If there are no accidents, Ultron, stimulated by the Mind Stone, will eventually be beyond Tony's control and evolve from a super artificial intelligence into a truly intelligent life form, eventually posing a fatal threat to all mankind on earth.

But Mark had no intention of stopping his father. According to the original plot, Jarvis lost in the competition with Ultron, and even the core intelligent program was completely broken up and dispersed to the Internet.

But even so, Jarvis also successfully promoted to an intelligent life form through this confrontation. It's just that because the database was eaten away by Ultron, it lost its own memory.

But in the end, Jarvis's intelligence and the Mind Stone were integrated into the vibranium body, and Vision was born. Vision successfully inherited Jarvis's character and thinking logic, so although there was no Memory data, but instinctively stood in the Avengers camp.

If Baymax can also seize this opportunity, then Mark believes that it will definitely be able to complete the final evolution, and this final upgrade for Baymax is to allow Baymax to gain more advantages in the competition with Ultron. Defeat the opponent.

As for the threat posed by the birth of Ultron, Mark said that with his current strength, he doesn't take this matter seriously at all. If the situation finally gets out of control, he has the ability to turn the tide.

"I hope Dabai you will try your best, but don't let down such an excellent opportunity with the right time, right place and right people..." Mark thought silently in his heart. .

Chapter 265

"Jarvis, what's going on? Why is it so noisy outside?"

In Stark Manor, after finally clearing a Hydra den, Tony decided to take a good vacation. Tony, who was living in a two-person world with Pepper, heard the noise outside the villa. He couldn't help but frowned and asked Jarvis. asked.

"Sir, it was Optimus Prime who was ordered by Master Mark to transport something to the manor.

I have just confirmed with Dabai that it is a new invention. I am going to conduct a test experiment. I need to use the manor's venue and ask you, sir, to cooperate as much as possible. "

"Oh! Mark, this guy has a new invention?" Tony was quite surprised by this.

After recently putting more and more energy into his love life with Pepper, Tony's time spent on research and development has been significantly reduced. The rest of the time is devoted to the upgrading and research and development of the Mark series of steel suits.

Ever since he understood the important position of his family and loved ones in his life, Tony no longer obsessed with the quantity of his uniforms, but focused more on the quality.

How to use a limited number of suits to deal with ever-changing critical situations is a new research direction Tony is pursuing on the suits. Of course, Tony's progress in the development of the nanosuit has not slowed down.

Recently, Tony has achieved breakthrough results in the development of nano-suits, and has found suitable materials that meet his requirements. As long as he practices a few more times, he will definitely be able to get a work that satisfies him.

Tony spent less time on scientific research, which made Tony even more interested in the new inventions made by Mark. After all, novelty and the unknown will always have the most fatal temptation for a genius like Tony.

"What happened, Tony?" At this time, Pepper, who also heard the noise, came out of the room upstairs and came to Tony and asked.

"It's okay, how is the matter with Stark Industries going? If you have time, come with me and see what new thing Mark has come up with!" Tony looked at Pepper expectantly. said.

"Oh, Mark, has another new invention come out? Let's go out and have a look. I can't wait to see what the new invention looks like!" Pepper was also very interested when she heard Tony's explanation. The new work is full of curiosity.

When Tony and Pepper came to the gate of the villa together, the miniature magnetic axis robots had already begun to carefully transport the space portal out of Optimus Prime's car and erected it to form a base to connect the space portal. Fixed to the ground.

But for Tony and Pepper, Mark's new invention was a bit confusing to them.

To them, it was just a large square frame made of metal. If a net was installed on it, Tony would even think it was a strange-looking football goal.

However, before the two people's doubts could be answered, the miniature magnetic axis robots directly activated the space portal according to the instructions they received in advance.

In an instant, the light blue light filled the mysterious pattern engraved on the door frame, and a special light film like a glass mirror was formed in the originally empty doorway, reflecting the influence of Tony and Pepper. in.

"Is it possible that Mark's invention this time is just a special high-tech large mirror? It shouldn't be that simple, right?" Pepper asked in a low voice in Tony's ear. In her opinion, Tony is also a genius, and he should be able to see What kind of medicine is sold in Mark's gourd?

However, Tony felt a little embarrassed after Pepper asked the question. He also understood what Pepper meant by asking him, but he really didn't understand the actual function of Mark's invention.

However, this embarrassment did not last long. Suddenly, a football flew out of the mirrored glass film in the middle of the door frame. After tumbling a few times and exhausting all its kinetic energy, it stopped at Tony's feet.

