In order to avoid accidental injury to you, it is best to hide behind rocks or outside the cave entrance. "` ‖

Eric nodded, retreated and hid behind a stone wall in the cave: "Don't worry, I will protect myself. But before you act, as a friend, I still have to ask you one last time, Are you really sure you want to risk being cursed by going in there? Straight"

Thor didn't reply. He nodded with a smile, and then jumped directly into the pool.

The depth of the True Sight Pool is not very deep, just enough to cover Thor's chest. After being immersed in it for a while, Thor seemed to have been accepted by the gods in the water and re-entered the previous dream.

As time passed, Thor seemed to have encountered something in his dream that made him very angry. His body began to tremble continuously, and then his fists began to wave forcefully in the air.

Finally, as he said, the magic power in his body lost control and began to burst out with strong electric light, illuminating the originally dark cave instantly.

I don't know how long it took, but after another burst of magic power, Thor's eyes suddenly opened.

In his eyes, Eric did not feel the joy after seeing the truth at all. Instead, he was filled with unexplained panic, mixed with determination and fighting spirit.

"It seems you have found the answer you want." Dr. Eric walked out from behind the stone wall and handed Thor's shirt that he had taken off into his hands.

"Yes, I saw the future in my dream. All hope for life was sucked away and swallowed up by a huge whirlpool, and the center of the whirlpool was the six infinity stones passed down from the beginning of the universe.

The Infinity Stones possess the most powerful power in the universe, and their ability to destroy is unparalleled. And in order to win, we Avengers need to make some changes...".

Chapter 305

On the farm where the Hawkeye family lives, Tony and the captain are chopping firewood, not only to repay Laura for agreeing to let them stay temporarily, but also to vent their inner bad emotions. But looking at the pyre on the ground, Tony, without the help of his steel suit, was obviously not as efficient as the captain in his work.

Mark stood aside and watched the two people's actions quietly, while also reflecting on his performance in previous actions in his mind.

Mark has always relied on his own wisdom that far exceeds that of others, as well as the foresight brought by his status as a time traveler. He always behaves confidently and has wisdom in hand.

But this failure was a severe slap in the face. Not only did Mark fail to understand the true situation of his opponent in advance, but he eventually caused Dr. Banner to get lost in the turbulence of space.

On their way to the safe house on the Quinjet, Mark had already explored the space passage in the mirror world through an out-of-body experience, but found no trace of Dr. Banna.

The most likely possibility is that he was involved in the turbulence of space and was randomly teleported to other locations in the universe. No matter what, with Hulk's physique, Mark believes that he is still alive and well. How to bring Dr. Banner back to Earth will be one of Mark's next most important research topics.

"Didn't Saul say where he went to find the answer?" Among the two people who had been talking silently, Tony was the first to ask and open up the conversation.

"My team members don't always speak freely to me." The captain's words were not only an answer to Tony, but also a satire that Tony did not discuss with him in advance when developing Ultron, which resulted in such a big trouble. .

"Okay Captain, we have already discussed this matter 840 before. Regardless of whether Dad develops Ultron or not, we will inevitably encounter the changes that artificial intelligence will bring to human society in the future.

And Xiaobai is such an unexpected existence. He replaced Ultron and became our enemy. No one could have predicted this in advance.

The reason why it wants Wanda to use her ability to influence us is to split the Avengers so that we can't pose any threat to it.

Therefore, what we should do now is not to hold on to the mistakes made by the other party in the past, but more importantly, to resolve the current conflicts and look at the future trends.

As for Thor, if I guess correctly, he should be looking for the Water of True Sight.

This is a kind of spiritual creature in Nordic mythology that can encounter what may happen in the future through its own dreams. If Thor really wants to find the answer, he is most likely to look for the True Sight Pool on the earth. "

Seeing that Tony and the captain were about to have another conflict, Mark, who was still in a fugue, stood between the two and stopped the quarrel.

The captain glanced at Mark and nodded. He also knows the current situation. There is no point in blaming each other. If they want to defeat the enemy, the Avengers must unite and cheer up.

