Travel through time and space to the past, then hijack the Infinity Stones, change the timeline of the time and space we are in, and then return the things back. "

"Wait a minute Mark, although I tried my best to bring you back to life, you are also a very important part of my life, and I am willing to support all your ideas.

But you also know that things are different for me now, your sister, my daughter, Morgan, she needs me. What I mean is that we can go on adventures together again, and I also hope to be able to reverse everything we lost in our previous failures, but the premise is to keep everything I have now, so it is impossible not to risk my life like before. "

Tony "923" expressed his inner thoughts very straightforwardly. In fact, although the superheroes present all have noble character and strong sense of responsibility, it is difficult to choose between everyone and Xiaojia. On the issue, it is indeed impossible to kidnap them morally.

No matter what choice they make, they should receive due respect and support. Mark was not dissatisfied with Tony's request. Although he and Morgan had not met yet, whether it was his experience as an orphan in his previous life or his upbringing in a single-parent family in this life, Mark could empathize with Tony's thoughts. , and also hope that Morgan can grow up healthily and happily under the love and care of both parents.

"Don't worry, I promise there won't be any situation that requires any of my companions to risk their lives. If so, I will be the first to step forward."

In fact, for Mark, the decision to start the final battle and restore the situation caused by Thanos in the entire universe was not because of his own bravery and selfless dedication.

Mark made this decision more because of the partners around him. The moment Doctor Strange handed over the Time Stone, he completely trusted him. Mark hoped that he could reciprocate the trust of the other party; and because of the loss of his beloved around him. As for the companions who are in great pain, this is the only way to help them get out of the quagmire of pain.

As for Tony's sacrifice in the original Endgame, just as Mark promised everyone, if there was a situation where someone had to make a sacrifice, then he would be the first to step forward and bear the risk.

For Mark, who has lived two colorful lives in different worlds, he is indeed a little bit bearish about life and death, and is motivated to do whatever he doesn't accept.

Of course, Mark would not go out of his way to make himself unhappy and have to become a victim of success. In his opinion, since he has the prophetic memory of his previous life, as long as he tries to avoid the mistakes he made in his original destiny, the so-called endgame may not start at all, and everything can end safely and smoothly after they finish the battle. The moment you snap your fingers and return the gem.

"So, does anyone want to quit now?" All the prerequisites have been explained, and now it depends on everyone's choice.

"Sorry, Mark. I can't accept the plan you proposed, and Wang and I still need to shoulder the mission of Kama Taj. I'm afraid I can't take this risk with you.

The first to withdraw were Modu and Wang. Mark nodded understandingly to their decision and was not surprised.

From Modo's previous entanglement with Mark's resurrection from the dead, it can be seen that Modo is naturally full of resistance to such things that violate the laws of nature, and it is naturally impossible for him to agree to join Mark's time hijacking plan. .

Of course, if Mark is willing to spend a lot of time and energy to persuade Modo like he did in the soul world, the other party is still very likely to be persuaded by him. After all, the gap in IQ between the two is still very obvious. .

However, it was not necessary for Mark to do so. On the one hand, as Modu said, he and Wang shouldered the mission of Kama Taj and were unable to do anything at the same time. The basis for the success of the time hijacking plan is to maintain the current basic structure of the earth. If all of them travel through time, but when they come back they find that the earth has fallen into the hands of others such as Dormammu, then this plan will not work. It is necessary to carry out.

On the other hand, the addition of Mordo and Wang can provide them with limited help... First of all, from the perspective of cooperation, the tacit understanding between them and the Avengers is not cultivated enough, and there will definitely be problems when they cooperate. Some unexpected situations; in addition, Modu's emotions are also a hidden danger. If he changes his mind midway and hinders the implementation of their plan, it would be better to eliminate the existence of this hidden danger from the beginning.

The next person to withdraw from the time hijacking plan was Okoye, the current leader of the Kingdom of Wakanda. The reason was similar to that of Mordo and the others. It was also because she shouldered the heavy responsibility of Wakanda, so she could only withdraw with regret.

However, Okoye said that she was willing to provide maximum help to Mark and the others in terms of technology and materials. Even vibranium was supplied to them in unlimited quantities, because both she and the people of Wakanda wanted them to The real king Black Panther T'Challa and the lovely Princess Shuri can return.

Mark also solemnly promised that their team would do their best to make the time hijacking plan a success, and at the same time unceremoniously accepted the help Wakanda promised to provide. After all, in Mark's plan, the demand for vibranium is indeed not a small amount.

