Marvel Movie Destruction

423 Drive The Tiger and Swallow The Wolf (1/3)

Chapter 423 Drive away tigers and swallow wolves (13)

"Now, who is in favor and who opposes?" With the staff upright, someone asked around.

A group of Autobots immediately began to count the ants, including Hot Rod, who was eager to try it.

The elder is now lying in the circular bomb crater with black smoke, and the ghost will provoke this guy at such a time!

"Since everyone has no objection, then I will do it according to my method." Seeing that everyone agreed, someone scattered the hot fireball floating in the air, and said with a kind smile on his face.

"I don't really like his way of doing things, what do you think!"

Taking the elder out of the crater, Repo whispered to the inspector beside him.

Of course, its so-called whisper is almost the same as ordinary people shouting.

"I think he's pretty cool. Besides, it should be a special situation during wartime, right?" the inspector said sincerely.

In this way, someone directly got the leadership of the team.

Of course, the reason why it's so simple is because of the big premise of saving the world, and the fact that there are no leaders in the Autobots, which makes it easy for someone to succeed.

Bumblebee couldn't give orders because of the damage to the vocal organs, so he could only install a background board on the side, and Elder and Hot Po were unfamiliar with these Autobots.

Although it's true that someone's way of doing things is a bit domineering, this little problem doesn't hurt at all.

At least some Autobots think a strong leader is a good thing!

"Now, can you listen to me quietly?" Someone unraveled the confinement spell on Vivian's body, and someone smiled genially.

It's just that in Vivian's eyes, this guy's smile is so hideous, it's like a devil's smile.

However, as a highly educated female doctor, she still knows how to judge the situation. Even those Autobots have chosen to give in, so she naturally won't come to the forefront.

"Well, may I ask? Did you really use magic?"

Vivian thought for a while, but still couldn't help asking curiously.

Just now the other party pointed at him and he couldn't move, plus the huge fireball summoned out of thin air by the other party, it directly refreshed Vivian's outlook on life.

The existence of Autobots in this world is enough to make people collapse, and now even the legendary magician has jumped out, which makes Vivian sigh in the bottom of her heart.

How can ordinary people live in peace?

"Yes, your ancestor Merlin was also a magician. I don't think I need to retell his story!" Someone nodded and said directly.

"You mean Merlin? He is my ancestor? How is it possible, he is a mythical figure!" Vivian asked with wide eyes.

"He is indeed your ancestor, as evidenced by the genealogy, and you are Merlin's only heir in the world. If you want to get Merlin's staff, you must be there!" The genealogy of the Vivian family was laid out, but because the elder was being rescued now, no one knew where the thick stack of genealogy was hidden.

After all, with Ser Edmund's age and physique, it would be too embarrassing for him to climb up and down to find a document.

Ser Edmund, who was the NPC on the mission next to him, felt that the secrets and beliefs he had held all his life seemed to be a joke. The other party was actually a real magician, so why did he insist on it for so many years?

What surprised him even more was that, according to the records of the monastery for so many years, Merlin did not know magic at all. The reason why he was regarded by everyone as the origin of British magic for so many years was mainly because he had the help of the Autobots!

But now, even Ser Edmund himself didn't know whether those records were right or not.

There is a real mage in front of him, so no one knows whether Merlin is a real mage or not!

"Okay, even if I'm Merlin's heir, how can I help you?" Even though no elders brought out the family tree to prove it, Vivian still said that she had believed the other party's words.

Because she felt that although she was pretty good-looking, no matter from which aspect, she should not be qualified to let a group of Autobots and a mage form a group to fool herself.

She's not that important, is she?

The Scepter of Life is hidden at the bottom of the sea, but someone has not remembered the specific plot very clearly, but fortunately, the role of Sir Edmund's quest NPC was brought into full play at this time, and Vivienne thought of her father in a few words. Give her a hint, and then someone takes Isabella to her house with Vivian, and goes to her father's study to find clues.

Originally, Sir Edmund wanted to join him, but someone felt that he should stay in the castle to retire when he was old, and directly refused him to join.

Someone here is leading two women on a treasure hunt, and over there, Megatron has kidnapped several high-ranking CIA officials and is negotiating with the Quick Reaction Force.

Although in someone's eyes the strength of the Quick Reverse Force is the same, but that's because he had a similar experience in the Resident Evil world. In fact, the Quick Reverse Force is still very powerful, and has caught some notorious madmen over the years. Send Autobots.

Megatron, who had just regained his full strength, wanted to fish out his men so that he could complete the task given to him by Quintasha.

It's just that there is a big gap from the original plot this time, because Megatron completely agreed to all its demands as soon as he opened his mouth, and even the ultra-dangerous Decepticons like Nitrogen Zeus and Sac Giant were released.

Seriously, Megatron himself didn't expect this kind of ending, which made it a little dazed.

Could it be that he really kidnapped some great big man?

In fact, over this matter, the U.S. government has already quarreled!

Someone had no intention of concealing his whereabouts at all, and with such a large group of Autobots, even if he wanted to, he couldn't hide it.

The Dharma God, who fell from the sky, took in the Autobots with lightning speed, and also went to the UK by the way. According to the information, it seems that he is looking for a super scepter?

Coupled with the huge metal sharp horns that have just emerged from all over the earth, the guys on Capitol Hill are convinced that there is a high probability that the guy from the god of law will come to the earth for military exploration, and maybe the next wave will come. It's the alien fleet!

But no matter how much they doubted in their hearts, they didn't dare to attack each other rashly, because maybe there is a very small probability that the other party really came to travel?

This kind of ostrich mentality generally does not exist in the United States as a world hegemon, but now facing a cosmic empire that can fight across galaxies, the Yankees can only choose this kind of stab in the back.

Even if Megatron didn't come to them, they'd try to find each other so they could fight someone.

Regardless of who loses, it is a victory for the United States. It would be even better if the two sides could directly fight until they both lost and then let them benefit.

As for the damage and casualties that may be caused by the fighting between the two sides?

For the future of all mankind, someone has to make sacrifices, right?

I'm sorry, there was a temporary incident yesterday afternoon, and there was one less update!

After a bit of calculation, I owe twelve chapters for the main text, and several chapters for Neifan.

I'm really sorry!

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