Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 201: gasification freezing

Sweeping the vicious looking vampires around, Bucky's breathing subconsciously quickened.

Touching the weapon on his body, the icy touch from his fingers calmed his original nervousness.

At least, against these guys, I am not without the slightest resistance.

Raising his gun at the vampire in front of him, Bucky said in a low voice, "Steve, make a quick decision."

"I try my best."

Holding the shield in his hand, Steve looked at the people in front of him. Although they were still wearing U.S. military uniforms, Steve knew very well that the soldiers in front of him were completely different species from himself. Well, in theory, Steve, who was injected with super soldier serum, was actually quite different from ordinary people.

"Steve, we won't let you disturb Lord Dior."

There was a roar in his mouth, and one of the soldiers who was transformed into a vampire swung his sharp fingers towards Steve.


He raised his shield to block the attack of the vampire soldiers. Compared with Dio's power, the power displayed by the vampire in front of him was obviously worse.

The shield in Steve's hand suddenly slammed into the vampire in front of him, and then rushed between the vampires with a single step, and started a fierce close combat with them.

bang bang bang-

"Sure enough, is it useless?"

After firing several shots, looking at the vampire who was about to turn into a sieve but still did not stop at all, he couldn't help but pouted, and without hesitation he threw away the automatic rifle in his hand and replaced it with a new weapon.


As a faint blue ray flashed by, a vampire who had surrounded Steve suddenly let out a shrill scream, and one of its neighbors turned to ashes directly in the beam.

"It's still a big guy."

Looking down at the rechargeable gun in his hand, Bucky raised his eyebrows. This rechargeable gun was a trophy from the previous rescue of the captives, and he took it out of the laboratory of the strategic research department.

Bucky was not only surprised by the power of the rechargeable gun, but even Steve, who was in the middle of the battle, couldn't help but look back.

Just when Steve was distracted, the vampire behind him suddenly swooped and was about to attack.

"Be careful!"

Noticing this scene, Bucky almost subconsciously raised the rechargeable gun in his hand and pulled the trigger at the vampire who was trying to sneak attack behind Steve. The next second, accompanied by a flash of blue light, it was still evil The evil-looking vampire instantly turned into ashes and disappeared into the air.

Dio sat on the second floor, silently watching the battle in the hall.

In terms of actual combat power, the soldiers who have been transformed into vampires are obviously superior. The rich combat experience, combined with the vampires' powerful recovery ability and the advantage of the number of people, allow them to fight head-to-head with Steve unscrupulously. However, after the rechargeable gun in Bucky's hand appeared, all this obviously changed.

The energy of the charging gun comes from the cosmic cube, which is one of the six infinite gems in the Meiman world, and it contains several powerful forces in itself. Even if it is only a trace of power, it is not something that the inferior vampire transformed by Dio can resist.

So, watch Bucky shoot one by one and destroy the vampires in front of him one by one.

Dior poured the red wine into his mouth and drank it in one breath.

Immediately, he turned over and jumped directly from the second floor of the castle.

"Bucky, watch out!"

Aware of the strange movement in mid-air, Steve looked up quickly, saw the figure falling from mid-air, and quickly reminded Bucky behind him.

Hearing Steve's reminder, Bucky raised the rechargeable gun in his hand without hesitation and shot it in the air.

In the face of the blue ray that was so close at hand, Dio didn't have the slightest look of panic on his face. I saw him change his posture, turn his body in the middle of nowhere, and land on the ground while avoiding the beam.


Steve held a shield in one hand, looked at the handsome blond man in front of him, and said expressionlessly.

Gently landed in the hall, Dio Brando tilted his head and raised his chest, looking arrogantly at Steve and Bucky in front of him, grinning and showing a vicious smile: "Steve, I've been waiting for you for a long time. already."

Looking at Dio, who was not injured at all, Steve remembered his ability to absorb Hydra soldiers to recover his injuries, and couldn't help asking: "Dio, in order to heal your injuries, how many people's blood did you suck? ?!"

Raising his eyebrows, Dio looked at Steve and asked, "Do you remember how many pieces of bread you have eaten?"

In fact, the damage of the shell to Dio Brando was not as serious as imagined. With the physical strength of my B-level card, even if he was facing a tank attack, he might not be able to hurt him. The reason why he answered Steve like this, Purely to make the image of Dior's villain more popular.

[Famousness from Steve Rogers +1005]

[Famous from Bucky Barnes +785]

"You've gone completely mad, Dio."

Hearing Dio liken humans to bread, Steve's face showed disbelief.

"No, Steve, pigs eat grass, people eat pigs, and I eat people. Feeding people is the real master of all things. I'm not you, with powers beyond human beings and still playing the clown in the circus …”


Dior's shocking remarks made Steve wake up completely.

The Dior in front of him is no longer the teammate who fought side by side with him in the past. Today, he is a demon and monster in Dior's skin.

"Dior, I won't let you continue to exist with such dangerous remarks."

Raising the shield in his hand, Steve looked at Dio on the opposite side with a firm expression and said.

Restraining the smile on his face, Dior looked at Steve on the opposite side, and slowly replied: "Exactly, so do I."

In the previous fight, Steve knew very well how terrifying the power of Dior transformed into a vampire was, so he waved the shield in his hand and slapped it heavily towards Dior as a weapon.


The fist and the shield collided, and a dull crash erupted.

However, the properties of the vibranium shield allow Steve to ignore Dio's power and continue his attacks.

Every dull impact, even if the shield cancels out the terrifying power generated by the fight, but from the crack-like marks under Dio's feet, the danger of the battle can still be seen.


