Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 35: Luke Cage


Luke Cage!

In the barbershop, Li Ran looked at the tall figure in the mirror, but he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

I finally came, at least I didn't let my hair be cut in vain.

"Sleep is not a reason. Dad, I also sleep very late every day, but I always come to the store first." Putting down the scissors in his hand, the black old man turned his head to face the tall man behind him while changing into the electric clippers. said.

Luke: "That's because you don't sleep much, Dad."

Henry: "Maybe you can choose a job that makes you go to bed early and get up early, such as the waiter at the restaurant next door."

Luke replied with a wry smile: "Dad, you know, I need a job in a nightclub very much, and the restaurant tip is not as much as a nightclub. Mrs. Connie has been urging me for several days, if I don't pay the rent I owe. Make up, she's going to drive me to the street to sleep."

Shrugging, Henry immediately made a corroboration: "Trust me, with what I know about Connie, she will definitely do what she says."

Luke: "I believe the same."

Henry: "Well, what are you doing here, the pile of towels in the washing machine won't get clean by itself."

Luke: "Thank you, Dad."

Sitting by the window, Poppy watched the conversation between the two and shook his head with a smile.

"Actually, you don't have any plans to pursue it at all, right?" Sitting on the barber's seat, Li Ran couldn't help but ask as he looked at his hair that was about to be cut short.

"Is it so obvious?" With a surprised expression on his face, Henry turned his head and glanced in Luke's direction, and then said, "I thought my acting skills were good."

"It's really obvious, Henry." Picking up the flag to eat White's soldiers, Poppy stroked his beard and replied without raising his head, "If you want to help Luke, you can say it generously. come out."

"I know Luke," he stopped the electric clipper in his hand, Henry put on the scissors and trimmed Li Ran's hair, and said, "He is not a person who is willing to accept help easily, which is why he would rather play two or even Three jobs, and I'm reluctant to accept my suggestion for a salary increase."

Poppy: "At least, he's a good guy, isn't he?".

Henry: "Yes, he's a good man."

He's not just a good guy.

Li Ran sat in the chair and listened to the conversation between Henry and Bobby, and couldn't help but silently added something in his heart.


"Okay, kid." He took off the cloth around Li Ran's neck. Henry patted the shattered hair on the back of Li Ran's neck and said, "It looks more energetic, doesn't it?"

Li Ran: "..."

Silently looking at the naked and almost inch short shape in front of the mirror, for some reason, Li Ran inexplicably remembered the scene in the movie "Kung Fu Soccer" where Ah Xing and his senior brother were performing in a bar, and couldn't help but want to sing "Kung Fu Soccer". The impulse of Hercules Legs and Iron Head.

He was bald, but unfortunately he didn't get stronger.

"Dad, it's obvious that your look is not suitable for Asian heads."

Sitting on the side, Shamick noticed Li Ran's sleek and funny look, and couldn't help laughing and mocking.

"Well, I admit, I did make some mistakes, and the effect was a little different from what I thought, so boy, you may need a hat."

"how much is the total?"

Suppressing the speechlessness in his heart, Li Ran asked while touching his bare forehead.

"Son, I said it just now, it's free."

"Dad, it's not fair." Hearing Henry's words, Shamick, who let Chico cut his hair, became dissatisfied: "Why should a first-timer get free, he's not Michael Jordan ."

Chico put down the scissors in his hand and said, "Or Muhammad Ali."

"He's not even a black man."

"Dad has his reasons for doing this."

In the face of Shamick's objection, Luke Cage, who had been silently sweeping the floor beside him, couldn't help but speak.

"Dad has his reasons for doing this~"

Luke Cage's remarks obviously pulled Shamick's hatred away, and repeated the words strangely.

Shamic turned to look at Luke: "Seriously, man, what are you doing here?"

"I'll sweep my hair, Shamick." Facing Shamick's obviously provocative words, Luke Cage unexpectedly suppressed his temper and replied calmly: "I'm still mopping the floor, I wash the towels and keep that window spotless, that's my job, you'll never understand."

Shamiq: "You call this work?"

Luke: "At least I'm trying to make a living. I can't even cut my hair without you."

"Hey, guys, don't be picky."

Noticing that the atmosphere at the scene was getting more and more gunpowder, Henry, who was standing beside him, said something.

However, Li Ran noticed that the expression on his face did not appear to be too nervous, and he obviously did not think the situation in front of him was serious. Or, he is quite confident in one of them.

He took a meaningful look at Old Henry and put his eyes back on the situation in front of him. Similarly, Li Ran didn't think the situation in front of him would become serious, even if, seriously, his appearance was actually one of the fuses that ignited the gunpowder of the two in front of him.

"I've had enough……"

Luke's last words obviously became the key to igniting Shamick's anger. He stood up angrily and swore to Luke Cage.

"What, Shamik, what have you had enough of?"

Silently staring at his current Shamic, Luke asked rhetorically.

Looking at the tall figure in front of him, Shamik's original anger faded away, he looked away, and resolutely chose to reply from his heart: "I'm fed up with the current static life, I want to change."

"There's still hair here."

Shamic's appearance of admitting cowardly made everyone in the barber shop smile.

"Okay, kid." Smiling and shaking his head, Henry turned to look at Li Ran beside him: "I'm sorry kid, I let you see this farce, I won't charge for the haircut, if you are in Harlem If you have any difficulties and need help, you can come to me."

Shamic: "Dad, I need help too."

"Then my advice to you, Shamik, is to find a job that can support yourself, rather than a life of idleness every day."

"I'm looking for someone, I wonder if you've heard of a place called Willard?"

Henry: "Villard?"

Frowning and thinking for a while, Henry asked Poppy by the window, "Pobby, have you heard of this place?"

Poppy: "No."

By the window, Poppy replied simply.

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