Then almost as an instinctive reaction, Tony aimed at the football at his feet, aimed at the center of the goal frame and volleyed - bang!

The football flew impartially in the direction Tony expected, accurately passing through the mirrored glass light film in the center of the door frame. But what surprised Tony was that the football that passed through the goal frame did not appear behind the goal frame and continue flying in the parabola he expected, but disappeared directly.

"Is this door frame..." With the limited information he has learned so far, Tony has already guessed the true force of the door frame.

But this answer was too unbelievable, so even though he had made a decision in his heart, he still did not tell Pepper the guess.

After the football disappeared, countless miniature magnetic axis robots appeared in Stark Manor through the mirror glass light film.

After these little guys entered Mark's room in the villa and took out a notebook, they disappeared through the light film again.

Now Tony was able to confirm that his guess was correct. This was a space portal. Speaking of which, this was not the first time he had seen this thing. During the Battle of New York, Loki used the Cosmic Cube to forcefully open a space portal, causing the earth to be invaded by the Chitauri army.

However, the original space portal not only used the endless powerful energy in the Universe Rubik's Cube to forcibly bombard the 810 space barrier, but also used rare metals as stabilizers to finally complete the plan.

Now Mark can actually restore the space portal stably without resorting to the energy of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube. Has he found a way to stabilize the quantum tunneling effect?

While Tony was still trapped in the emotions of shock and disbelief, the mirror glass light film in the middle of the space portal fluctuated again, and this time what came out of it was no longer an object or machine, but had been bound by ropes. The guinea pig!

The mouse successfully completed space teleportation, which basically proved the stability and safety of this invention.

In this way, the value of this invention is inestimable. It can subvert mankind's existing transportation system and logistics transportation system.

If such equipment can be mass-produced, then the concept of global village will be realized not only in the virtual network world, but also in the real world.

By then, all airlines and railway companies may be eliminated by the wave of the new era, and the logistics industry, especially the fresh food transportation industry, will see a disruptive revolution!

At this time, the mirror glass light film of the space portal fluctuated for the fourth time, and this time a human arm stretched out from the middle...

Chapter 266

"Hi, Dad and Sister Pepper, long time no see! That kick just now must have been kicked back by you, Dad, right? It almost knocked over the reagents on my test bench. Fortunately, my reaction was enough. quick."

Mark walked out of the space portal, leaving Tony and Pepper present to stand there, without any reaction to his greetings.

"What's wrong with you? Why do you look like you've seen a ghost? Have you changed so much after not seeing me for a few months?"

"What's wrong with us! You brat still have the nerve to say that this thing has only been tested so many times, but you dare to risk your life and walk directly through it!

If something unexpected happened and space chaos occurred, you would probably be lost in the turbulence of space, or be divided into pieces by space! "

Although Tony didn't understand what technical means Mark used to realize this space portal technology, he was still very clear about the characteristics of space in physics.

If Mark conducts an experiment in person like this, his body may be completely destroyed if he is not careful, which will of course make him surprised and angry.

As for Pepper next to him, he was simply stunned by Mark's magical method of turning a living person into a living person, so he failed to respond to Mark's greetings.

Now after hearing Tony's explanation, he understood how dangerous Mark's behavior just now was. Pepper also complained to Mark and pulled him to give him a Tang Sanzang-style verbal education.

"Okay, okay, Sister Pepper! Don't listen to dad's nonsense. He doesn't know the working principle of my technology at all. The dangers he mentioned are just his personal speculations. Don't stop talking. Talking about me——"

For Mark, who was accustomed to no one controlling him, whether in his previous life or in this life, suddenly receiving such oppressive care and lessons from Pepper really made Mark feel quite uncomfortable.

While the other party was talking and taking a breath, Mark finally found an opportunity to interrupt Pepper's education and explained to her.

"My space portal technology is not like the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, which requires strong energy support and stabilizers to maintain it.

Its principle is to shorten the transmission distance between two transmission gates at the physical level by constructing a higher-dimensional transmission channel, thereby achieving the effect of connecting space.

High-dimensional space is more stable than the three-dimensional space we live in, and there will be no dangerous situations like what Dad said.

And hadn't it been tested several times before I tried it myself?

Whether it is a football without the ability to move independently, a mechanical body that can move independently, or a flesh-and-blood mouse, they have all successfully completed the shuttle back and forth through the space gate. This is enough to prove that all my calculations and designs are valid. Teleportation Of course there is no doubt about the safety of the door! "

"Open the passage to high-dimensional space! What you are doing is beyond the scope of science and can only be described as magic. As creatures in three-dimensional space, before technological civilization has developed to the limit of our dimension, according to the conjecture of the paradox of civilization, It is simply impossible to observe and come into contact with high-dimensional existence!"

