Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 28: fight back

"Do you think that you can get rid of the influence of your ability by avoiding my sight?"

After seeing Li Ran jump to the counter, the expression on Kilgrave's face became more and more relaxed.

Stepping towards the counter, the dark muzzle of the gun came towards him, but the smile on Kilgrave's face solidified a little.

However, he soon noticed that Li Ran was holding the stiff fingers on the handle of the gun, and the frozen smile on the corner of his mouth evoked again: "It looks like I won in the end."

"stand up."

Following Kilgrave's order, Li Ran, who was hiding behind the counter, stood up.

Kilgrave's gaze shifted from the muzzle of the gun to Li Ran's numb expression: "Unfortunately, if you moved a little faster, it might not be the current situation. It seems that luck is on my side... …”

"I don't think so."


The sudden voice in the antique shop suddenly changed Kilgrave's confident expression. When he raised his head, he saw Li Ran, who had thought he was under control, and twitched the corners of his mouth to reveal a stiff smile to himself.

"Turn around!"

Seeing this scene, Kilgrave subconsciously widened his eyes and shouted loudly without even thinking about it.

Under Kilgrave's order, Li Ran, who was facing him, immediately began to turn his body stiffly to the side, and the next second, a loud gunshot sounded in the narrow space of the antique store.

Opening his eyes, Kilgrave looked down at his still intact body, as well as Li Ran's body opposite him, and couldn't help but let out a wild laugh for the rest of his life: "Haha, in the end, I finally won..."


Under the influence of Kilgrave's ability, Li Ran had completely lost control of his body, but under the control of the only sober mind, he still replied with difficulty word by word.

"Don't play this trick again, you have absolutely no chance of turning over!"

Li Ran's repeated actions obviously had a huge impact on Kilgrave's heart. At this moment, he desperately wanted to kill this threat.

Raising his hand, he was about to give Li Ran an order to shoot himself.

The violent sense of crisis coming from behind made Kilgray unable to help looking back, and then he saw that the bullet that Li Ran had just shot crooked was turning a corner and flying towards him in a magical way. come over.

And this time, Kilgree was not so lucky, and could only watch the rounded bullet shoot into his body.

[Famous from Kilgrave +135]


bang bang-

"Boss, are you alright!"

Even with Kilgree's control, a few ordinary people based on Old Jack couldn't bring much obstacles to Jessica.

The success of subduing a few people, especially the appearance of Old Jack, made Jessica worry about the safety of the antique shop. Although the past encounters brought her an indelible nightmare, Jessica is still a person with A kind person with extraordinary abilities.

Even, if it wasn't for the purple man's relationship, she might still be active as a superhero at the moment, not an alcoholic and irritable private detective in Hell's Kitchen.

Bumping open the door of the antique store, what Jessica saw was the messy antiques in the store and the expressionless Li Ran holding the pistol.

Looking back from the purple blood on the ground, Li Ran glanced at the wooden door that Jessica hit, and subconsciously twitched the corners of his mouth: "You look at me, do you look like I'm fine?"

Although, he has actively or passively encountered a lot of confrontations with superheroes or villains before, but this time Li Ran and Ziren encountered is undoubtedly the most dangerous one since he owned the card, even, if not [Wesley] ]'s ability is just right to resist the super power from the purple man, and if the bending bullets of [Arc Ballistics] are somewhat beyond common sense, maybe what Jessica sees in the antique shop at this moment is just Li Ran lying on the ground. dead body.

"You, met him?"

Li Ran's answer made the expression on Jessica's face become heavier. Although she already knew in her heart that there could be no one other than Kilgray the Purple Man, Jessica's heart was deep in her heart. There is still a false hope of one in ten thousand, hoping that none of this is true.

However, Li Ran's next answer directly extinguished all her hopes.

"If you mean the guy in purple, yes, I met him. The blood on the ground is the best proof of this."

Jessica looked at the purple blood in front of her, and was silent for a while before asking in her hoarse voice, "How did you... hurt him? I mean... under his power, there is no such thing as maybe……"

[Famousness from Jessica Jones +85]

Even after seeing the evidence, Jessica is still a little She understands Kilgra's ability to control anyone he sees at will and carry out 100% of his orders. Under such circumstances , it is impossible for anyone to harm him at all.

"You really know who he is?"

Although, even without Jessica's explanation, Li Ran already knew that it was the purple man who attacked him. But in order to play his own identity, he still made an uninformed reaction and asked: "Then, tell me, who is this dangerous guy who suddenly came to attack me."


Facing Li Ran's questioning, Jessica was silent for a while, and then she replied with an expressionless and cold face: "His name is Kilgrey or he can also be called the Purple Man, he is a..."

After escaping from control, Jessica has been trying to escape the harm that the Purple Man has caused her, constantly using alcohol to numb her memory. At this moment, the face questioned, but had to reveal the **** memory.

"...In short, he is a very dangerous and terrifying existence."

After finishing the introduction about Kilgray, Jessica breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously, closed her eyes to suppress her inner fluctuating emotions, and then saw Li Ran in front of her again and asked, "So, boss, I have I've told you everything, so please tell me how I got out of Kilgra's grip and managed to hurt him again?"

Jessica doesn't think that ordinary people can hurt the purple man who has the ability to control terror. Therefore, Li Ran, the owner of an antique shop, must have other secrets.

"Perhaps, have you heard of the Assassin Brotherhood?"

Facing Jessica's questioning, Li Ran subconsciously twitched the corners of his mouth and asked back.

[Famousness from Jessica Jones +25]

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