The reason why he wants to accuse Tony is not to vent his anger at all, he just hopes that Tony can realize that his ideas are too radical, and Tony needs to be more like a member of the team instead of always being a maverick. , thinking about the problem by oneself.

"Anyway, I have to say one last thing. Every time someone wants to end the war before it starts, innocent people will die for it. Every time..."

After the captain finished speaking, the atmosphere among the three fell into silence again.

At this time, as if to ease the awkward atmosphere between the three of them, Laura came next to them and spoke to break the silence.

"Sorry to bother you, but Clint said that Mr. Stark, you are very good at this. Our tractor broke down. I hope you don't mind..."

Tony: "No problem, I'll go take a look."

Mark: "No problem, I'll go take a look."

But what Laura didn't expect was that both Starks present responded, which made her not know what to do for a moment.

"It's okay, let my dad go and help you take a look. Although he is not very reliable in other aspects, he still has some skills in mechanics. I will stay here to help chop the firewood."

Mark remembered that Laura came to ask Tony to repair the tractor this time. It was at the request of Nick Fury that he led Tony there to enlighten him. Since someone is willing to help give the depressed Tony some chicken soup for his soul, Mark no longer needs to be the light bulb.

"Come on, let me see where you feel uncomfortable." Tony came to the farm barn and immediately saw an old tractor.

Tony came to it and began to check the condition of the machine.

"Stop working, Tony, it's not the tractor that's the problem, it's you—"

The sudden voice that came out of the corner of the barn made Tony jump, and it reminded him once again that when he had just become Iron Man, someone had sneaked into his villa, and then suddenly appeared out of the darkness.

When Tony turned around and looked in the direction of the sound, he saw that familiar face. Relying on his racial talent, he unscrupulously hides his whereabouts in the shadows.

(ajad) Only that time before, Mark was beside Tony, subduing him and tying him up. But now that Tony is alone and not equipped with a suit, this situation is unlikely to happen again. .

"Mrs. Barton is so cunning. It seems that Hill called you, right? Isn't there a time when she doesn't work for you? I am the one who pays her salary now..." Tony suddenly appeared in front of Nick Fury complained to cover up the shock he had just received.

But Fury didn't want to follow his nonsense, "Intelligent life form, you didn't hesitate at all."

Tony obviously didn't want to talk about this topic anymore, "Today is not a good day for academic discussions, and you are not a good subject for academic discussions, so can you tell me what exactly you are here for?"

Fury took two steps forward and came to Tony, "Look into my eyes and tell me, whether it is Ultron or some idiot, you will successfully eliminate it."

"You are not my director now, and you have no reason to give me orders." Tony responded unceremoniously.

His answer seemed tough, but it also reflected Tony's lack of confidence at this moment. In the past, he would have boasted in front of Fury and firmly said that he could do it, instead of just talking about it like he does now.

"Of course I'm not your director. In fact, I'm not anyone's director now. I'm just an old man who happens to care about you."

After discovering that something was wrong with Tony's state, Fury quickly changed his temperament and state.

He crouched down in front of Tony, placing his spatial position in a lower position, alleviating the pressure brought by his own presence on Tony.

At the same time, Fury's tone of voice also changed from the original serious tone with a hint of command to that of an amiable elder. This change, coupled with Tony's tired state, made him immediately let down his guard.

"I am the murderer who killed the entire Avengers, I saw it!

But I didn’t tell anyone, so I couldn’t talk about it. But they were all dead, and the whole world was dead, and that's all I saw.

And it's all because of me, because I wasn't ready, I wasn't trying my best..."

"This is all a trick of that little witch. What she wants to do is to take advantage of your fear. You should be able to think about this clearly, Tony." Fury said, trying to untie Tony's knot.

"This is not a trick, this is not a nightmare. I saw it. I caused the result. I led everyone to death.

Do you think this is miserable enough to see my relatives and friends die one by one in front of me but to be unable to do anything about it?

No, not enough. This is not the most miserable thing——"

"Then what's the saddest thing?

——Only you are not dead!

Don't look at me like that, I can't read minds. As a veteran, I have survived many battlefields and missions. Until now, there are not a few comrades who have sacrificed their lives around me.

