Marvel: Opening Prince of Asgard

Chapter 168 Giant Energy Civilization\r

The giant civilization that imitated the starry beasts and even the cosmic devourers came into being!

If I still can't get a breakthrough in quality, then, as long as I have enough quantity, I can withstand enough damage and exert enough destructive power, even if the technical barriers still haven't been broken through.

But with the technical barriers of the fourth-level civilization, I have enough combat power to fight against the fifth-level civilization!

Who dares to say that I am not a fifth-level civilization?

In the universe, the level of civilization speaks purely in terms of combat power!

The giant civilization is often a way for those civilizations whose civilization levels have fallen into long and unbreakable technical barriers to choose to move towards alternative power!

That is to continuously absorb the energy in the universe and infinitely expand the upper limit of the energy reserve of one's own civilization.

Even if I am only the most flexible cotton 03, if my size is as huge as a planet, even like a galaxy.

So, even if a steel needle can easily pierce cotton, even if it takes countless years,

Even a small steel needle can't cause a devastating blow to the cotton as huge as a planet!

Even, it will only be trapped by countless cottons, and finally, gradually decay!

This is the giant civilization!

However, the most powerful giant civilization that has appeared in the universe can easily crush countless sixth-level civilizations.

But I have never heard of it, that there is a civilization that takes the road of giant energy and can successfully be promoted to the seventh level!

Countless years have passed without a single one!

There is an unimaginably huge gap between high-level civilization and middle-level civilization!

Even if you are as big as a planet, cotton is still cotton.

Maybe just a little fire, or just a little other wonderful little thing.

It is enough to make the entire cotton planet disintegrate layer by layer and instantly destroy it!

The giant civilization has no way forward!

But in the middle and low levels, when civilization itself encounters barriers, giant energy can indeed exert a lot of combat power!

In the universe, there are also many examples of fourth-level civilizations that can even challenge sixth-level civilizations after being transformed into giant energy.

"No, it's not right, you're not in the right shape at all!"

"how did you do it?"

"How can you directly store and manipulate that enormous energy with a human body?"

"Even the Protoss can only use the Kingdom of God to control the accumulated divine power!

"Most importantly, where did your enormous energy come from?

"I haven't sensed your link with the kingdom of God, and I haven't sensed your link with other subspaces at all!"

"What is the civilization behind you?"

When the goddess of darkness said this, she was extremely surprised.

And Caesar's face changed slightly, and replied coldly,

"The time is up, I have also constructed the space channel leading to the Kingdom of Cass, you can go to hell!

Caesar finished speaking coldly, and then waved his hand, and a burst of energy spurted out, directly smashing the cracked body of the Dark Goddess into pieces!

"Although I can directly use all the energy of the entire sacred temple through the gate of transcendence, I can even use this to exert a combat power far beyond the eighteenth level!"9

"However, ordinary sixth-level civilization, or even seventh-level civilization, is difficult to directly store and manipulate enormous energy with a small humanoid body! 39

"I am not linked to the kingdom of God, and the door of detachment must not be exposed. It seems that in the future, things that can easily use excess energy cannot be exposed at will! 99

"However, fortunately, God Race's combat power should not have improved significantly over the years!"

"First of all, the kingdom of God is basically the same as it is!"

"A mixture of reality and reality, hiding in the warp, the power of the kingdom of God mostly depends on the individual efforts of the gods themselves! 55

"And the power of ordinary divine arts of gods does not increase much. Although the sacrificial arts is unexpected, it should be the latest achievement of the Protoss over the years.

But the saints need to be sacrificed, only one blow, and the power that can be exerted does not exceed the combat power of the gods themselves!

"And the power of the state funeral technique is not much different from the power recorded in the inheritance! 99

"It is nothing more than compressing the dimensions, turning the real into the virtual, the most 427 is that the conversion efficiency of divine power has been improved, but there is no essential improvement!

"As long as there is enough energy and enough information flow, it is enough to resist dimensional compression and turn reality into fiction!

"And even if the saints with the key combat power of the gods are given a sufficient amount of divine power, the upper limit of the combat power they can exert,

Although it is slightly increased by about 0.2 compared to the 80% of the power of the gods in the inheritance, the problem is not too big!"

"It would be dangerous if the saints' ability to use their own belief in gods could reach more than 90%!"

Just thinking about it, if there is a 29th-level supreme god, there are tens of thousands of saints in the kingdom of God, and each saint can exert a power close to the 29th level with enough divine power!

How terrible that must be!

"However, the basic intelligence investigation of the Protoss has been completed, and now, it's time to wrap up!"

Caesar murmured, and then, with a single step, he stepped into the void!

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