Marvel: Opening Prince of Asgard

Chapter 197 Angel Arrives\r

"Meet the Master!

After spending more than 100 times the basic cosmic energy and a large amount of soul energy transformed into an ordinary Angel, Rommel and Kevilla looked at Caesar respectfully after the successful Angelization.

"I just want to know one thing!

"The infinite formula of the soul, but you two, who else knows!""

"Or, do you guys store it somewhere?"

Caesar asked loudly.

The infinite formula of the soul is related to the unknown core technology of super civilization, and it is extremely important to the sacred temple.

With the current strength of the Sacred Heavenly Palace, it must not be easily leaked, in order to attract the attention of a high-level civilization or a super-civilization!

"I still have a disciple, and I also passed on to him the infinite formula of the soul,

But as early as a few years ago, he died with his lover in the battle against the Kas gods!

"Only one child of a few years old is left!

"As for whether he taught it to others without authorization, I don't know! 35

Rommel shook his head and replied respectfully,

"After all, the infinite formula of the soul is of great importance, and it is also related to the secret of the rapid improvement of my spiritual power. Except for my own mind, I have not stored it in any light brain or books!"

The general Kevilla also nodded in response.

Kevilla is an orphan, and he has always kept the infinite formula of his soul passed down to him by Marshal Rommel, and no one has ever revealed it.

It has never been written down.

"So, except that your dead apprentice may leak the infinite formula of the soul, the infinite formula of the soul is still hidden!

Caesar nodded, then replied,

"Very well, the infinite formula of the soul will be included in the core secret of my sacred temple, and it must not be leaked easily. However, I have already ordered to gather the power of the entire Angel's spiritual network!"

"Weakening and splitting the infinite formula of the soul according to the strength level! 39

"Angel legions, naturally you can practice the full version of the infinite formula of the soul,

Ordinary people in the area ruled by the Sacred Heavenly Palace can, according to their piety, be taught to them the weakened and restricted soul infinite formula step by step!"

"The higher the soul level of the believers, the more soul energy and belief energy they can provide for the Holy Heavenly Palace!"

"However, your disciple's child, do you still remember? 39

Concerning the Soul Infinite formula, Caesar definitely doesn't want to leave any flaws.


Rommel replied decisively.

After his disciple died, Rommel also took more care of the child.

After sending the child's information to Caesar, Caesar led Rommel and Kevilla without hesitation.

Start directly towards the former capital of the Xinghui Federation, Huiyaoxing, and now the Angel forty-three stars under the rule of the Holy Heavenly Palace.

That kid, now, is still there.

In Angel's forty-three-star orphanage, a ten-year-old child was watching like a fool as some children of the same age scrambled for some toys that were rarely distributed by the orphanage before.

Those toys are actually quite plentiful, enough to keep everyone a share, but kids still like to scramble for the more beautiful and cool looking toys.

The Holy Heavenly Palace ruled the Star Federation, and did not cause much impact on the original social order of the Star Federation!

Even, because of the rule of the Sacred Heavenly Palace, some problems under the original rule of the Star Federation have been resolved!

The domination of high-level civilizations over low-level civilizations is often backward compatible.

And, in cases where the intended things are not of the same rank,

Being ruled by a high-level civilization might be a good thing for a low-level civilization!

At least, in terms of efficiency and caring for the bottom-level residents, the Holy Heavenly Palace is much better than the Star Federation.

When some of the Starlight Federation ruled, the orphanages that were relatively lacking in materials were also supplemented by sufficient materials when the Holy Heavenly Palace ruled.

The Holy Heavenly Palace needs more human beings, so that more believers are born.

Especially those children in orphanages are especially important in the faith promotion plan of the Holy Temple...

"Alice, what are you looking at, don't you want these toys?

"Look how cute this doll is!"

A chubby little girl who grabbed her favorite doll proudly showed off to the little girl with a dull face leaning in front of the door,

"This is an Angel doll, not only cute, but also very powerful, and it can fly! 35

"I also want to be an Angel in the future!

"Aren't these distributed toys all Angels?"

Alice said speechlessly.

Since the Holy Heavenly Palace ruled the Star Federation, a large number of Angels began to appear in the entire Star Federation.

Even their orphanage has delivered Angel dolls more than once.

"This is different, this is the King of Angels in my hand, Hexi, the King of Tianji, she is a super powerful Angel, and she is also very smart!

"I want to be as smart as her in the future!"

The little fat girl said longingly.

Alice shook her head gently, then glanced at the large number of Angel ornaments and various short stories displayed in the welfare home, her eyes were full of confusion.

Although she and Little Fat Girl are only ten years old, for some reason, compared to her peers, Alice's mind is much more mature.

For example, even though she is only ten years old now, she clearly knows that although the Sacred Heavenly Palace has a 2.2 package, it is very perfect.

But in essence, after all, it is a foreign ruler.

The Holy Heavenly Palace is subtly brainwashing them.

But, so what?

Xinghui Federation has not been much better to her.

At least, the Holy Heavenly Palace provides them with some toys and more possibilities.

Thinking of the former Xinghui Federation, which the orphans collectively gave to them not long ago, was the top-level sss-level spiritual forging method that only the children of powerful people were qualified to learn.

Alice's eyes became more and more confused.

"Perhaps, it would be nice to change the ruler!

Alice thought of this, and then her eyes suddenly widened.

Angel, it's coming!.

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