Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 59: infighting

Chinese restaurant, after a brief silence.

Matt remembered Ah Xing's origin, he couldn't help turning his face in his direction, and asked, "Ah Xing, is there any news related to immortality in Penglai where you are located?"

Can I say I don't understand?

In the antique store, Li Ran rubbed his head with a headache in the face of a question suddenly thrown by Matt.

Obviously it was what he used to deal with Jessica at the beginning, who would have thought that he would return to himself after a circle.

As far as Li Ran knew, the reason why Mrs. Gao was able to live forever seems to be the power from the mysterious keel of Kunlun. However, how to associate immortality with Penglai in his own mouth is another question.

Seeing that several people in the Chinese restaurant were waiting to see the answer, Li Ran could only sigh silently, biting his head and manipulating his clone to speak.

The settings that I ripped off will come back with tears in my eyes.

Since they have already thrown out the lofty setting of Penglai, the chain cannot be dropped at this time.


Noticing the puzzled look on Jessica's face, Luke Cage explained: "Axing comes from a place called Penglai, which is said to be the immortal island located in the east overseas in Chinese legend."

[Famousness from Jessica Jones +30]

The fame from Jessica gave Li Ran a little comfort, but he still felt a lot of pressure when he went to the Chinese restaurant: "I don't know why the hand can live forever. However, there is indeed a way to obtain longevity through cultivation in Penglai.”

"Cultivation, do you mean that the power of immortality can be obtained through cultivation?!"

[The legend from Daredevil +95]

[Famousness from Jessica Jones +60]

[Fame from Luke Cage +75]

"It's not as simple as you imagined." Shaking his head, Li Ran's eyes suddenly lit up as he watched the rumors on the system data panel, and his original frowning expression suddenly relaxed, and he continued to pass Ah Xing with an open mind. The mouth ripped, no, and said: "It's the practice of the legendary fairy."

"Immortal? What is it?"

Jessica and Luke Cage looked at each other and felt that their brain cells were not enough.

Not to mention these two, even Matt, the well-known blind lawyer in Hell's Kitchen, felt that his mind was a little confused.

"Xianfa is a supreme spell that exists in Penglai. According to legend, it has the power to destroy the sky and destroy the earth, and it can enable practitioners to have immortality and the ability to fly away from the earth." The description of Xianfa is not only Jie's Sika and the others listened hard, even Li Ran, the person who explained it, struggled. After all, with such a big cultural difference, Li Ran could only make Matt and the Americans in the Chinese restaurant understand the meaning of the oriental fairy method. Try to pick up some easy-to-understand content to explain.

"It's just that the cultivation of immortality requires talent, great perseverance, and opportunity. Not everyone can cultivate. Even in Penglai, only a few, such as the island owner, have successfully learned immortality. Most people, like me, practice some Ordinary boxing and kung fu are used to strengthen the body.”

"You said that the strength you have now is only the degree of physical fitness?!"

[Famousness from Jessica Jones +20]

After listening to the clone's description of Penglai, and then hearing his description of his ability to kick people away, Jessica couldn't help twitching the corners of her mouth.

"If it's just getting fit, then I think most people in the world don't even get to the level of physical fitness."

Perhaps because Li Ran's description of Penglai was too shocking.

It made Matt and the others in the Chinese restaurant not knowing how to speak for a while, and was silent for a while. After digesting all kinds of news about Penglai, Matt remembered his original purpose and sent an invitation to Jessica in front of him. : "Although, it was just an accident at the financial company in the midtown circle, but obviously you and we are the same in your attitude towards the Hand, so I hope you can join our team and fight against the Hand together. strength."

"Thanks, but I didn't want to..." Facing Matt's invitation, Jessica raised her eyebrows, shook her head and was about to refuse, when she heard a dull voice from her left.

"I disagree."

The voice of disapproval made Jessica subconsciously stop the answer she wanted to refuse. She turned her head and saw the **** man who called himself Luke Cage shaking his head and said, "In the situation just now, we all After experience, it was a real battle and not a child's play, and I don't think a private investigator is suitable to participate in this battle."

Frowning her brows, Jessica said with dissatisfaction: "First of I have no idea of ​​joining your team from the beginning, and secondly, what makes you think that private investigators can't be involved? into battle."

Although Jessica's job as a private detective is not very good, so far, she is obviously quite satisfied with her status and has no plans to change jobs.

Standing up from his position, Luke Cage looked down at Jessica with his huge height advantage, and said expressionlessly: "I have seen your fighting style, although I don't know where you got this Your body is far more powerful than ordinary people, but obviously, you have no real fighting experience, you are just waving your arms with your own brute force. In my opinion, this is not a battle. In the previous battle, you No injuries, just luck."

"Whether I will fight, I don't need you to admit it." Jessica's temper was not very good. Hearing Luke Cage's words, she felt even more angry. She frowned and said nothing. Afraid of the other party's tall reminder: "Or, you want to try my fist, how heavy is it."

"I'd love to try it."

Facing Jessica's question, Luke Cage nodded casually.


Immediately afterwards, with a dull loud noise, Luke Cage, who was still standing in front of him, instantly flew to another table in the Chinese restaurant.

"Then I'm welcome."

On the spot, Jessica rubbed her aching fist, looked at Luke Cage who was knocked down, grinned, and said coldly.

wow la la~

Standing up from the desk and chair unscathed, Luke Cage looked at Jessica opposite him and shook his head from side to side: "Me too."

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