"Then who else wants to quit? If everyone is determined to join this plan, I will start to announce the first part of the time hijacking plan -" Mark asked as his eyes glanced at the remaining people. All the superheroes looked at them one by one.

From the looks in their eyes, Mark could tell that they had all firmed up their ideas and decided to join this plan. In this case, Mark didn't ask any more questions and said directly: "It seems that everyone is ready." It has been decided, so I will continue to talk about the first step of our time hijacking plan——

Dad, it’s time to completely resolve the conflict between you and the captain. And Thor, although nothing has happened to you in the past five years, before we officially start taking action, you’d better Get rid of all the fat on your body! "

"Ah——!" As soon as Mark finished speaking, Sol beside him immediately screamed in pain and collapsed to the ground...


Second update, 2100 words.

Chapter 418

"Mark, three feet of ice will not last in a day. You want me to lose all this fat in such a short period of time before the start of the plan. It is really difficult..."

Saul still had a sense of luck, hoping to persuade Mark to retract this decision through his own persuasion.

But before Mark could speak, Tony had already started his venomous tongue mode: "Lebowski, you should lose weight, otherwise it would be embarrassing to get stuck in the entrance of the quantum tunnel."

"Hmph! Tony, please don't stand and talk without hurting your back. You should solve the problem between yourself and the captain first! I didn't know that you would make such a fuss over such a trivial matter, and you were still in Rockets and the others. Bragging in front of the Avengers that they are the most powerful superhero team on Earth.

As a result, when I later found out, the Avengers actually split, and some members were wanted globally. Where are you going to put my face? "

Sol was also following the stick, and when he saw Tony's response, he quickly changed the subject and stopped discussing his weight loss.

But after hearing what Saul said, Tony was completely aroused by him, "You call the revenge of killing your father a trivial matter?"

"Anyway, compared to the past grievances, the emotion at hand is the most important, isn't it? Compared with me, you are far behind in this matter. My brother wants to kill me all day long, and I still have a The war-mad sister killed my father, and finally I and my brother killed my sister.

Look, what have I been saying? Compared to me, you are nothing but a trivial matter! "

After listening to Sol's speech, Mark walked up to him with pity in his eyes, and gently patted Sol's back, which was full of fat accumulation, "Thank you for your hard work, Sol, you still have us, We will accompany you. Now I understand why you are so fat. Time is really a butcher's knife!"

"I don't know what you are talking about Mark, but I feel offended?"

"No, no, you are overthinking. Sol, I definitely didn't mean to offend you. I was just telling the truth. But you don't have to worry about losing weight. What age is it now? You want to lose weight quickly and safely?" Isn’t it simple?

Don’t worry, my laboratory has a collection of many works that I did not promote after my original invention. Although the commercial value is not high, the use effect is definitely top-notch, allowing you to lose dozens of kilograms in a week. "

Mark patted his chest and promised Sol confidently.

"Mark, that's not what I meant. What I meant was, can we not reduce it..." Before Sol could finish speaking, Mark turned and left without giving Sol a chance to refuse.

After solving Sol's problem, Mark came between Tony and the captain again. Seeing the awkward atmosphere the two were in, he broke the deadlock directly: "So who of you two speaks first? It's been almost six years. You should also have an understanding of what’s going on between you.”

In the end, it was Tony who opened the topic first. Tony also knew that the captain felt that his actions had hurt him, so if he didn't open his mouth first, the knot between them would never be resolved.

"It's like this. It takes too much energy to hold a grudge, especially after a few years have passed. At my age, I no longer have the energy to hold a grudge. I don't like this."

The captain smiled knowingly when he heard Tony's words, raised his head and looked at Tony, "Me too."

"Well, how about letting the matter between us be over as it is?" Tony asked, extending his palm to the captain.

"That's it!" The captain held Tony's right hand, and the two stood together in such a friendly manner for the first time in a long time. The surrounding Avengers members were also very happy to see this scene.

Although some members are missing from the team now, they are not able to witness this moment together. But they believe that as long as everyone works together and unites as one, this time and space hijacking plan will be successfully completed, allowing their disappeared companions and relatives to return to them.

"It seems that things are going very smoothly. The first link of the time and space hijacking plan has been settled neatly! Sol, please don't let the chain slip when the time comes. I will let Dabai act as your personal fitness trainer and supervise you every day. of your weight loss plan.

