Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 11: Hope and the Hulk

Although, sometimes it's good to do good things.

However, seeing the middle-aged man in the antique shop again, Li Ran's mood was somewhat subtle at the moment.

not to mention.

"Boss, this gem?"

Inside the store, the middle-aged man looked restrained. He glanced at the layout of the store and paused subconsciously when he saw the familiar jade bracelet on the pile of groceries behind Li Ran.

"The finished product of the sapphire is good, and it can be considered translucent in terms of cutting. The color is between the third and fourth grades, and it is a bit bluish. Although it is a little smaller, it is still a good boutique gem." Li Ran looked at the familiar gemstone in his hand. , was a little speechless in his heart, he didn't expect that after going around in such a circle, the gem he sent out returned to his hand.

"In terms of price, the price of gemstones has dropped a bit recently, but it is basically stable. And this sapphire is close to three carats, which should be between 10,000 and 15,000 in terms of price. Of course, this is only my preliminary estimate. If you want a more accurate price, you need to use the instrument to analyze it again."

Although he knew all about the gems in his hand, Li Ran pretended to look left and right, and then put on a professional attitude and said to the man in front of him.

"A lot, how much?!"

Although he had already understood the preciousness of the gemstone, he had learned its actual value from Li Ran's mouth, and the man was still a little strict to conceal his inner excitement.

[Famousness from New York citizens +0.5]

Bowing his head to scan the content on the data panel, Li Ran continued to reply calmly: "It floats between 10,000 and 15,000."

"Ten thousand, ten thousand, ten thousand and so much..."

Standing in the antique shop, he muttered for a long time with an expression like crying and laughing.

Only then did the man suppress his complicated emotions, with a bright light in his eyes: "Boss, if I can, I want to exchange this sapphire for cash."

Saying that, the man's eyes subconsciously swept over the bracelets on the pile of groceries: "And..."

"Well, is it different?"

In the laundromat, Old Jack looked at the familiar figure walking out of the antique shop, but there was some doubt on his face.

"Why is it different?"

Li Ran walked out of the antique shop, listening to Old Jack's self-talk, he couldn't help asking.

"The man's appearance seems to have changed a bit from before, as if he has found hope again."

Old Jack tilted his head and said uncertainly.

"Isn't that a good thing?"

"Indeed." Old Jack nodded, but noticed that Li Ran was about to close the store.

"Why did the store close so early today?"

"Because there is an important appointment waiting for me to attend." Li Ran smiled slightly and flipped the sign at the door of the store to the closed side.

"Haha, is that so, which girl fell into the charm of our James." Old Jack laughed and said with a mocking tone. .

"A nice girl."

Jennifer's beautiful golden hair flashed in his mind, and Li Ran calmly accepted Old Jack's ridicule.

"Really, then I wish you a good date James."


Li Ran nodded slightly and accepted the blessing from Old Jack.

"It's nice to be young."

In the laundromat, Old Jack watched Li Ran leave, muttered something in a low voice, and then put his eyes back on the newspaper in his hand.

However, the full-page entertainment section on the other side of the newspaper in Old Jack's hands is reporting on the grand party that was held last night by Tony Stark, a famous **** in New York City.


"James, thank you!"

Taking Li Ran's hand out of the cinema, Jennifer leaned on his shoulder with joy.

"Hey, Jennifer, you don't need to say thank you to me."

Shaking his head, Li Ran stretched out his hand across the girl's smooth blond hair, and replied in a gentle tone, "It was my honor to be able to spend a wonderful night with such a beautiful girl in front of me."

"James." Although Li Ran's lines were old-fashioned, it still deeply moved the girl Jennifer.

She looked at the man in front of her, her eyes blurred.


However, at this moment, there was a huge explosion and screams.

He literally turned the originally warm scene into a disaster movie.

"what happened?"

Protecting Jennifer in his arms, Li Ran looked at the panicked crowd around him with a puzzled expression.

Could it be that aliens attacked New York?

No, Tony hasn't turned into Iron Man yet, Captain America is still frozen in Antarctica, and the time is totally wrong.

However, it didn't make Li Ran puzzled for too long.

With a loud bang, a large hole was directly smashed into the high wall of the cinema, and then a huge dark green figure appeared in front of him.

"I said, it was Hulk."

The huge size, green skin, and the iconic pants made Li Ran recognize the identity of the other party at a glance - a member of the future Hulk Hulk.

Li Ran nodded suddenly, and then reacted immediately. Now is not the time to think about it.

The Hulk in this period is far less talkative than the Avengers in the future. Because of the endless pursuit operations of the US military, the anger in his heart is growing all the time. Fleeing under restraint, New York had long since been reduced to a wreckage in the Hulk's wrath.

Li Ran looked at the wall of the cinema where Hulk had knocked out a human-shaped passage in front of him, and then turned to look at the helicopter hovering above, which was basically confirmed. In the current situation, the U.S. military must have lured Banner over by some means, intending to arrest him. As a result, Hulk was released accidentally, and the scene in front of him appeared.

Sometimes, Li Ran really couldn't understand some of the thinking patterns of the American military. He clearly knew the power of the Hulk, and ordinary conventional weapons couldn't help him much, but he always took a tough attitude to arrest him instead of using more powerful weapons. Flexible approach and Banner contact.

Compared with the uncontrollable Hulk, Banner is the most suitable person to talk to, not to mention that Banner himself has always had the idea of ​​wanting to control or even completely eliminate the Hulk. At this time, if the military can be softer and show goodwill, it can actually cooperate with Banner and even study.

However, the military or the principal, General Ross, chose a tough confrontation line.

A good scene of win-win cooperation was just made by the military into this uncontrollable result.

The domineering and unreasonableness of the American military is evident.

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