It was here that the captain trained and passed the selection process before being injected with the super soldier serum.

Later, the Strategic Science Corps, the predecessor of S.H.I.E.L.D., was also established here.

Thinking of this information, Tony quickly heard the deeper meaning of the message Mark left.

"It seems that this [thing I need] is not just as simple as the space gem, but what surprises me even more is that this brat even expected the accident of the space gem...

Captain, what do you think? What Mark means is for the two of us to complete the task of obtaining the last Infinity Stone. "

The captain bent down and picked up the vibranium buckler from the ground, and held it tightly on his arm again.

"I believe in Mark, and I believe in you, Tony."

The corners of Tony's mouth turned up, the sad look on his face disappeared, and he stretched out a palm towards the captain.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let us work together to take back what is rightfully ours!"

Snapped--! The captain did not hesitate, the two of them struck each other with their palms, and disappeared into this time and space at the same time in the next second...


The first update, 2100 words. .

Chapter 427

New Jersey Military Base - The birthplace of Captain Steve Rogers!

Outside the military base, a huge advertising billboard hangs, announcing its former glory and pride to the world.

Tony: "You must not have been born here, right?"

Captain: "No, but the ideas that made me who I am today were born here."

In the base, Captain and Tony, who came from future time and space, successfully sneaked in by relying on the knowledge and information advantages brought by the time travellers.

"Then you must be more familiar with this place than me. If you were the head of SHIELD and wanted to build a mysterious intelligence organization like Hydra, where would you hide it?"

Tony asked the captain while scanning the environment and collecting information through the smart glasses he wore.

But as soon as he finished speaking, the captain suddenly stopped and looked forward with surprise: "Far away in the horizon, close in front of you!"

There was a trapezoidal military facility more than ten meters in front of them. In front of the facility were two people in suits and ties who looked like agents at first glance. After looking around, they cautiously opened the door and entered.

Tony saw from the information output by the smart glasses that the two people did not stay inside the facility after entering it, but took the elevator to the ground.

"We found it. There is a cave deeper below the ground. What we are looking for should be down there.

However, the performance of agents in this era is really poor. They are not at the same level as Natasha and Barton. Even if they are compared with Colson, they are bullying them.

And I didn’t expect that this old-fashioned movie routine of building a secret base underground and hiding important things is actually true..."

The captain heard Tony's complaints and rolled his eyes at him, "You can't say that because of the limitations of the times.

Their performance may seem very poor to you, but compared with other spy organizations of the same era, it is already at the top level.

When I joined the army, all the military training soldiers received was basic close-combat combat, in addition to basic gun shooting and long-distance running physical training.

Those who can become agents and spies are those who have a certain amount of cryptography knowledge, or have outstanding skills and certain acting talents.

Compared with ordinary soldiers of this era, they are slightly inferior, let alone an agent.

So this is the progress and development of the times. The future always has to be better than the past. It took me a long time to adapt to this. "

Indeed, when it comes to adapting to future society and life, the captain is the person with the most say. After all, this is his personal experience.

"But our future doesn't look better than the present, does it? We really have a [failed] future!" As he spoke, Tony grinned at himself.

The captain turned to look at Tony beside him and put his palm on his shoulder, "Don't worry, we will make everything better. Now it's time to take action."

Arriving in front of this military facility, Tony and the captain followed the example of the two agents before. They first carefully observed the surrounding environment, then opened the door and quickly walked in.

After entering, the entire facility was empty, with no office staff or personnel on duty. There was only an elevator that looked full of technology, as if it didn't belong to this era, leading to a secret base deep underground.

There is an identification device at the elevator, which requires triple identification of IC card, password and physiological characteristics before entering the elevator.

However, even in the 21st century, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s protective system could not stop Tony, and it was even more inadequate based on the technical level of the 1970s. With the help of Friday, almost in the blink of an eye, the entire system was completely broken, and the captain and Tony entered the elevator easily.

After entering the elevator, Tony seemed to have remembered something and murmured in a low voice: "You have to remember to upgrade Friday's technology when you go back. Mark, this brat..."

Even the captain, a super soldier strengthened by the super soldier serum, could not hear the following content clearly, but judging from the expression on Tony's face, it was not something good.

As the elevator went down, a black woman came in. She looked like she was a civilian employee in the underground base. In order to prevent the other party from seeing the captain's face and recognizing his identity, Tony deliberately took a step forward and stood between the two of them.

Before coming in, Tony and the captain had already assigned their respective areas of responsibility. Tony was responsible for the base's laboratories and weapons depot, while the captain conducted searches in the administrative core area.

"My place has arrived. Let's go first. I wish you good luck in your mission, captain!"

"I also wish you good luck with your project, Doctor!"

After saying that, the two of them passed each other, Tony walked out of the elevator, and the captain pressed the hat on his head, trying to hide his face in the shadows.

[Particle detection, gamma signature does not match! 】

"Damn it, hurry up!"

