But she always vaguely remembers her mother, Mar-Vell, in her mind. Even the Will family has always had serious conceptual differences with the Accusers, and is also one of the representatives of the Kree Empire's racial open integration faction. .

Wearing black and green light armor, Yon Rogg strode forward in the Dark Star, and walked bit by bit into the central hall, which almost replicated the environment and architectural structure of the sacrificial hall of the Commanding Regiment on their home planet.

The towering blue-black boulders are built into an extremely rigorous symmetrical structural shape, like diamond-shaped rings set together, which is very different from the "bright star" logo of the Kree Empire today.

Two rows of members of the accusation team wearing sacrificial robes were hunched together, looking at their toes and not daring to cross them at all, guarding an octagonal "bath" in the center of the hall.

Yong Rogg looked at the "accuser" Ronan who was slowly rising from the dark liquid like mercury, and secretly sighed in his heart at his overly burly and tall figure, almost like a little giant.

Facing Ronan who turned his back to him, Yong Rogg raised his hands and said softly:

"My team is already in place. Since the 'Supreme Wisdom' has arranged for us to complete this mission together, I still hope to have a pleasant cooperation with you."

"Mission? Yong Rogg. This is war."

Ronan murmured in a thunderous voice. His naked body spread out his arms, and two priests holding long metal boxes surrounded him and sprinkled indigo powder on his burly body little by little.

Immediately, other priests held pieces of armor and assembled them neatly for the "Supreme Accuser".

"I said, that despicable creature has no right to step into the Dark Star."

Ronan looked sideways slightly, then closed his eyes again, and asked the high priest to apply silver-black ink on his eyebrows and eye sockets. Then he slowly walked up to the huge stone seat in the center of the hall and spread his palms.

Yong Rogg looked at the two stocky pure-blood Kree warriors who were as strong as meat mountains. They struggled to carry a two-handed giant hammer and walked closer step by step, and sighed helplessly.

"Do you want to disobey military orders? The 'Supreme Wisdom' has made it clear that this war will be fought by me. Besides, you are also very aware of Firth's special situation, so it's best not to be unaware of it."


Ronan took the giant hammer and turned around. Invisible force fields swelled in the air, forcing Yong Rogg's back to bend a little bit.

"Mixed-race people, watch your words! I have no interest in acting with you. In my eyes, the so-called 'surprise' Firth Weir is a humanoid weapon transformed from a despicable race. If I had gone to C- 53——”

"Hehehe, then you are the one who will die, not Ma-Vell!"

Yong Rogg's face turned red and he straightened up suddenly. He stared at Ronan and continued without flinching:

"You should know that even with the 'Universal Warhammer', you are only as powerful as Ma-Vell who holds the 'Quantum Ring'. If you can beat that man, why wait until now! The empire's star fleet can surely defeat the lagging humans. But we must be powerful enough to involve the strongest person on the planet."

Ronan sat on the stone chair indifferently, leaning on the dark and simple warhammer in silence. His lavender dotted eyes looked at each other for a long time with Yong Rogg, and finally he leaned back on the chair and whispered. road:

"Let your people come up, just this once. Hum, I think... after this war is over, that woman will have no meaning in existence. Get ready, Commander Yon Rogg, let us go."



"Jie, Jie, Jie, hehe! Let me see who is so lucky. Tsk tsk"

Warren looked at the lanky weirdo with several machine arms in the secret hall of the "Wolf's Lair" cutting-edge equipment department. He couldn't help but poked his best friend Kurt and asked sarcastically:

"Why are there people like Dr. Zola in the base? They are not as exaggerated and thorough as his transformation, but God, they look more scary."

Dr. Myron McLean, a legend in the field of materials science, has discovered various derivative metal materials such as [Adelman Alloy] and [Original Vibranium] based on vibranium.

Dr. McClain, who is about the same age as Arnim Zola, should have died twenty years ago, but this scientific madman with an unusual enthusiasm for researching various materials also chose to modify his body to continue to survive.

Unlike Dr. Zola, who gave up his body almost all at once, and now only has one brain left, turning him into a pure "robot".

McLean prefers to replace his decayed and dead organs or tissues bit by bit, and feel the strange state of flesh and metal blending together.

Half of the skinny old doctor's face has been replaced by blue-gray alloy, and most of the organs in his chest and abdomen have been replaced. The beating metal heart can be seen directly through the transparent glass shell.

A telescopic and deformed mechanical prosthetic eye looked at the list in his hand, and four metal arms like crab claws behind him were scratching around on the table.

As the floor of the room vibrated, a heavy polygonal metal door slowly opened, revealing pieces of the most precious and powerful cold weapons and equipment on the planet.


The handful of legionnaires who were qualified to come to this room to receive weapons couldn't help but twitch their Adam's apples. If it hadn't been for this war, the things inside this door might have remained sealed in dust for many, many years.