If you don’t meet the standard by then, don’t say that I won’t let you participate in the time travel plan. You know, if you can go back in time, you will have the opportunity to see your deceased relatives again——”

"!" Upon hearing this, Thor's eyes immediately widened like bells, and he looked at Mark with expectation written all over his face, "Don't worry, I guarantee that the Thor you will see when the time comes is the same Thor who had six dollars five years ago. Thor with abs!”

It seems that Mark's strategy really worked. In just one sentence, he was able to motivate Sol, igniting his unlimited motivation and enthusiasm for weight loss.

At this time, Scott suddenly stood up and asked Mark a question: "If so many of us are going to enter the quantum realm, we will definitely need to use a large number of Pym particles. How to solve this problem?

Since Dr. Pym was wiped out by Thanos with a snap of his fingers, no one on Earth has been able to create new Pym particles. In other words, based on our current stock, there is simply not enough for so many people to travel through time and space. Even if you act alone, there is no way to collect all the Infinity Stones to complete the plan you proposed. The Pym Particles needed for the return journey are simply not enough. "

In response to Scott's concerns, Mark just smiled softly and called Dabai softly. Dabai immediately understood what Mark meant, and raised a strange mechanical device in the laboratory, "I want you to There is no need to have such concerns, we do not lack Pym particles at all."

After hearing Mark's words, Scott quickly stepped forward to check, and then saw that the transparent container of this special device was full of inert solvents that preserved Pym particles. The reserve was even greater than that of his second-generation Ant-Man. Want more.

" did you get this? There are too many! Did Dr. Pym give it to you?" Scott saw the Pym particles, which were supposed to be scarce items, in Mark's hand. There were so many, which really shocked Scott.

"I almost forgot, you were not in the doctor's laboratory when I met Dr. Pym last time, and it seems that the doctor didn't tell you about it later.

In fact, Dr. Pym is not the only person on earth who can create Pym particles. At least I can also create Pym particles in large quantities, so there is a problem of Pym particle consumption and distribution. Don't worry, everything can be solved.

So, does anyone else have any questions? I'll solve it all now. Everyone can put forward their own ideas, and I believe that through collective efforts, we will be able to formulate a more perfect plan. "

In front of Mark, the captain obviously had something to say. However, he first glanced around and found that no one else continued to ask questions. Then the captain raised his own question: "I have no questions about other things, but I want to know whether we should call Captain Marvel for this operation." return.

With the powerful strength of Captain Marvel, our overall strength can be greatly improved, which is also good for completing our plans. "

The captain didn't so much ask a question as he made a suggestion. In his opinion, only by having Captain Marvel come back to participate in this mission can their success rate be maximized.

But in the face of the suggestion given by the captain, Mark finally shook his head and expressed his rejection, "The affairs of the earth should be left to the heroes of the earth to solve. I believe that our strength is enough to solve this bunch of troubles." .

As for Captain Marvel, there are still a lot of troubles in the universe waiting for her to help, and there is no way we can accommodate her schedule. "

Of course, this is just what Mark said on the surface. The actual idea is that taking Captain Marvel with him on this time travel journey would pose too many risks.

Captain Marvel has always relied on her powerful abilities to act as a lone ranger. Suddenly, she was allowed to join a huge team to cooperate with each other, and she knew that various situations would arise without even thinking about it.

Also, the superpowers in Captain Marvel's body come from the Cosmic Cube, which is the space gem. This means that she has the same ability as Scarlet Witch to destroy the Infinity Stones. Mark doesn't think it's a good idea to let such a dangerous person join the effort to collect the Infinity Stones.

Mark did not explain the reason for the rejection in depth, but the captain agreed with Mark's decision based on the trust between the two.

"Okay, then, let's move on to the second part of our time and space hijacking plan, which is to make protective clothing, positioning devices and quantum tunnels required for time and space travel. This work will be left to me, my dad, Dr. Banner and Rocket. Done, as for the others, if you have something to do, prepare on your own; if you have nothing to do or have completed preparations, just help me supervise Thor's weight loss with Dabai."

Hearing Mark call his name, Rocket jumped up excitedly and did a backflip in the air, "Hey! Earth boy, you are definitely the most discerning genius I have ever seen. You are nothing like your mean father. , I knew you could see my strength and ability at a glance!"

Mark did know what Rocket was capable of, but it was not because of his discerning eye, but because he made a judgment based on the memory of his previous life and the information that Dabai told him. Of course, Mark must have accepted all the praise the Rockets gave him.