In the weapons depot, Tony quickly walked through the passages, searching for traces of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube. At the same time, he also had to guard against the sudden appearance of others who would interfere with his search mission.

At this time, he was almost at the end of the weapons arsenal. If the space gem was not found again, Tony could only count on the captain to get some useful clues in the administrative area.

【Goal matching! 】

Finally, just when Tony thought there was no hope, the good news he had been waiting for came to his ears.

"Found it!" Tony looked excitedly at the heavy safe on his right. Through the gamma ray imaging function of the smart glasses, he could clearly see the shape of the items inside.

And Tony confirmed at a glance that this was the target he was looking for, because this square shape was very familiar to him. After all, the Avengers could be established because of its contribution - the Cosmic Cube. !

"You're lucky, brat!" Tony snorted arrogantly, but the excitement on his face couldn't be faked.

Without any hesitation, the nano-armor covered his hand, and then a plasma light blade was generated from his fingers.

With a slight wave of his arm, it was like a hot knife cutting through butter. The thick metal safe failed to play any protective role and was directly cut apart.

As the protection was destroyed, the blue light of the Cosmic Cube shone on Tony's face. However, he didn't care about getting excited about getting the last Infinity Stone. He found a suitcase nearby and put the Rubik's Cube directly in it.

"Go up and find the captain, and then you can go back and end this nightmare that has lasted for five years..." Tony thought as he held the box in his hand tightly.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps came from not far away, and someone else came to the weapons depot!

The voice of the visitor was very familiar to Tony, "Arnim, are you here? Arnim?"

Because of this familiarity, Tony was stunned for a moment, and it was also because of this moment of confusion that the two met unexpectedly in the dim underground base...


The second update, 2200 words, there will be another update later. .

Chapter 428

"Hey, good friend, I'm looking for Dr. Zola. Have you seen him?"

The visitor saw Tony appearing in the weapons depot and immediately asked.

As for the Dr. Zola he mentioned, his full name is Arnim Zola, and he is a scientist recruited from Hydra.

If the person being asked here is the captain, he will definitely remember this name deeply.

Because Dr. Zola, as a scientist who helped Red Skull control the energy of the Cosmic Cube, was once caught by Captain, who was later forced to reveal the location of Red Skull's base, and then there was the final battle between Captain and Red Skull.

After World War II, the Axis Powers were defeated, and Hydra was completely disbanded on the surface. In fact, it secretly moved its activities underground, and took advantage of the United States to recruit a large number of Nazi scientists to insert its own forces in God. The predecessor of the Shield - the Strategic Science Corps.

In this way, Hydra completely bound its destiny to the political system of the entire country, and triggered the "Insight Project" that later threatened the security of the entire earth and the collapse and reorganization of S.H.I.E.L.D.

The person who planned this plan was none other than Dr. Zola, who transferred his consciousness to a supercomputer after his physical death.

But at this moment, Tony had no time to think about these things, and even fell into a sluggish state.

Because the man who appeared in front of him was named Howard Stark, the man who gave him everything.

"Hey! Friend, did you hear me?"

Seeing Tony's lack of reaction, Howard stretched out his hand and shook it vigorously in front of him and asked again.

"Oh, sorry! I was a little distracted just now. You are looking for Dr. Zola, right? But I didn't see him. There's not even a human figure here."

"Really...Thank you for your answer." Although Dr. Zola was not found, Howard still smiled kindly at Tony.

For some reason, the first time he saw the person in front of him, it gave him a very familiar and cordial feeling, as if they had known each other for a long time.

So Howard couldn't help but ask: "Have we met somewhere before?"

"You probably don't know me, sir. I'm a visitor from MIT. Maybe we passed each other on the MIT campus." Tony shook his head and replied.

Logically speaking, he was stealing the Cosmic Cube from the weapons arsenal, so he should feel very nervous when someone encounters him now.

But what he feels now is just the opposite. He is very relaxed and even feels a little happy, just because the person standing in front of him is his father.

"If we have really crossed paths, then we really have a wonderful fate. By the way, what's your name?"

"My name is Howard, Howard Potts!" Tony didn't say his real name, making up a name that combined his father's first name with Pepper's last name.

"The name is quite easy to remember, and what a coincidence that my name is Howard, Howard Steck - hello, Mr. Potts!"

Howard introduced himself and extended his right hand to Tony.

Tony quickly stretched out his hand and shook it with him, but maybe because he saw his father again, or when the other man was young, Tony was so excited that the strength in his hand became unconsciously stronger.

"It's just a handshake, don't be so nervous! But you don't look very good, Mr. Potts?"

"Sorry for trying too hard, I'm fine, I'm just a little too tired recently.

I have a son who is not young anymore, but he still makes me worry about him. I also got into a big trouble today, which makes me feel a little headache and out of breath. "

Facing Howard, Tony had no scruples and openly complained to him about his son, Howard's grandson Mark. Although Howard himself didn't know about it.

"In that case, would you like to go out and breathe some fresh air together, Mr. Potts?" Howard invited.

"That's perfect." Tony agreed without hesitation.

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