Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 43: face to face

With the strong foot strength of Dali's legs, Li Ran quickly arrived at the location of Jisi Connie Chinese Restaurant.

A group of black gangsters with ferocious expressions were crowding around the restaurant, clamoring loudly, surrounded by the host, Guise and Mrs. Connie.

"Tell me, where is the guy who appeared in your store before?" He stretched out his hand to calm down the noisy minions around him. "Rattlesnake" Willis came to the couple's presence, speaking in his unique black tone, with a cold expression on his face. Asked: "As an old resident, you should know our rules."

"You rubbish, Harlem became what it is because of your existence." Facing the menacing crowd in front of him, Ji Si, the owner of the Chinese restaurant, swallowed his saliva, but was unexpectedly brave.

With a grin of disdain, Willis raised his dark fingers and poked at Ji Si's face: "Old guy, you seem to have forgotten that this is Harlem, the kingdom of our black people, you yellow people. The skin guys are surviving here not because of how good you guys are, but simply because we **** gave you room to survive, so don't challenge my patience, old man."

"You are racist, it's not what you said!"

In the face of Willis' statement that obviously distorted the facts, the host, Ji Si, shuddered uncontrollably: "This Chinese restaurant has been owned by my father's hard work since my father's generation. We have been living hard in Harlem, and It's not like you are doing criminal acts like this."


Hearing the accusation that was clearly about to become a black politically correct slogan from Geith's mouth, Willis restrained the expression on his face, turned his head and swept away from the surrounding crowd: "Here, who dares to say that before me Are those words racist?"

As a well-known figure in Harlem, everyone is afraid of the name "rattlesnake".

Even a few passers-by with a sense of justice wanted to say a few words, but they were stopped by his friends.

His eyes swept around the crowd, Willis looked at the two people in front of him again: "It seems that everyone doesn't think I..."

"I dare say it!"

However, before Willis finished speaking, a slap in the face came from behind.

Willis' expression darkened instantly. Looking in the direction of the sound, he saw a man in a red undershirt standing there.

"The man I saw in the barbershop before was him."

Seeing Li Ran appearing suddenly, Shamik touched the painful wound on his face, and hurriedly came to Willis' side and said in a low voice. Noticing Li Ran's gaze, he subconsciously lowered his head to avoid his gaze.

Taking his eyes away from Shamic, Li Ran basically understood what happened.

However, he didn't have any hidden thoughts anyway. On the contrary, from the perspective of gaining popularity, the more people knew about the character Ah Xing, the more beneficial it would be to Li Ran. Therefore, Shamik's confession not only did not cause him much harm, but also indirectly helped him.

Although, Li Ran would not express his gratitude for this.

Hearing Shamick's identification beside him, Willis narrowed his eyes subconsciously.

He remembered what Cornell had told him.

Leaving aside the two couples in the former Chinese restaurant, Willis came to Li Ran, shook his head from side to side to look at him, and the group of black people who had been surrounding the door of the Chinese restaurant also walked towards Li Ran: " Is that you, shot at our people?"

"If, you're talking about the group of people from last night." Li Ran turned his head and glanced at the crowd behind Willis. He replied, "That's right, it was my hand that moved."

"They have done illegal things and want to rob innocents. Naturally, they need a lesson."


Li Ran's words fell into the ears of the surrounding black people, as if it had become a big joke. They looked at each other and laughed wildly.

After laughing, Willis looked directly into Li Ran's eyes and said word by word, "In Harlem, we are the law, and unfortunately, you violated our law."

"That said, there's no need to talk about it."

"Why, do you want to ask for mercy now? Unfortunately, I have already decided that I will only take your body to see the 'Water Pit Viper'."

"Who is the water pit viper?" Haoduan suddenly came up with another name, causing Li Ran to blurt out the question.

"You haven't even heard of Cornell's name, so you dare to make trouble in Harlem." Willis looked at Li Ran as if he were looking at a dead man.

It turns out that the water pit viper was the name Cornell Stokes displayed in the system last night.

Willis' answer was very good. It helped Li Ran to solve the problem that has been plaguing him since last Feelings, this man named Cornell Stokes is their boss.

Seeing Li Ran's stunned expression in front of him, Willis frowned subconsciously. He didn't forget what happened to his subordinates before. Remembering what Martin and others had said, he subconsciously glanced at the feet wearing broken sneakers, took a few steps back, and pulled away from Li Ran to a safe distance, leaning back against the dense crowd behind him, and then continued. : "Perhaps, you think you are amazing and can easily beat up a few of my subordinates, but, you can beat one, ten, twenty, thirty, one hundred, if we want, the entire Harley Mu is ours, and you have nowhere to run."

"Don't talk so much nonsense."

Threat to Willis.

Li Ran moved his hands and feet with an expressionless face, then shook his neck from side to side, shook his hands, and finally spread his arms in a signature kung fu pose: "Come on."

Seeing that Li Ran was obviously only one person, yet dared to act provocatively against the group of them, some grumpy black people couldn't help it. During the riot, a strong black man who was over two meters tall ignored Willis' orders and walked in front of Li Ran.

"Wow, how do you practice a fist as big as a casserole?"

In this regard, the expression on Li Ran's face did not change too obviously, and he even glanced at the strong man's fist with interest and said something.

Unfortunately, because of cultural differences, black strong men did not understand what Li Ran meant.

Ignoring Li Ran's ridicule, the other party raised his fist and smashed it on his head without hesitation.

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