"Stuffed toy, do you know who you are talking about? Tony Stark, this is the greatest genius on earth!" Tony puffed his beard and glared, and fired back at Rocket unceremoniously.

"Hmph, then why didn't you come up with the plan of time and space hijacking? You even thought that the time machine was nonsense just now. How about it, now you are slapped in the face?" Rocket also showed no weakness and retorted.

"!" One is the emperor of complaints in the universe, and the other is the king of poisonous tongues on the earth. At this moment, the two sides finally see the difference.

"Okay, okay, stop arguing. Let's start taking action according to the assigned work responsibilities." Seeing that Tony was about to be unable to get off the stage, Mark quickly intervened between the two of them and stopped the childish behavior of these two guys.

Time flies by, and three days have passed since Mark officially launched the time and space hijacking plan. But in just three days, Mark and his colleagues have greatly improved production efficiency through division of labor, cooperation and the use of various equipment. Now they have basically completed the transformation of the quantum tunnel.

That’s right, it’s a transformation! Scott took the initiative to contribute the quantum tunnel that had been built in the mobile laboratory left by Dr. Pym, which greatly reduced the workload for Mark and the others and accelerated the progress of the plan.

Mark controlled a large number of miniature magnetic axis robots, carefully dismantled the quantum tunnel from Dr. Pym's laboratory, and transferred it to the indoor training ground at the Avengers Base.

Next, in order to adapt to the needs of the time and space hijacking plan, they first changed the energy source. The original energy source used by Dr. Pym was the Chitauri alien battery purchased from the Vulture. Later, he reached a cooperation with Mark and replaced it with the new Ark reactor invented by Tony.

But now the new Ark Reactor can no longer meet the design needs of Mark's plan, so they decided to change the energy supply method from a single core to a dual core. The original Ark Reactor alone supplies energy to the Ark Reactor and antimatter energy. The reactor provides energy together, and at the same time realizes the continuous and stable supply of the positioning function, thus ensuring that sufficient energy power can be exploded when the quantum space-time tunnel is opened.

The transformation of this part of the quantum tunnel was mainly completed by Mark, Rocket and Dr. Banner. As for Tony, he was solely responsible for the design and development of the protective clothing and positioning navigator for time travel.

923. For Tony, a guy who owns nearly a hundred sets of steel suits, the design of protective clothing can be said to be accomplished easily; as for the positioning navigator, because Mark has completed relevant theoretical research, it also provides accurate Mathematical model, the next work is just to turn the theory into reality and determine the safety and stability of the equipment, which is not a problem for Tony's genius.

"How's it going? Is the progress going well?" At noon that day, the captain, who had disappeared from the base for three whole days, returned again and came to the laboratory where Tony worked.

"Just perform normally. Mark has established all the theoretical foundations. If I still can't complete the task, wouldn't I become a laughing stock!

And you? What have you been doing these past few days? No one is around? "

"I have set up a psychological counseling group at the Yankees baseball stadium. I just want to complete the counseling work that I have scheduled in the past few days. I also arrange things. I can't ignore the things on the other side just because of the tasks here. ”

"Well, it does seem like your style." Tony was still focused on what he was doing, without looking up at the captain.

"I'm happy to be able to chat with you like this again."

"Me too. By the way, there should be a big cardboard box next to the door of the laboratory, where you are standing now. That's for you." Tony pointed to the position at the captain's feet. There was indeed a large cardboard box there. , seems to be quite heavy.

"For me?" The captain squatted down and opened the box - "This! Tony, I deserve it..."

The captain looked at the items in the box, his eyes full of desire, but his body didn't respond at all, and the hands he wanted to reach out to touch froze in mid-air as if they had been tapped.

Because the thing placed in the box is none other than the original weapon that the captain returned to Tony - the vibranium buckler. This shield symbolizes that he goes to the battlefield as a captain, not to hurt anyone, but to protect the justice in his heart and the peace of the world.

But when he and Tony were fighting over Bucky's problem, the captain believed that he had betrayed the justice in his heart and was not qualified to continue using the shield, so he finally returned it to the shield's maker, Howard. Stark's son Tony.

"Take it, we have reconciled, haven't we? And it was made especially for you by my father. I finally dug it out from the clutter in the garage, otherwise little Morgan would find it. I’ll definitely use it for skating.”

"Thank you, Tony!" This time, the captain didn't hesitate anymore and directly picked up the shield and put it on his left arm again after a long absence.

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