But I won’t be immersed in the fear of losing like you and dare not move forward. Because I know that the only way to avoid such a tragedy from happening again is not to escape, but to make yourself stronger.

Tony, are you ready to become more powerful, so powerful that you can deny all futures and destiny? ".

Chapter 306

"Xiaobai kicked you all out in order to buy yourself time.

My informant told me that it had found Dr. Helen Zhao and imprisoned her entire scientific research team in the Eugene Genetic Research Laboratory in Seoul.

At the same time, it controls the world's mechanical and automated production tools, constantly produces new clones every moment, and sends them to Seoul to garrison. Now the whole of Seoul has fallen into Xiaobai's control.

I think its purpose is already very clear to all of us. Xiaobai wants to use vibranium and the bio-nano 3D printing technology of the Cradle of Life to create a unique super strong body for himself, and the purpose is to betray it. The previous owner Mark proved that it is the best one. "

When he heard Fury mentioning himself when describing the information about the entire incident, Mark could only shrug his shoulders pretending to be innocent.

"It was obviously Tony's research that went out of control first, so why is it all blamed on me now?" Although he was complaining in his heart, Mark didn't dare to say it in front of everyone.

"What about the nuclear bomb code? Is it still trying to decipher it?" Tony asked a key question.

If Xiaobai really has the tendency to destroy the world, mastering the nuclear bombs being installed around the world will be the easiest way to achieve this goal.

"In fact, Xiaobai has never given up trying. However, I have asked Dabai to establish a data firewall outside Nexus and implement continuous real-time modifications to the nuclear bomb password. Xiaobai has not been able to successfully master the power of nuclear strikes. .

And the good news is that when Ultron launched an attack on Jarvis when it was first born, although it successfully annexed Jarvis's intelligent database, the core program that attacked it had already decomposed itself before being broken by Ultron, and Randomly transmitted to the Internet.

After a careful carpet search, Dabai has successfully restored Jarvis's core program. "

Mark, who has always been concerned about the earth's nuclear safety, had already arranged the task of guarding the safety of nuclear bombs before the Avengers went to the Hydra base in Sokovia for operations.

With Baymax's current computing power and intelligence level, he may be slightly inferior to Xiaobai who swallowed Ultron in real time, but if he tries his best to hold on to a territory in the Internet, it is still more than enough.

"Sorry, it's really nice that Jarvis can be restored, but I want to ask Naikos...?"

The captain looked at Mark and Tony, the two people he considered the smartest among the Avengers, with a puzzled look on his face, hoping to get an answer.

Not to mention the World War II veteran who has been sleeping in the ice for more than 70 years, most people probably don’t know what the name [Naikos] actually means because they don’t sound very familiar with it.

"Nex is the service center of the Internet. All Internet data needs to pass through there. It has the fastest connection speed in the world." Tony explained to the captain with a look of disdain. He would not miss such an opportunity to show off his superiority.

"But I didn't expect that Jarvis was not 'killed' by Ultron. Then I need to go back to the manor in Los Angeles before taking action. I have Jarvis' data backed up in a private server at home.

After fully recovering Jarvis, it will greatly improve my efficiency in combat. "

"But what is our next action goal and plan? Thor left to find his so-called answer, and Banner also encountered an accident and disappeared.

With only a few of us left, can we deal with Xiaobai and the twin brothers and sisters?

You must know that one of them is a super artificial intelligence that can continuously create mechanical clones, and it is very likely that it will evolve into an intelligent life form.

On the other side are a duo of superpowers who have successfully manipulated us.

I really can’t imagine how we can find a chance to win with the five remaining people..."

Natasha's words were a little depressing. It was obvious that although she looked very strong on the surface, she had not recovered from Banner's death in her heart.

"But in my opinion, as long as you are there, it's enough!

In the past, my spies were everywhere, and I didn't let go anywhere. But you have all kinds of high-tech equipment in your hands to help you complete difficult tasks.

But now we have all fallen into the mortal world, and we can only rely on our own wisdom and will to save the world.

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