Also unwilling to be controlled by Zhou Luo, Mrs. Gao chose to take the risk and seized this opportunity to get rid of Zhou Luo's control. Unfortunately, she still underestimated Zhou Luo's power.

In that world-famous war, the young Yashita Ichiro was just a small soldier like cannon fodder. In order to end the war, the United States dropped two nuclear bombs at Neon that were enough to end the war.

Yashida Ichiro, who was on the scene, was rescued by Wolverine Logan, who was also there, at the cost of only some scars on his face.

After that, Ichiro Yashita took advantage of the rapid economic recovery of neon after the war, and it has become a decisive big shot of neon today.

"Oh, so Logan may have been fooled by Yazhitian to neon, and Erica..." At this point, Zhou Luo frowned and looked at Mrs. Gao, "You also fooled Erica. Neon?"

"Yes," Madam Gao suppressed her body that was constantly trembling because of fear, "Yashida is also very interested in the power of the black sky, thinking that the beast can help him extend his life."

"That's the belief that you have held together for so many years, so you just traded it out?" Zhou Luo asked Mrs. Gao, half sarcastically and half surprised.

"Faith? Huh!" Even though she knew that she was facing Zhou Luo, Mrs. Gao couldn't help but laugh at herself when she said that, "The hand-healing club was created by us. What beliefs do you have?"

"Very good," Zhou Luo applauded slowly, "Deadpool, give her a good time."

"No problem, boss." The bored Deadpool's eyes lit up, and he pulled out the alloy knife behind him with a "swish".

"Oh, Deadpool! You bastard, do you want to stain my floor?" Zhou Luo quickly stopped.

"Ok, ok, sorry boss, I will go out right away." Deadpool laughed awkwardly, dragged Mrs. Gao and dragged it out.

"Oh, this idiot." Zhou Luo sighed, then looked towards the west.

"It seems that I have to go to Neon for a while, maybe I can pull some investment or something..."

At the same time, in Wayne Manor.

Bruce had just returned from hunting with his three hounds, and he received the "good" news from the old housekeeper Alfred: "Master, Mr. Zhou Luo, who you brought me to pay attention to, I found his trace."

Soon, the dignified Bross learned about Zhou Luo's experience in this period of time.

"I have to say, Master, this seems a little different from what you thought."

Even the wise Batman, At the moment, there was a bit of astonishment in his eyes.

Indeed, he originally thought Zhou Luo, who was infected with the Joker virus, would become as crazy as Joker. However, from the perspective of Zhou Luo’s recent behavior, although it is indeed different from his previous behavior, it can only be regarded as a crime at best, and it is still far away. Not crazy.

The Bacchus factor, something that comes from the origin of the universe, cannot be resisted by pure will, and Batman has also experienced that taste firsthand.

That's why Batman is so puzzled, how exactly did Zhou Luo do it? Did he find another power of the origin of the universe to fight against it?

Bruce, who was full of doubts, did not expect that his unprovoked guess was the correct answer.

"Alfred, get ready. I'm going to meet this old friend." A smile appeared on Bruce's mouth.

Whether Zhou Luo really resisted the crazy power or his meticulous disguise, you only need to take a look at it for yourself, and everything will be understood.

At the moment Zhou Luo is meeting with someone he doesn't want to meet very much.

General Ross, this is an old man who is a hardliner even in the army and is nominally the father-in-law of the Hulk.

"Hello, General."

Zhou Luo looked at the old man in front of him. He and Zhou Luo had a sense of spirit and fighting spirit.

At the moment, he did not have the strength and majesty that had previously controlled all the situation, his left hand was bandaged, and his face was depressed and gloomy.

"Zhou, I don't think we have met for the first time." General Rose put the lit cigar aside and gestured to him with a glass of hard liquor.

"Yeah, General, the last time I met was when the two giants were fighting in a mess in the city. It's a pity that you didn't notice me that time."

Zhou Luo chuckled, obviously seeing General Rose's face suddenly turn black when he mentioned "Two Giants".

"It seems that this general should be caused by the Hulk again," Zhou Luo snickered in his heart, "but now Bruce Banner should be right at S.H.I.E.L.D. Why would he just get up with General Ross?"

"Well, let's not talk about this topic, I think there should be important things when we meet." General Ross exposed the topic with a cold face.

"We have always had a good cooperation with Osborn Industry. Now I heard that you are the real leader of Osborn Industry and you have brought us some new things..."

"This is also my purpose," Zhou Luo smiled faintly, "Better weapons and equipment, General, what is your definition of a good weapon?"

"Which weapon kills the most people in the world?" General Ross patted Zhou Luo on the shoulder and said vaguely: "A single weapon is the AK47 assault rifle, which has killed millions in the sixty years since its birth. people.

In my opinion, the best weapon should be like the AK47, which can be used by people all over the world.

In my opinion, Tony Stark's steel armor is just an expensive toy. "

General Rose sneered, his bandaged arm turned to the side, and he sighed.

"If our soldiers become like the captain of the United States, they have amazing physical fitness and extremely strong physique, just like a Spartan warrior, never afraid, full of fighting spirit..."

He was always thinking of Banner in his heart, to be precise, that powerful and incomparable green behemoth.

"General, I brought you a new weapon. Compared with the expensive steel machine, its cost is not worth mentioning. It can be put into production immediately."

Zhou Luo looked at General Ross, who was drunk, with his palms open, and a warm and shiny spinning top lying quietly in his palm.

Ivan Vanke did not disappoint him, and soon copied Ark reactor.

"The energy core of steel armor?"

The military has been paying close attention to the steel armor in Tony Stark's hand, so General Rose recognized what this gleaming gadget was at a glance.

"It is the weapon development trend of the new era. Let us change the form of war from a duel of thermal weapons to a dispute of energization."

"Energy weapon..." The drunk General Ross could not help but stage that magnificent picture in his mind.

"Mr. Zhou, I have to say, you are really a visionary genius, if I have the opportunity, I really want to introduce my baby girl to you."

General Rose said seriously with a tone of emotion.

Zhou Luo's expression suddenly became strange. Isn't General Rose's daughter the Hulk's girlfriend?

Well, the Hulk...hehe, the "Green" giant...

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