"Barton needs to be sent out of the battlefield immediately and receive treatment in the nutritional sleep cabin. His injury is very serious!" Natasha also knew that with Hawkeye's current condition, it is impossible to continue fighting, and he must be sent out as soon as possible. OK.

"Wait a minute, can the captain hear my communication? A person with enhanced abilities appeared on the battlefield. He is very fast and can catch the arrows I shoot with his bare hands while moving at high speed.

Captain, I think only you, the fastest among us, can catch this guy! "Although he was seriously injured, Hawkeye still persisted in passing on the enemy's intelligence to his companions to prevent them from suffering the same situation as himself.

"Don't worry, Hawkeye, you just need to rest peacefully. I've already seen this naughty kid!"

Just when Hawkeye passed on the information, the captain had also noticed Quicksilver moving at high speed on the battlefield. He was using a prank-like method to get the Aegis who was assisting them in this encirclement and suppression operation. Bureau agents lost their combat effectiveness one after another, so the captain said that Quicksilver was a naughty kid.

But just as Hawkeye described, Quicksilver's speed is very fast. Even with the captain's reaction nerves and dynamic vision that exceed the limits of the human body, he is still completely unable to catch his moving figure. Forget about guarding against the other party's sneak attack.

In order to cope with this Quicksilver ability, the captain (ajad) decisively turned on the accelerated world function on the suit. In an instant, the whole world seemed to switch to slow motion. Everything came to a standstill. The only thing that could still be smooth was The only one who moved was Kuaiyin, who had been locked by the captain.

Seeing that even after he had turned on the accelerated world and his reaction had increased to thousands of times, Quicksilver's movements were still very fast, the captain knew that this competition would not be easy.

But now that we have made a commitment to Hawkeye, there is no other way but to face the difficulties. If Quicksilver continues to cause trouble like this, SHIELD agents will definitely pay a heavy price in casualties.

Captain switched the Flash suit to high-speed mode and rushed in the direction of Quicksilver.

This move immediately caught Kuaiyin's attention. This was the first time he met someone who could catch up with his speed. As if he had discovered something new, he started a cat-and-mouse game with the captain.

Relying on the advantage of being more familiar with the nearby terrain, Quicksilver kept moving around in the woods. Every time the captain felt that he was about to catch him, he always suddenly accelerated and failed.

As this cycle went on and on, the captain certainly knew that the other party was teasing him, but in this series of being teased, he was not acting on impulse or without a plan.

From the beginning of his pursuit of Quicksilver, Captain did not activate the fastest speed of the Flash suit. One reason for doing this is because the terrain here is complex and the trees are dense. It is easy to hit obstacles if you fail to avoid them.

On the other hand, the captain also wanted to keep a hand against the enemy, so that when faced with the current situation, he could defeat the enemy with one unexpected move.

Sure enough, Quicksilver, who didn't realize the captain's purpose, repeated his old tricks, causing the captain to close the distance with him and wanted to play tricks on the captain again.

It's just that this time Kuaiyin didn't succeed. The captain was still the same as before, giving the opponent the feeling that he was trying his best to get closer. And just when the distance between the two reached a dangerous situation, Kuaiyin came again. He accelerated, trying to get rid of the captain, but unexpectedly the captain also suddenly accelerated at this time, and the speed was faster than him.

Before he could react, Quicksilver had no chance to escape the captain's surprise attack. The corners of his sportswear were directly grabbed tightly. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the captain suddenly exerted force, destroying Quicksilver's balance. The two of them rolled together and fell to the ground.


Seeing that Quicksilver's previous methods of dealing with SHIELD did not maliciously hurt anyone, I knew that this young man was not bad in nature. He might have just been threatened or brainwashed by Hydra people, so in order to protect the two No one was harmed. The captain took the initiative to protect Quicksilver. After using his buckler as a shield, he crashed into several tree trunks and finally stopped the two of them.

"Boy, I've caught you now!" the captain said with a smile, looking at Kuaiyin, who was pressed under him and had lost the ability to resist.

Unexpectedly, the annoyance on Kuaiyin's face completely disappeared after he said this sentence. Instead, he showed a sarcastic smile and said, "That's not necessarily the case!"

Seeing Kuaiyin's reaction, the World War II veteran's rich experience made the captain immediately alert, but before he could take any precautions, a huge force came from behind, knocking him off Kuaiyin's body. open.

While rolling on the ground, the captain also looked towards the direction from which the attack was coming. He saw a long-haired girl in red clothing, controlling two clouds of red smoke in her hands. She was obviously a girl with enhanced abilities. By.

However, what surprised the captain even more was that the appearance of this girl did not trigger any reaction from the artificial intelligence on his suit, so that he did not know that there was an enemy standing behind him until he was attacked.

If the other party didn't have murderous intentions, he would have died heroically in this mission. And when he finally stopped and stood up from the ground, both the silver-haired young man and the later girl in red were gone.