"'Remy LeBeau' LeBeau, is LeBeau here?"

"Come on, come on~ Doctor, it's me, just call me little Remy!"

"The King of Gambling" listened to Dr. McLean's harsh and unpleasant electronic synthesized voice, as if he heard the charming shouts of the naked girl. He ran forward with a playful smile and hurriedly peeked into the door.

"The King of Pai has taught you [Primitive Vibranium] to make a battle stick and a set of cards. This material is more suitable for your energy transmission."

Remy LeBeau rubbed his hands on his windbreaker excitedly, and took the long dark green stick and the cards in the metal box with a face full of fascination.

Compared with the ordinary vibranium weapons he now exchanges for "Wolf Gold", the original vibranium is an upgraded version of vibranium that is smelted and concentrated using a large amount of vibranium raw ore. It is closest to Adamantium alloy in hardness, while taking into account the strength of vibranium. Many excellent features.

"After receiving it, hurry down and don't block the way! Well. 'Colossus' Pyotr Rasputin, awarded the Edman alloy axe, hum! You are the one who uses the most materials."


Peter, the tallest person in the room, stepped forward calmly, picked up the Adamantium alloy ax with a huge face and resembled a Viking horn battle ax with both hands. He rubbed the silver-gray ax body without much delay, raised his hands and quickly put them behind his back. Back off.

The doctor called Remus Peter and other the most outstanding Winter Wolf warriors one after another, and awarded them various weapons such as knives, swords or warhammers made of primitive vibranium or Adamantium alloy.

Seeing these hand-made weapons being distributed, the old doctor's mechanical heart seemed to be a little unable to bear it, and his tone became more and more irritable and impatient.

"Hey, little hen. I'm curious about what I've prepared for you. I thought you could just go to the firearms department and get two energy guns."

"Nightcrawler" asked doubtfully while riding on Warren's "Iron Wings".

As the grandson of Mr. Howlett, Master Kurt naturally had tailor-made Edman gold double swords very early. Compared with his father "Red Devil" who likes to use short blades, Kurt Howlett's weapons are more advanced. Slender, a bit like an Eastern "Tang Dao".

He came here today simply to join in the fun with Warren. Except for a few legion soldiers who are good at using cold weapons and have reached a certain level of strength who will be awarded such tailor-made highest-level weapons, most of them are ordinary vibranium and Standard equipment cast from secondary Adamantium alloy.

Warren, whose name was not called until the end, raised his wings gracefully and flew down in front of Dr. McClain, waiting for his customized equipment with the same curiosity.

".'Archang' Warren Worthington III! What do you mean, what do you mean you just have to deal with it?"

The old doctor looked at the list drawn up by Mr. Howlett, Magneto, and the Red Devil. In the end, Warren's awarded equipment column only read "It depends."

Warren was frightened by Dr. McLean's suddenly shining eyes. The obviously malicious mechanical eye turned and looked at his body, and a voice like a drake asked in a sharp voice:

"Boy, how much weight can your wings carry? Hey, can you add some ingredients?"

"Look what you said, I can break the speed of sound even if I take one person with me! Huh? What, what do you mean?"

McClain twisted his body and creaked, as if he was about to start working, swinging his two slender robotic arms and the auxiliary limbs behind him, and shouted:

"Come on, two people, hold him down!"

"What, what are you doing? Don't do this, Peter, let me go. Ah!"


A red-hot cubic furnace rises from the center of the chamber, containing a large amount of Adamantium alloy that remains liquid at extremely high temperatures.

McClain controlled the casting machinery to grab Warren's organic metal wings, and simply poured a layer of Adamantium metal on them!

Then there is the operation of plasticizing, adjusting, polishing and solidifying, and finally.

The shining silver "gold-plated" wings suddenly unfolded, with the blazing heat of Adamantium alloy still on them. The edges of the wings were as sharp as knives, and the wing surfaces were as solid as shields.

"Haha! Boys, after you have taken care of your affairs one by one, it's time to get to work!"

The doctor laughed maniacally as he looked at the latest gorgeous work. With his harsh laughter, the entire underground city rumbled and trembled, as if the continental shelf of Greenland had been moved.

The dome of the "Wolf's Nest" base cracked into a hole as big as a stadium with tens of thousands of people. A large, unsophisticated, black and simple rectangular battleship slowly rose up, flashing and spewing vast ice-blue energy.

The shouts of the mountain roaring and the tsunami below were shaking. The soldiers of the "Sirius Legion" hammered their chests and ascended to the "Sirius One" spacecraft driven by tractor beams.

James took all the members of the Howlett family in the central hall of the battleship and stared at the sky outside the giant hanging window.

Just when Hank McCoy was setting the jump coordinates of the spacecraft, the signal light from the extraterrestrial space exploration equipment suddenly lit up.

The "Wolf Emperor" looked at the blood-red warning signal on the light screen and suddenly grinned.

"Oh, what a coincidence."

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