Marvel King of Glory

Chapter 410 : Desperate Power

Thanos's body is floating in space, without a huge fleet, without endless questions, and without sophisticated armor.

It's just that his figure exists already has invincible domineering, but the Kerry Star fleet, which is tens of thousands of times larger than him, is as weak as a baby.

"I dare to challenge my authority. Unfortunately, I am not a kind person like those in the galaxy. You have to pay the corresponding price!"

Thanos once again destroyed a squadron. These words are not so much for the remnant fleet that is extremely weakened, but rather for the people who are watching this scene.

"Thanos! You are indeed strong, but don't play around with us anymore. We know you never let us go. No matter what choice we make, we will die. At least let us maintain the dignity of a warrior!"

The newly elected commanders of Keli Xing are still a bit fierce, but from his words, they can still be heard that they have been frightened by Thanos's power and domineering.

At the moment, they don't even want to look for a way to defeat Thanos anymore. They acquiesced in the end of death, and their only hope was to die with dignity.

"The dignity of the warrior...what kind of boring thing is that? Is this the ultimate you pursue?" Thanos shook his head speechlessly, without the intention of being moved by the other party. These Keli people are just his tools. Does the emotion of the tool still need to be taken care of?

Raising his hand again, while destroying the battleship, the universe heard the desperate wailing. Thanos nodded with satisfaction. It is definitely impossible for all Kristars, especially ordinary soldiers, to truly regard death as home. From them, the same Can collect "despair".

But at this time, Thanos suddenly felt that some threats that could affect his safety were approaching, and it was so urgent that it was too late for him to issue an attack in his hand.

"Spear fighting technique!" Yi Han, who has the advantage of speed, arrived first. He also has the experience of fighting powerful enemies with Chaos force. Now even if he has not practiced the top gun fighting skills, he can still get the power of the flame rule, so Thanos is now powerful and dare not ignore it.

"Such a powerful force, is it the people of Asgard! How do they react so fast"."

The spear fighting technique alone could not damage Thanos. What really shocked him was the speed at which the opponent appeared.

Although he was confident that he would not be defeated by Asgard's Thor and other powers, the speed and manner of the opponent's appearance beyond his expectation seemed to have caused his confidence to be beaten in the face.

"Thanos! You really appeared here! Although you are very powerful, you still can't escape Asgard's grasp!" Thor attacked immediately after Yi Han, shouting what Yi Han had prepared in advance.

But, can these words really shake Thanos as Yi Han asserted? The strong in the depths of the universe not only have strong powers, but also have strong beliefs, otherwise they will not be able to make a comeback and continue to grow after experiencing very major failures before.

Unexpectedly, Thanos was really taken aback when he heard Thor's roar before attacking, and then he continued to make defensive actions. He just paused, but he couldn't maximize his power. Faced with Thor's already full power attack, he was knocked back a long distance.

"It's not hurt? His body is stronger than before."

"It's not a surprise. If his power can really challenge the life court, then you have to gather all your strength to attack to produce an effect."

The goddess of death Hela appeared at this time, and the power of death was pervasive in the star field. People affected by the radiated energy fluctuations seemed to be able to feel that the years were scraping on their bodies, and each scraping was one step closer to death.

"Hela! Do you even have to fight me! My goddess!" Thanos, who was already a little skeptical of his own power, was hit harder again. For him, the goddess of death is second only to the importance of destroying the universe. How could she oppose herself and also joined Thor's gang.

Isn't she a more hateful person to her than Thor?

"Thanos, your ambition is too great. Although I am the goddess of death, death does not mean destruction, nor does it mean that you can even threaten Asgard.

The death goddess is in charge of the death of many gods in Asgard. If what she pursues is really annihilation like Thanos, it would be possible to destroy those gods directly and destroy all the order of Asgard.

"I am destruction, and what I bring is death!" Thanos suddenly shouted like a self-declaration. He wanted to realize the restoration of self-cognition in this way.

The Death Goddess shook her head. Although she had already made up her mind, after the conversation just now, there was no room for relaxation between them.

Thanos's choice is the same as his own. Even if he gives up the other party, he will not give up the persistence in his heart.

Perhaps, from the beginning, the special relationship between them was not the so-called love, it was just created as a god, and it was something that killed too long a lifespan, right?

"." I order! Reverse!"

Facing Yi Han, the goddess of death and Thor attacked at the same time, Thanos did not choose to dodge, but just pointed out like a declaration.

He didn't launch an energy counterattack, but he only said one sentence. It seemed that every word had a profound impact on the surrounding causal sequence.

A strange energy separated from the line of cause and effect is not strong, but it makes anyone aware of the threat of death.

The goddess of death and Thor are the high level gods of the entire Asgard, and they have amazing powers, but when their attacks were about to approach Thanos, they even rushed to completely block them before inflicting operations on themselves, so that they did not play. Any effect.

Even Yi Han couldn't break through Hela's breath of death, but forced it towards himself. (Good for Zhao)

"Complete power reversal, it's really troublesome this time." Yi Han sighed. Although he had guessed before, Thanos must have a more complete Chaos force than Acute eyes.

Now that the power of Thanos forms a picture and their battle is being watched by multiple galaxies, it is impossible for Yi Han to leave at this time. So I didn't want to use the power of Chang'an City, but without Sun Shangxiang to penetrate Chaos force, his battle would be extremely difficult.

"The Flame of the Phoenix!"

Yi Han put away the two energy guns and directly used the power of rule to connect the King of Glory system to Chang'an City.

"The rule flame! Part of the essence is destroyed! You are the one who killed Ronan!" Thanos finally understood the identity of Yi Han. Moreover, although he can reverse the power, it is impossible to affect the essential power of the same level as his power. Since the battle has been so far, he has faced a real threat for the first time. .

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