Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 122: depressed

"No god?!"

Hearing Danny's name, everyone present frowned.

This name is somewhat convoluted in the ears of foreigners, but Matt and the others can still see a little bit of domineering meaning of who I am.

Silently keeping the name in her heart, Natasha looked at Ye Wen beside her.

It's not just her, the members of the Defender have also turned their attention to the past.

No matter how you look at the name Juewushen, it is the same as the previous [Huoyun Evil God], with a strong oriental color.

Facing the gazes cast by everyone, Ye Wenqing frowned, pretending to think for a while, before shaking his head helplessly and replying: "Sorry, I don't know the name Juewushen as much as you. , However, if my guess is correct, he should be the mysterious man who injured [Huoyun Evil God] before."


Danny spoke, recalling the previous conversation in the alley: "I once heard the other party mention that I was secretly looking for their clues, and taunted me that I didn't even know who they were."

"In this way, this absolutely Wushen is very likely to be Jiuyou's person!"

Jessica spoke up, making a judgment.


Danny turned his head and looked at Jessica with a puzzled expression on his face.

When Ye Wen came, he had been lying in a coma in the intensive care unit, and after waking up, he was self-isolating for a period of time, so it was naturally impossible to hear the introduction about Jiuyou.

"An evil organization similar to the Hand, but more powerful and terrifying, has a certain relationship with Master Ye's Penglai." Luke Cage explained a few words to Danny.

"As a matter of fact, I also only know a little about Jiuyou's news. Unfortunately, Teacher Wu Tian, ​​who really knows its existence, is not here. Otherwise, we don't need to be so distressed." There was a helpless expression on his face. , Ye Wen immediately threw out the name of Turtle Immortal.

"Teacher Wu Tian?"

Hearing the name in Ye Wen's mouth, Jessica immediately thought of the powerful moves he used in the previous battle in Chinatown, and hurriedly asked: "Master Ye, listen to what you mean, do you teach you the turtle sect? The qigong immortal teacher Wu Tian has come to New York!"

"Teacher Wu Tian has indeed come to New York."

In this regard, Ye Wen did not deny it, he nodded: "In fact, the chaotic battle on the streets of New York was finally solved by Teacher Wu Tian, ​​who used Turtle School Qigong to solve it."

[Legend from Daredevil +400]

[Famousness from Jessica Jones +350]

[Famousness from Danny +350]

[Fame from Luke Cage +435]

"Master Ye, you shouldn't reveal this information." Natasha reminded her avatar, she naturally knew that her words had no effect on Ye Wen, and she spoke only to express her as a **** Shield stand.

"What about this teacher Wu Tian now?"

In the battle on the streets of New York, an immortal from Penglai actually took action!

Jessica tried hard to suppress her impetuous thoughts of being a private detective, and then asked.

"Traveled the world."

When his eyes met the expectations of the defenders in front of him, Ye Wen couldn't help but replied with a wry smile.

"Travel around the world?"


Hearing Ye Wen's words, Jessica and the others in the ward looked at each other, and they all saw the meaning of speechlessness in the other's eyes.

Seeing this familiar scene, Natasha raised her lips slightly, feeling inexplicably happy in her heart.

In the end, she wasn't the only one who was depressed.

"Then what should we do next?" After recovering, Jessica scratched her hair with a helpless expression: "In the end, we only know the identity of the attacker."

"Actually, it's not just this clue." Danny opened his mouth on the hospital bed and glanced at Matt beside him: "Actually, the appearance of absolutely no **** is inseparable from another name."

"Who is it?" Luke Cage blurted out.



Ao Shi Group, in a secret laboratory.

Norman Osborn took off the demon helmet on his head, revealing his face distorted by his emotions.


With a heavy punch, the table in front of him was smashed in half, and Norman Os gasped to suppress the evil thoughts surging in his heart. After ten minutes, he stood up again covered in sweat.

That's right, the actual identity of the "Green Goblin" who is recklessly over New York is Norman Osborne, chairman of the Osborne Group.

Nearly half an hour later, Norman Osborn got rid of the side effects of the serum, put on a suit to hide his Green Goblin armor, and walked out of the secret experiment with a gloomy face.

The super soldier serum prototype provided by the military had more serious side effects than he had imagined before. If it weren’t for the deteriorating body of the retrovirus that he inherited from his family, he would not have taken the risk of direct injection. Experimented semi-finished super soldier serotype 2 but at least I survived.

Compared with the threat of death, this little side effect is actually not a big problem.

After comforting himself a few words in his heart, Norman Os restrained the expression on his face and came to a laboratory.

"Professor Kurt, what happened?"

"Mr. Norman Os." Hearing the question, a man with an empty right arm cuff turned around and replied excitedly: "The biological experiment was very successful, we have successfully made the mice whose legs were cut off successfully grow new fronts. Claws, it's just that there is still a certain degree of unpredictability in the lizard DNA serum, and we need to experiment a few more times."

"Very good." After listening to Professor Kurt's report, Norman Os couldn't help but nodded, and asked again.

At this moment, from the other side, the secretary rushed over in a hurry.

"Mr. Norman Oss, call from the military."

"I see."

A haze flashed in his eyes, and Norman Os replied with a stern face.

With the exposure of Tony Stark's Iron Man's identity and the steel suit, the previous cooperation between the Aussie Group and the military was obviously hindered. Compared with the individual combat weapons developed by Austen Group, the military The interior clearly favors Tony Stark's armor.

Previously, it has also hinted to it through special channels several times that the plan of cooperation may be temporarily shelved.

If this cooperation plan fails, Norman Oss's reputation within the Ostrich Group will obviously be damaged, and it will even affect the shareholders' trust in him in the upcoming shareholder meeting.

Thinking of this, the more gloomy the expression on Norman Os' face, and at the same time a sharp voice emerged from the bottom of his heart.

"Damn Tony Stark!"

"Damn Spiderman!"

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