Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 87: like goods

"Don't be so sad, because soon, you will be the same as him."

As if he thought that La's hatred was not deep enough, Huoyun Evil God grinned and said something to Matt and the others with a smile.


With red eyes, Luke Cage used all his strength to charge towards the evil god.

"I'm not self-sufficient," Facing Luke Cage's menacing impact, the Fire Cloud Evil God showed a mocking expression on his face, raised his hand and slapped Luke Cage directly to the ground, smashing his huge body. The second floor of the Chinese restaurant landed on the table on the first floor: "Your so-called invulnerability is in my eyes, it is useless at all."

"Master Ye, can't you?"

The members of the two defenders were damaged in the hands of Huoyun Evil God. Danny raised his fist and subconsciously asked Li Ran who was standing behind him.

"Give me a little more time."

As he spoke, Li Ran put his hands into a calyx shape and put them on his waist to make a gathered expression.

"Master Ye, who are you?"

Noticing Li Ran's somewhat strange posture, Danny's face subconsciously showed a surprised look.

"You guys, run away!"

Before he could answer Danny's question, Li Ran gritted his teeth and moved his hands with difficulty as he felt the violent force coming from his palms, shouting to Matt and the others in front.

There was no need for Li Ran to speak. Under the influence of his super senses, Matt had clearly felt an extraordinary force gathering from behind him.

"This is what Master Ye said, the power to turn defeat into victory."

The gust of wind that continued to emerge behind them made the three of them unable to stand still, and then they used their super strength to pull Matt and Danny Chao and gang down.

"Evil God of Fire Cloud, pick me up, Turtle School Qigong!"

With the three of Matt dodging, Li Ran had no obstacle in front of him. He controlled the violent force in his hands, gritted his teeth, and shouted loudly to the evil **** of fire clouds in front of him.

Although he shouted the name of Turtle School Qigong in his mouth, what Li Ran issued in his hand was not the signature trick of [Turtle Immortal].

Instead, it used the pretense of the [Item: Wind-spraying Shell] that I had drawn before.

If you look closely at Li Ran's hands, you will find that in the center of his palm, a white conch shell is constantly blowing out a violent wind.

The reason why he didn't use the card of "Turtle Immortal" to send out a serious turtle-style qigong, but instead used the props "Fengfeng Bei", there is naturally a reason for Li Ran.

As a result, as the only B-rank card in Li Ran's hand, [Turtle Immortal] is a card with a limited number of times. Of course, it cannot be wasted so early in the battle between himself and his clone. Second, anyway, Matt and the others don't know what the real Turtle School Qigong looks like, so just use [Spray Wind Shell] to fool around and make some appearances.

However, obviously, Li Ran underestimated the power contained in the little shell of [Fengfeng Shell].

As he gritted his teeth to maintain the gust of wind that was constantly emerging from the palm of his hand, Li Ran began to recall the system's introduction to the [Fengfeng Bei] -- it is often used in small boats and Weiba.


The gust of wind emanating from Li Ran's hands filled the entire second floor of the Chinese restaurant. Shouhehui and Mrs. Gao staggered to and fro under the gust of wind. Only the evil **** of fire cloud still stood firm in the face of the fierce gust of wind around him. The blowing sounded, but he still couldn't blow him half a step.

Squinting, looking at Li Ran across from him, the evil spirit replied with a mad laugh: "Okay, I'll see if it's the Turtle-style Qigong you learned from the old turtle in Penglai, or my Tathagata's palm."

As he spoke, the evil **** raised his arms and lay on his chest to form a seal, the other palm was raised above his head, and the sound of the Sanskrit was resounding, and countless **** symbols all over his body formed a faint golden Buddha statue behind his back, with benevolent eyebrows and kind eyes: "The third form of the Tathagata's palm— Buddha moves mountains and rivers!"

On the opposite side, Huoyun Evil God has already taken a pose. Here, Li Ran finally no longer has to suppress the power of [Fengfeng Bei] in his hands. He pushes his hands forward, and the huge power contained in [Fengfeng Bei] is also here. In an instant, as if he had found an outlet for venting, he rushed towards the Fire Cloud Evil God in front of him.


The Huoyun Evil God, who used the Tathagata's divine palm, only held on for a few seconds before being blown back by the violent force, and he rolled and flew out.

Oops, the avatar of Huoyun Evil God, shouldn't it be wiped out by this blow?

Dumbly glanced at the broken [Fengfeng Bei] in his hand, and then looked up at the second floor of the Chinese restaurant in front of him, where the roof and walls were missing. Li Ran subconsciously flashed such a thought.

Fortunately, I checked the chakra in my body, and the chakra of the Evil God of Fire has not disappeared, and the card has not returned to the system.

Here, Li Ran just breathed a sigh of relief.

On the other side, Jessica raised her head and looked at the part of the roof and walls of the Chinese restaurant that disappeared in the blink of an was speechless for a while.

[Fable from Daredevil +340]

[Fame from Jessica Jones +525]

[Famous from Danny +695]

After a long time, she opened her mouth and said to Li Ran: "Master Ye, since you have such a powerful move, why didn't you use it earlier, in this case..." Although Jessica didn't say the rest of her words, she complained in her words. The meaning is particularly obvious.

Needless to say, Li Ran also knew the content of the second half of his sentence.

In this case, Wesley and Luke Cage may be fine.

Li Ran was already prepared for Jessica's question, but he staggered and swayed, and then immediately fell to the ground in an exhausted manner. At the same time, he bit his tongue and forced the blood to flow out. Body hollowed out.

"Master Ye!"

Seeing this scene, Danny quickly stepped forward to help him up, and said with concern, "This is you?!"

"Xianfa pays attention to chance and talent. My talent is not enough. Even if I have practiced for many years, I still can't reach the level of Teacher Wu Tian. The Turtle Qigong that I just released is also a special method used by Teacher Wu Tian to seal the power in my body. Even so, it is not an easy thing to draw this power out, and it takes a lot of energy to draw it out."

After a weak smile, Li Ran immediately explained.

Jessica looked at Li Ran's weak appearance, and her original complaint turned into guilt: "I'm sorry, Master Ye, I didn't know it was like this."

"It's none of your business, the most important thing is that the Huoyun Evil God was defeated by us after all, and he was finally able to return to Penglai to make an explanation."

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