At this moment, Tony's voice came from the communication channel: "Guys, I have obtained Loki's scepter, and there seems to be a big guy here that we are all familiar with...".

Chapter 292

The big guy Tony was talking about was none other than the Chitauri behemoth that the Avengers had troubled them with during the Battle of New York - the Mechanical Leviathan.

Because Tony acted quickly enough, he still prevented Hydra from destroying the data and copied the remaining data in their server.

But what shocked him even more was the various technologies and items in the base. It was hard to imagine what kind of power Hydra used to destroy such a huge and conspicuous Leviathan beast. Smuggled here.

And in addition to Leviathan and Loki's scepter, there are also many advanced weapons and equipment and mysterious items here, which can be said to be no less than those of the previous SHIELD.

But these are not important to the Avengers' actions this time. Tony looked at the scepter in his hand, his eyes flashing with strange light. The illusion that suddenly appeared in his mind just now made him make a decision in his heart. Decide……

"Are we just going to let him take it away?" In the darkness, in a hidden corner that Tony didn't notice, there were two people secretly observing Tony's actions.

"Let him go. I have made him see his most fearful illusion. Getting the scepter is just the beginning of his self-destruction!"

Avengers Tower, after the Avengers completed their mission, they returned here through the nearest teleportation hub and used the space portal.

"Quickly, send Barton into the nutritional sleep cabin!" Natasha anxiously urged the Steel Legion robots to send Hawkeye into the nutritional sleep cabin and start treatment.

"Don't worry Natasha, Hawkeye has been injected with super-concentrated nutrient solution before. Although he didn't recover immediately because he didn't have enough energy to activate the effect of the medicine, now that he has returned to our base camp, he will definitely not recover. Something happened."

Seeing Natasha's excessive worry, the warm-hearted captain also stepped forward to comfort her.

On the other side, Tony brought Banner and Mark to the laboratory next door and began to study and analyze the scepter. "Thor agreed to allow us to temporarily allow him to bring the scepter back to Asgard." Do your research on it.

I suspect that the two ability enhancers who appeared in Sokovia this time were created by Stekel through the power of the scepter.

By the way, Hill has just figured out the identities of these two ability enhancers through the global facial recognition system, Wanda and Peter Maximoff, twin brothers and sisters, war orphans in Sokovia.

Brother Pete has a super metabolism and strong body temperature control ability, so he can maintain his high-speed movement for a long time, and has the speed and flexibility that far exceeds the speed and flexibility of the captain's lightning suit.

Sister Wanda's specialty is interfering with nerve conduction, possessing powerful mind power, and being able to influence people's minds.

Therefore, in the few days of research time we have, we must make good use of the time. "

In the laboratory, Dr. Banner listened carefully to the latest news given by Tony, while Mark stared at the Mind Stone above the scepter attentively, wondering if he would frown.

Seeing the Mind Stone again, Mark could do more than just study it through experimental instruments and various testing equipment. Just the information transmitted through vision was a massive amount of data for him.

This is why Mark frowned. The mysteries contained in the infinite stones are so huge that his current brain development is no longer enough to handle such a large influx of information.

Even though the data has been diverted through the nanorobots in the body and stored and calculated with the help of external servers, it still placed a very heavy burden on Mark's body.

"Hey, Mark, are you listening to me?" He called Mark several times and found that he had been staring at the gem on the scepter, but there was no response. Tony came over and patted him on the shoulder.

"I'm fine, I'm just a little too focused. I'm sorry that I can't help with this project. I'm feeling a little unwell and need to go back and rest. I'm sorry.

However, I can provide you with a research direction. The scepter and the gems on it are just cover. What is really important is the items hidden in the gems.

It is like a computer that can program the human body and brain at will. If you can crack the code, I think it will be of great help to you to understand it. "

0··········Please give me flowers0···

After speaking, Mark held his temples and walked out of the laboratory, returning to his company through the space portal.

The recent analysis of the Mind Stone using the power of information vision allowed Mark's brain to gather a large amount of knowledge and data that was too late to understand and process. This resulted in Mark's appearance of weakness and pain in his brain.

So much so that he must hibernate so that all the body's functions can fully serve his brain, so that he can digest and absorb this information as quickly as possible and return to normal as soon as possible.

According to Mark's own estimation, it would take about two or three days to recover before the birth of Ultron. For future layout and Baymax's promotion, he must do his best to deal with these data that give him a headache.

........ 0

Tony and Banner, who were a little overwhelmed by Mark's sudden change, could only stay where they were and watch the direction Mark left, looking at each other in confusion.

"What's wrong with him? Why does he feel uncomfortable all of a sudden?" Dr. Banner looked at Tony with a puzzled look on his face and asked. In his opinion, Tony, as Mark's father, should understand the situation.

