Although, there are some thoughts in his heart that make Li Ran want to run to Tony Stark immediately to brush a wave of fame.

However, in connection with the reality, Li Ran quickly calmed down.

Although Tony Stark at this stage has not yet incarnated into Iron Man who saves the world, the chairman of Stark Industries and the most well-known **** in New York still attract attention to his every move. . Not to mention, his father Howard Stark is one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D.

If it was said that there were no SHIELD agents around Tony Stark, Li Ran would not believe it even if he was killed.

Even Li Ran boldly speculated that if Tony Stark hadn't killed himself and went to Afghanistan to test his latest weapon achievements, perhaps Obadiah Staney would never have found the opportunity to suffer from all kinds of future weapons. The predicament, of course, is that there may never be an Iron Man.

Having said so much, did Li Ran really give up looking for Tony Stark?

Of course not. There have been previous examples of Daredevil and the Hulk incident. Li Ran has clearly recognized the gap in popularity that can be brought about between American characters and ordinary people.

This kind of gap may not be obvious in the current 1,000-point legendary [Black Iron Treasure Chest], but in the future, when it comes to bronze, silver and even gold treasure chests, and thinking about the 0.03~0.05 little bit of legend from New York citizens, it is obvious It's a pretty unrealistic thing.

What's more, the appearance of Hulk this time also gave Li Ran a subconscious sense of urgency.

The appearance of the Hulk also reminds Li Ran to some extent that the time is not far from the first New York war of the Avengers.

A battle of that level is not something he can handle with the two D-rank cards in his hand.

It seems that the steps should be accelerated.

"James, where are you?"

"It's nothing, I'll come out for a drink."

Li Ran turned his head, looked at the beautiful golden smear in the bedroom, and then replied with a smile.


The next day, most of the New York media published follow-up reports on the latest events in Manhattan.

Under the influence of obvious military intervention, the original Hulk's havoc in Manhattan turned into an ordinary natural gas pipeline explosion.

Afterwards, although a small number of media, such as the Daily Bugle, were chasing the truth, it was obvious that they could not make a big difference.

"I swear, I really saw the green monster appear in the movie theater, and I specially left the movie ticket for that day as evidence."

"A Chinese man, he kicked such a big stone away with one kick, you can't imagine how cool the situation was at that time, so I went to Chinatown to learn from a kung fu master. Kung Fu, even though he's Korean, teaches karate classes."

The ripples of the Hulk incident, apart from bringing a little bit of legend to Li Ran, there seems to be no more discussion.

Even a few days later, the forgetful New Yorkers will forget what happened in Manhattan and return to this original life.


"Hogan, remember to wash my car for me. I have an important appointment waiting for me tonight."

Throwing the key into the driver Happy's hand, Tony walked into the Stark Industries building with a cynical smile on his face.

"You're late, Tony." Looking down at the time on his hand again, Pepper said to Tony.

"Everyone is already waiting for you in the conference room."

"Hey, take it easy, Little Pepper, you're a little too nervous, and it's not a very important meeting. In fact, even if I don't come, you can complete the meeting for me today."

Tony's words of trust made Pepper Pepper subconsciously smile, but then he restrained himself: "No, you are Tony Stark, and the shareholders of today's meeting are here for you."

"If that's the case, then there's no need to worry. After all, superstars always appear last."


"Okay, okay, I admit it." Seeing that the expression on Pepper's face had changed a bit, Tony restrained his hippie smile and replied solemnly, "I overslept."

"But I have already told Jarvis the time of the meeting."

"I know, so I deliberately asked Jarvis to call me an hour later. After all, you know that I sleep late."

"I think it's late for a date."

"Wow, Pepper, you still know me." Seeing that Pepper's face became more and more ugly, Tony changed the subject: "Tell me, what is the meeting today?"

"It's about the changes in the company's stock price during this period. Recently, the stock price of Hammer Industries has shown an upward trend. It is said that one of their latest products has been selected by the military and will become a common equipment for a special unit. Therefore, shareholders have some I'm worried that Stark Industries' stock price will be affected by this."

"Just because of this?"

"Shareholders need some confidence, Tony."

"All right."

Facing Pepper's request, Tony immediately shrugged and nodded.

After the two looked at each other and smiled, Tony immediately corrected his and pushed open the door of the conference room.

Walking into the conference room, the first thing Tony saw was Obadiah's face, he nodded subconsciously, then turned to look at the shareholders in the conference room, and said in a relaxed tone.

"Sorry, there is a traffic jam on the road."


"Mr. Stark, what do you want to explain to us that Stark Industries has not launched new products for a while? Some of our shareholders agree that your recent performance is too ostentatious, There's reason to suspect that you haven't given any thought to the company's products over this period of time."

"There's nothing to say, Mr. Lister. In fact, if you and your friends think there is something wrong with Stark Industries, you can sell your stock. I have no opinion at all."

Tony's tough answer not only made the shareholder who asked the question look ugly, but Pepper who was standing behind him also changed slightly.


In the end, it was Obadiah, a shareholder and his father's former friend, that made Tony restrain his actions.

Glancing at everyone in the conference room, Tony immediately said: "I know that the company's shareholders have had some opinions on my recent performance. I came here today to give some advice to some people. Wake up, the reason why Stark Industries has developed to its current position is not the stocks you talk about, or other Barabara things..."

"It's this."

Tony pointed to his head and looked around.

"In addition, I already have a general idea about the company's latest product. It shouldn't take too long, you will see it."

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