Facing Steve who was waving his shield and constantly approaching him, Dio suddenly took a deep breath, and the next moment a cold air emerged from Dio's body, and passed to him along the shield in Steve's hand. , Visible to the naked eye, a thin layer of frost began to appear on the shield.

The sudden coldness made Steve's hands stiffen while holding the shield.

Seizing this opportunity, Dio instantly exerted his strength, and with a light drink, he directly knocked the shield out of Steve's hand.

"The vaporization freezing method vaporizes the water in one's own body, thereby taking away the heat of the things that are in contact with one's own body, thereby realizing the freezing. Since it is vaporizing the moisture in one's own body, when using the vaporizing freezing method The user's flesh will freeze first, but the vampire's powerful regeneration ability makes up for this. How about it, Steve, how's the power of my move?"


For Dior's inquiry, Steve did not answer.

Without the shield, his situation at the moment is quite dangerous.

"It's over, Steve lost his shield, you're not my opponent at all."

Tilt his head, looking at Steve in front of him, Dior had a winning expression on his face.

"Not necessarily."

Raising his fists, the scene at this moment reminds Steve of the past when he was beaten up by bullies in the streets and alleys.


He let out a disdainful snort, and left a deep mark on his feet. In the next instant, Dior's figure appeared in front of Steve. He raised his foot and kicked heavily with a sharp sound of breaking through the air. Steve is on.


With a loud bang, Steve slammed into the solid wall of the castle like an arrow from the string.

Falling from the wall, Steve stumbled to his feet, raised his hand to wipe the blood from his nose, and continued to fight.

"I'll see how long you can hold on, Steve."

Steve's tenacious resistance made the disdain in Dio's eyes more and more obvious. He suddenly jumped and appeared in front of him. The next moment, he raised his arm and attacked the opposite Steve like raindrops.

A large number of Dior's fists fell like afterimages, and Steve raised his arms to defend with difficulty, but it was obviously a drop in the bucket and could not stop these attacks at all.

"Gasification freezing method!"

While attacking, Dior also used the vaporization freezing method, and immediately saw a large amount of hoarfrost beginning to cover Steve's body. Rapid attack.

If this goes on, maybe Captain America will be beaten to death by Dior in less than seventy years.

A blue ray suddenly appeared, forcing Dio to stop and avoid the ray's attack.


Using the rechargeable gun to force Dio back, Bucky looked at the shaky Steve with a worried look on his face, but he didn't dare to relax in the slightest, and always aimed at Dio in front of him.

"It's useless, Bucky."

Silently staring at the rechargeable gun in Bucky's hand in front of him, Dio grinned and showed a disdainful smile: "We all know that the energy of the rechargeable gun is limited, and you have consumed the rechargeable gun to stop my vampires before. A lot of energy, now, let me guess, how many times can the rechargeable gun in your hand shoot the beam at this moment, three times? Twice? Or once?"

"you may try it."

In the face of Dior's temptation, Bucky was unmoved.


Hearing Bucky's answer, Dio deliberately made a look of a rat.

During the delicate confrontation, Steve recovered from the cold air created by the vaporization freezing method, and limped to pick up the shield that fell on the ground.


Seeing Steve taking back his shield, Bucky's face showed a trace of untraceable reassurance.

"No," However, seeing the change on Bucky's face, Dio's expression suddenly changed: "You lied to me, the rechargeable gun in your hand has no energy."

With that said, a surviving vampire, under Dio's control, rushed towards Bucky without hesitation.

The blue rays flashed in the dark environment of the castle, and the vampire who rushed over didn't even have time to let out a scream, and instantly turned into ashes and disappeared in the air. However, at this moment, the last flash of the rechargeable gun in Bucky's hand finally went out.

"Haha, Bucky, now, the rechargeable gun in your hand can no longer pose any threat to me."

Sacrificing a vampire subordinate to consume the last attack of Bucky's rechargeable gun, Dio's mouth let out a wild laugh of the success of the strategy.

"Not necessarily."

Facing Dio's wild laughter, Bucky's face did not change in the slightest. He threw away the rechargeable gun in his hand and reached out and took out a strange-looking grenade from behind Pulled out the safety needle and suddenly moved towards the opposite. Dior threw it away.

"Steve, close your eyes!"

"This is?"

Looking at the flying grenade, Dio showed a puzzled expression on his face.

However, before he could react, the grenade in mid-air suddenly exploded, instantly shooting the entire castle like daylight.


Immediately afterwards, under the illumination of this white light, the vampires, including Dio, began to let out shrill screams.


Immediately afterwards, a violent explosion sounded accompanied by a huge shaking.

Because of Bucky's reminder, Steve wasn't blinded by the white light of the grenade exploding.

A few seconds after the explosion, Steve opened his eyes and turned to look in the direction of the explosion, but was immediately shocked by the scene in front of him.

I saw that in the ruins of the castle, black and twisted corpses fell to the ground. The expressions on their faces were painful, and their appearances were very similar to the appearance of the Hydra agent he had seen before when he died.

"This, what is it?"

Subconsciously swallowing a saliva, Steve turned his head and looked at Bucky beside him with a clearly puzzled expression on his face.

"Ultraviolet grenade, a weapon invented by Howard, specially used to deal with vampires."

To Steve's gaze, Bucky opened his mouth to explain.

"However, I didn't expect that this grenade was so powerful."

Howard's failure at the World Expo was too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so Baki himself was very surprised by the effect of the bomb he discovered in front of him.

In fact, if it wasn't for a last resort, Bucky couldn't have hoped for this weapon at least, although, from the results, the grenade was unexpectedly effective and successfully eliminated all the vampires.

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