However, Tony proved with his performance that he is an alternative existence in the role of father, "Uh... I don't know, maybe he has been doing experiments in the laboratory for a long time, and the amount of exercise during this mission made him collapse. Bar."

Tony said with some uncertainty, "Don't worry about him, he has a lot of equipment in his laboratory that can restore him to health, let's see how to study this scepter.

Jarvis, have the results of your structural composition analysis come out? "

"The results are out sir, and they are completely consistent with the suggestions given by Master Mark. The scepter comes from aliens, and there are some elements in it that I can't determine.

The gem on the scepter is a protective shield, protecting one of the powerful things. As Master Mark said, it is like a computer, and what I deciphered is the code in it. "

After listening to Jarvis's report, Tony became excited. He turned to Dr. Banner and said excitedly: "Bruce, you must help me this time. We need to do what we did when we created Veronica together." Work side by side to complete a great work..." 3.

Chapter 293

"When I first developed Jarvis, it was just a human-computer interaction interface. But after Mark and I continued to upgrade it, Jarvis is now able to help me control the entire Iron Legion. .

Aside from Pepper Potts, he's the one who handles the most things in all of Stark Industries.

But even so, compared with Baymax developed by Mark, Jarvis is undoubtedly one dimension level behind. As far as I know, Mark mobilized the data computing center established by Damage Control Company not long ago in order to accommodate the operational needs of the Dabai program after its upgrade and evolution. This is something that Jarvis is currently beyond the reach of.

But now, we have a new competitor in front of us - look at this! "

While Tony was introducing the situation to Dr. Banner's machine, he used holographic projection to create a magical picture.

The "833" in the picture shows an intelligent program core similar to artificial intelligence, but compared to the image projected by Jarvis's intelligent core, it is more like the neuron network of the human brain.

"This is so beautiful! He seems to be thinking, just like the neurons of human brain activity!" Seeing this picture, Banner, who has seven doctorates, immediately became excited. With his knowledge, Of course, we can see from this that it represents endless possibilities for the future.

Tony: "This is part of the data that was rescued in Stekel's laboratory, and the rest was deleted by them in advance.

But from the countless combat humanoid robots they developed, we can see what their intentions are. "

"Intelligent life form!" Dr. Banner looked at Tony in surprise. He was shocked by the answer, even deeply scared!

If they delay their action this time and fail to recover the scepter before Hydra is successfully developed, Banner cannot imagine what kind of terrible situation the future of mankind will fall into.

"That's right, intelligent life forms. Not only Hydra is studying it, Mark is also studying it, we also need to study it. This is the key opportunity for us to realize Ultron!" Tony said in a very infectious way The tone and rhetoric persuaded Banner to join his plan.

"I thought Ultron was just a fantasy when we were chatting." Banner said hesitantly. He had concerns about the impact that intelligent life forms would have on the future.

Tony: "Yes, it was just a fantasy yesterday. But if we can control this power and apply it to the Iron Legion, then achieving true peace will no longer be an unattainable dream. …”

Regarding Tony's optimism, Dr. Banner was a little dissatisfied: "You also said yes, the premise is that you can really create this intelligent life form."

"Of course, so I need your assistance to help me create [him]. Once we succeed, you will only need to enjoy the sun and wine on the beach in the future, and be tanned by the sun instead of turning green in front of the enemy. No need. You don’t have to worry about the emotion controller running out of battery or being damaged, and you don’t have to worry about being beaten up by Veronica.”

"Hey! Veronica, I helped you complete it!" Hearing Tony mention the Hulkbuster armor, Banner quarreled with him angrily.

"Of course, that's just a worst-case scenario. If we can maintain world peace in the future, even if aliens invade the earth again next time, they won't even be able to get through the [Gatekeeper] level. ?" Tony continued to paint a beautiful picture of the future to Banner.

Banner: "Then the only thing that can pose a threat to the earth is humans themselves."

Tony nodded, "So I want to apply this neuron code to the Ultron project! But Jarvis's ability is simply unable to handle such a huge amount of high-density data. The only one who can provide us with assistance, Mark, has another reason." Unexplained exit, we can only do this with the help of the scepter itself.

Three days, only three days, this is the only chance! "

"So you plan to secretly carry out a research project to create an intelligent life form without telling all members of the team?" Banner, who had been moved by Tony's words, raised his last doubt.

"Absolutely correct. As you know, the team not only includes high-ranking and powerful gods; there are also antique soldiers born in the last century; there are also some agents and spies who have no understanding of the scientific research prospects of this project.

We don't have so much time to conduct a feasibility debate with everyone, and Sol only leaves us three days.

I don’t want to think about ‘human beings should not interfere with the course of nature’. What I want to do is develop a suit that can maintain world peace. "

"But if this happens, how cruel the world will become, Tony..."

Dr. Banner's words seemed to touch Tony's memory. He paused for a while and replied: "I have seen even colder scenes. This blue planet needs Ultron. Banner 0... ....

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