The more you know about science, the harder it is to believe the information conveyed in Mark's words, and this is exactly the case with Tony.

Even though the emotional side of his brain kept telling him that Mark had never lied about scientific research, and his personality did not allow him to lie about scientific research.

But on the other hand, the absolute rationality in his brain is constantly strengthening a belief. This is a belief created by the scientific outlook and world view that Tony insists on, that is, this matter is impossible to achieve in Tony's knowledge system no matter what. fallacy.

"If it's science, of course it can't touch the existence of higher dimensions, but after knowing Sol for so long, haven't you ever thought about looking at the problem from another angle? If this is a What about magical means?"

Although he couldn't reveal to Tony that he was an occult mage, he didn't have to hide the existence of magic from him.

After all, Tony is also a superhero. As long as he continues to shoulder the task of protecting the earth, he will one day be exposed to more magic-related events. It is also a good thing to give him some reminders in advance.

"Magic!?" Tony really didn't expect that Mark, who had always believed in scientific thinking and materialism like himself, would actually talk about [Magic], a superstitious product of the Middle Ages, in front of him today.

But after thinking about it, he really couldn't deny the existence of magic. Both Thor and Loki have shown abilities in front of him that are beyond his scientific knowledge. In this way, the magic mentioned by Mark seems to be explainable.

"It's actually not accurate to say it's magic. The so-called magic is actually just a name used by other civilizations for their unique scientific civilization systems.

Or maybe it’s a science that we haven’t yet been able to understand, beyond our inherent cognition.

Thor also said that what we call science on Earth, they call magic in Asgard, and the two are actually the same thing.

While I was studying the nature of magic, I found a broader path and used it to complete my new invention. "

Perhaps because he was afraid that Tony would get caught up in it and be difficult to understand, Mark then further explained to him.

Tony was suddenly enlightened when he heard Mark's words. He felt that a brand new door was opening to him. This brand-new thinking makes Tony want to immediately dismantle the space portal in front of him and explore what secrets it contains.

“ ”If it is as safe and stable as you say, then I think the entire transportation field is about to undergo an earth-shaking innovation, and your company will seize the largest share of the benefits.

From now on, large-scale air crashes will become a thing of the past in human history, and convenient and fast space transmission can completely replace all large-scale transportation and logistics transportation methods today! "

"Yes, Mark! If this technology can successfully develop commercial value, I believe that not only will your wealth increase tremendously, but people's lifestyles will also change dramatically!"

Pepper, a Stark Industries executive and business woman, also strongly agrees with Tony's vision for the future. From her perspective, she can naturally see the huge business opportunities, and this is completely a monopoly business. As long as the pricing strategy is reasonable, it can bring a steady stream of wealth to Mark.

Although Tony and Pepper were very optimistic about the commercial value of space portals, and the situation they described was very exciting, Mark knew very well that he would never be able to fully popularize this technology to people. in daily life.

It is not difficult to produce a space portal door body that meets the quality and design requirements, and the cost is not prohibitively high.

But the key is that after the door body is produced, Mark needs to infuse it with magic and magic, otherwise it will be just a pile of expensive scrap metal.

But is it possible for Mark to create a space portal that can be used by billions of people around the world by himself? This is obviously impossible, and even if it were possible, Mark would not spend a lot of his time on this matter.

And once this business really starts, even with the money and status of the Stark family, it will be difficult to resist the secret surveillance and planning of capital and politics, and it may bring endless trouble to itself.

So in Mark’s opinion, this business is not cost-effective! .

Chapter 267

"I have no intention of putting this invention into the commercial field." Mark explained his thoughts to the two of them straightforwardly.

“It’s not that I don’t want to make money because I have money, or that I think I have too much money now, but it’s just that it’s too difficult to complete the commercial layout of the space portal.

The cost of manufacturing the space portal itself is not particularly high, and I have fully mastered the technical principles.

However, one of the key technologies involved is currently not available for industrial application. Therefore, the space portal does not meet the conditions for mass production, and it is difficult to develop its commercial value.

My idea is to keep this technology for internal use within the Avengers. We can establish a few transmission nodes in some key transportation hub cities around the world, so that we can feel the scene in time when we perform missions in the future, so as not to delay the fighter jets. "810". "

"That's right. That's such a pity! But it's not bad to be able to provide the Avengers with the first experience with this technology. At least it's used in key places."

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