Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 209: bewitched

"Who are you?"

S.H.I.E.L.D. ship, in the main control room.

Looking at the sloppy Taoist in front of him, Nick Fury said in a deep voice.

Although it was already known from the conversation with Tony that the other party was from Penglai, Nick Fury still needed to find out the true identity of the other party, and of course he had the ability.

The ability to fly with the gourd reminded Nick Fury of the information about Penglai in S.H.I.E.L.D. According to the clues revealed by Ye Wen, it seems that only immortals in Penglai have the ability to fly out of thin air. If so, the strangely dressed man in front of him is likely to be another immortal from Penglai.

Inferring the possible identity of the other party, Nick Fury's expression couldn't help but be a little dignified.

As a lesson from the past, after seeing the powerful power of Penglai [Turtle Immortal], facing this possible other Penglai immortal in front of you, S.H.I.E.L.D. naturally behaves cautiously.

"I," took a sip of wine to himself, and faced Nick Fury's questioning, [Jiujian Xian] raised his eyebrows, slapped his mouth, and replied with a nonchalant expression: "I'm just someone who likes to drink and have fun. The idle Taoist priest."

Tony's eyes have been staring at the [Wine Sword Immortal] in front of him, or should be said to be the gourd in the opponent's hand. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have believed that the prop used by the opponent to fly before was just a bottle for wine. Vessel, it felt like someone told him that he could still fly on a red wine bottle.

The impact of this contrast on Tony was even greater than seeing the other party flying in the air while sitting on a wine gourd.

"His outfit is really weird."

Looking at the [Jiu Jian Xian] who had not stopped in front of the wine gourd, Sol couldn't help but raised his eyebrows and said in a low voice.

But he completely forgot that if they only rely on dressing up, in fact, both of them are half a pound.

Taking his eyes away from Saul silently, Steve looked at the [Wine Sword Immortal] in front of him and asked the doubts in the minds of most of the people present.

"If that's the case, why are you sitting..." It seemed that the gourd prop in the hand of [Jiu Jianxian] was the same, and Steve had some difficulty matching the name with the name in his heart for a while. For the American citizens of the century, they really don't know what the gourd in the hand of [Wine Sword Immortal] is.

"You mean wine gourd."

Noticing the hesitation on Steve's face, [Jiu Jianxian] poured himself another sip of wine and replied casually.

"...Sit on your wine gourd and appear near the S.H.I.E.L.D. spacecraft?"

Following the help of [Jiu Jianxian], Steve asked his doubts.

"Captain, you really should update your knowledge information more, otherwise you will have to go to the nursing home to find your playmate." Not surprisingly, Tony did not hesitate to respond to Steve's embarrassment. Made a sneer.

"It looks like you know this well, Mr. Stark?"

Although Steve has a good temper, it does not mean that he has no temper, especially when Tony is taunting at every turn.

"Who said that." In the face of Steve's counterattack, Tony blew himself up calmly.

However, before Steve grabbed this sentence and fought back, Tony spread his hands and said as a matter of course: "But I will search, Captain, it's different now."

"What's the gourd?"

Here, Steve and Tony were arguing with each other, while Sol continued to ask Banner next to him with a blank expression.

Well, everyone has forgotten that in front of the Avengers, in addition to a Captain America who has been sleeping for nearly 70 years and is out of touch with the times, there is also an alien **** race who does not understand the earth at all.

Frowning, she glanced at Nick Fury with a headache, and Natasha had to remind her, "Everyone, is the topic of our discussion a little off?"

Hearing Natasha's reminder, Tony and Steve suddenly stopped the meaningless quarrel between the two sides, looked at each other silently, and turned their eyes to the [Wine Sword Immortal] on the other side.

What made them speechless was that in the midst of so many quarrels, the [Jiu Jianxian] who was the party was still drinking the wine in his gourd as if it had nothing to do with him. It seemed to everyone that what happened on the spacecraft was not as attractive as the wine in the gourd in his hand.

The [Wine Sword Immortal] avatar that was integrated into the B-level card, unless Li Ran removed the avatar, others would not be able to see the slightest flaw in him.

"Now, can you tell us your purpose, Immortal of Penglai?" Nick Fury asked again, silently staring at the [Jiujian Immortal] who kept pouring alcohol on him in front of him.

On the side, Agent Hill stared at the gourd in the other's hand with a strange expression.

Because from the beginning, the wine [Jiu Jianxian] had poured into himself had far exceeded the total amount of the gourd in his, but the gourd in his hand showed no signs of being emptied.

"Looks like the old turtle told you a lot."

Hearing Nick Fury's address to himself, [Jiujian Xian] subconsciously stopped the drinking movement in his hand, he raised his head and slapped a heavy burp, and slapped his mouth without the image of an immortal. , and then replied with a drunken eye: "I knew that the old pervert was unreliable. Once he met a woman, he couldn't control anything."

[Jiujian Xian] righteously criticized the [Turtle Immortal] in his mouth, but completely ignored that he was not much better.

Natasha looked at the drunk [Jiu Jian Xian] in front of her and remembered the [Turtle Immortal] she had come into contact with before. She felt that these immortals from Penglai were always beyond their expectations. However, although the other party looked drunk, Natasha did not relax in the slightest.

The example of [Turtle Immortals] in the past has clearly told her that immortals are a group of powerful beings far beyond their imagination.

Even if their usual performance is out of tune, they are no less dangerous than Thor in the Avengers.

Sol: "?"

After drinking the wine burp, he glanced at the Avengers and the others in front of him, and [Jiu Jianxian] replied casually: "Actually, it's nothing, something happened to Penglai, someone was transferred, and in a call of absolutely no Under the bewitched by the gods, he stole a box in Penglai that was used to seal the extraterrestrial demons."

"No god?!"

[Fame from Natasha Romanov +405]

[Famous from Nick Fury +300]

[Famousness from Agent Hill +150]

[Famous from Tony Stark +800]

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