Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 20: provocative

[Famousness from Tony Stark +85]

[Famousness from Happy Hogan +25]

[Famousness from Maya Hansen +15]

Li Ran was driving the car on the streets of New York, and when he saw the legend displayed on the system data panel, he couldn't help but sigh.

Tony is worthy of being a big dog. Just a simple face-to-face can bring him so much fame.

While thinking about it, Li Ran skillfully drove the vehicle in his hand, shuttling back and forth on the streets of New York.

He was waiting for the response from Tony.


On the other hand, just after realizing what happened to him from Happy's reaction, Tony's expression was obviously not very good.

However, simply, he is not completely unprepared.

From his pocket, he took out his cell phone, and Tony immediately shouted, "Jarvis."

"Yes, sir."

"Show the location of the vehicle, and help me connect to the communication equipment in the car by the way."

"Understood, sir, something refreshing happens to me every time."

Following the indifferent teasing of the smart butler, the screen of the mobile phone in Tony's hand turned horizontally into a route map of the New York City area, and also marked the location of the car as a red dot.

"Here, it's near Third Street, not far from us." On the side, Happy glanced at the map on the screen with his head stuck, and immediately recognized the other party's location.

"It seems that our Mr. Phantom Thief is very bold."

"Tony, what's going on?" Maya couldn't help but ask when she looked at the scene in front of her.

The development of the whole incident was completely different from what she had imagined before.

"The specific reason is too troublesome to explain in detail. To put it simply, a mysterious figure stole my car in front of me."

"Steal your car."

The car of Tony Stark, chairman of the dignified Stark Industries, was actually stolen. This kind of reason sounds a bit exaggerated in Maya's ears. Of course, it is even more strange that Tony's own reaction. Excited look.

"Since the car was stolen, why not call the police."

If Tony Stark calls the police that his car is stolen, Maya believes that the entire New York City police department will act to help find it.

"It's just a means of transportation. It's not worth the trouble of calling the police. Besides, I'm very interested in the one who stole the car. I hope to have a chat with him."

Invisibly, Tony Dog spoke up, causing a critical blow in Maya's heart.

"Sir, I have connected to the communication device in the car."

At this time, Jarvis, who had been working, spoke again.

Immediately afterwards, a melodious sound of music came from the phone.


"Hey, hey, can you hear me?"


Hearing the sudden sound from the stereo, Li Ran's eyes flashed with a gleam of light, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and then he reached out and lowered the music in the car.

"Hello, Tony."

"You too, Mr. Thief."

"I admit that you managed to fool me with that little trick in your hands, until seven points. No, ten minutes ago, I was still skeptical that you couldn't fool me with the key. However, Next, is the trouble now located... well, Happy here and there..."

"Third Avenue, Seaford Road."

"...Mr. thief driving in the direction of Wangnan on Seafordham Road, give me the car again. After all, there is a very important appointment waiting for me."

"Hey, Tony, I didn't promise to date you."

"Look, my girlfriends are starting to get angry."

If it were another person, and heard Tony's moderate warning in the car in the car, especially knowing that his location was already known to him, it might start to become open.

However, Li Ran didn't seem particularly worried about this.

While the car he was driving made a 180-degree turn, he still replied calmly to Tony: "To be honest, Tony, I was a little disappointed with your previous reaction, but I didn't notice a little bit. question."

"However, judging from the premise that you have taken so much trouble to find my position, I can give you another chance, as long as you can catch me."

"I want to declare, Mr. thief, it didn't cost me much to find you..."

Hearing the arrogant voice of the phantom thief on the other side of the phone, Tony couldn't help frowning and correcting.

"Sir, the communication has been cut off from the other side."

Jarvis reminded.

"Thank you." Even though he was the one with the upper hand, Tony somehow felt like he was being compared, especially the fearless reaction of the monster thief on the other side, which made Tony feel a little embarrassed.

"You're welcome, sir," Jarvis replied indifferently, and then continued: "Also, sir, I have to remind you that the current position of the vehicle is constantly approaching you."


Jarvis' reminder made Tony react He lowered his head and saw the red dot on the screen in his hand that had already displayed overlapping with his group.

Immediately afterwards, there was a huge roar.

Then he saw a familiar black car flashing quickly in front of his eyes.

"Okay, I'm really annoyed now."

In the face of Li Ran's obvious provocation, Tony couldn't stand it.

He restrained the smile on his face, turned his head and said to Happy, "Happy, find me a car right now."

"But, sir, your car is..."

"I don't want to hear any reason now, I just want the result."

"Okay." Seeing Tony's resolute attitude, Happy had to give up his plan to persuade him again, turned around and started to find a car for him. While walking, Happy took out his mobile phone from his pocket and found One of the numbers was dialed.

"Tony, calm down." Beside, Maya looked at Tony, whose expression was obviously different from before, and subconsciously persuaded: "Didn't you say it before, these are just two means of transportation."

"The situation is different now," Tony looked up at the direction where the car disappeared, and said in a light tone: "I don't like this feeling of being underestimated. When faced with provocations, I always respond directly to my face, absolutely not. Will wait until the next day."


[Famousness from Tony Stark +65]

In the car, Li Ran looked at the data that appeared on the panel again, and his face couldn't help showing a bit of understanding.

Tony in this period was arrogant and arrogant, completely self-centered, and at the same time, he was the most unwilling to be provoked by others.

Therefore, I followed this line of thinking to make a proper provocation, and I succeeded in stimulating Tony's emotions.

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