Marvel King of Glory

Chapter 390 Behind the transaction

Amidst the roar of joy, Yi Han slowly disappeared in place, just like the hero in the movie, closing the curtain after the crisis was resolved. There is no nostalgia for people's pursuit.

In fact, definitely on the contrary, Yi Han was in the middle of returning to Chang'an City. He couldn't shut his mouth when he watched the soaring honor value.

"All defeated, totally defeated!"

Banks severely threw the headset he was wearing on the ground in the helicopter cabin. Although Sushalind was still able to calm down, the disappointment in her heart was also clearly expressed.

These alien warriors are not all ATCU's strength, but they are already one of their most elite forces. If they can't help Yi Han, can they really increase the number?

What's more, Yi Han seems to be able to summon some more powerful beings to fight. Even if he could defeat Yi Han in "Eight Seven Seven Seven", how would he deal with it if he met his partner's revenge again?

Up to now, Sushalind still remembers the data and reports when Yi Han destroyed most of New York. After completely angering him, if there is not enough power, then he will be more destructive than any monster.

She is not Banks, thinking rationally, she does not want Yi Han to be her enemy. However, from the matter of Yuriko to the murloc, he really did too much, and he didn't give himself any room for compromise.

Sushalind barely restrained the anxiety and waited until the helicopter landed on another small island far away.

"We need to review today's battle. Also, contact our secret base and ask what happened there."

After a simple arrangement, Sushalind came to a separate office by herself.

Almost the moment she closed the door, an image of a huge eye appeared in front of her.

"Madam, you seem to be anxious. Is it because of Yi Han? It doesn't need to be. I hope you know that you can get strong assistance at any time."

Susharind sat down at the desk with a cold expression and ignored his comfort: "My mood has nothing to do with you. But now you need to explain why the Inhuman warrior still can't beat Yi Han after the increase in power. He didn't even use the powerful power he had shown before! Your so-called enhancement plan allows them to be easily defeated like paper men!"

"Dear madam, but you can't deny that the power of the Inhuman warriors under ATCU has indeed been improved. My promise has been achieved, hasn't it?"

Susharind knew that she did not possess absolute truth, but she knew that the other party still hid many follow-up methods. When the first transaction was made, she was very afraid of the hidden dangers caused by the other party's methods.

However, today's battle with Yi Han made her understand that she didn't have much room for pickiness. If he doesn't even have the power to be equal to the other party, then he will have to be further persecuted by Yi Han. In the end, even if ATCU retains its position in the US government, it will not be able to do anything.

When she took over ATCU, she dreamed of acquiring S.H.I.E.L.D. In the eyes of others, she has achieved her goal. However, the intelligence and security agencies of various countries have successively separated from the United States and will not cooperate with ATCU's operations at all. Even Japan, which is highly consistent with the United States, often pushes back their demands.

She wants more, and now, if she can't defeat Yi Han, she will not have the prestige to absorb back the cooperative organizations that once belonged to S.H.I.E.L.D!

"But, now I need a stronger fighter! I can now agree to all your previous requirements. As long as the new Inhuman warrior is enough to defeat Yi Han and absolutely obey my orders, the other operations are completely left to you!"

Susharind did not realize that her current attitude was too directed at Yi Han, and she had very little consideration of other hidden dangers.

"As you wish, honorable lady, I will never let you down." Huge amounts of eyes closed slightly for a while, seeming to greet her, and seemingly not wanting to let her see the emotion of the owner of the eyeball at this moment," Now, I will provide you with a more powerful way to evolve the alien race, hoping to really help you."

When Yi Han returned to Chang'an City, he immediately heard the tide of joy Roar.

Only he and the people from the original S.H.I.E.L.D participated in this battle, but the emotions these people vent to their heart's content are still extremely enthusiastic. All kinds of dissatisfaction with ATCU was vented in this battle.

"Man! When you became SHIELD's troubles before, we had a headache, but when we truly observed your battle with ATCU as a third party, we realized your horror! Fortunately, you and us belong to the same country, if so Existing like Loki, the earth probably no longer exists now."

Yi Han has counted the honor points gained from this battle, and still has to be strong in front of S.H.I.E.L.D. After all, their goal is to make them fully available to them.

"It doesn't matter how my Ability is. When necessary, I can use the system to call more powerful combat power, but you. After this incident, I am afraid that the US government really cannot accept you. SHIELD will never be able to return. past."

Although Phil Coulson had cleared their traces when he withdrew from the base, ATCU could not find them. But everyone knows that this is only temporary.

When they sink their hearts and must find out the truth, there are still many methods they can use. Although it takes a huge amount of time and a part of the content to be completely analyzed, the truth cannot be concealed forever.

Perhaps, some people in the US government can forgive S.H.I.E.L.D for poor management. Traitors such as Ward have appeared and released a large number of prisoners.

However, they will regard S.H.I.E.L.D's action today as a "stand-in" action. Since they are on Yi Han's side, they will never be able to gain the full trust of the US government 2.3.

"I don't regret it, and I also believe that Ferry gave SHIELD to me not to return it to its past state, but to welcome a better future! When we are truly homeless, can it? Will you drive us away?"

"Hahaha, Kerlin, the door of Chang'an will always be open for you!"

Yi Han laughed and patted him on the shoulder. Perhaps, when I first let them land in Chang'an City, I did have some worries.

Friendship is sometimes worth relying on, but again, their past "loyalty" is entirely given to the US government. And now, the moment Phil Coulson made a choice to raid the ATCU base, he also made a choice between friendship and loyalty. The relationship between the two parties has been different from before. .

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