Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 404: uninvited guest

"What exactly went wrong?"

Inside the Avengers Building, Tony looked at the data all over the laboratory with a tired look on his face.

"We must be missing something critical."

"Maybe our guess was wrong."

He stretched out his hand and took off the glasses on his face and wiped it. Although the research and experiments carried out day and night were not enough to deplete Banner's physical strength, it also caused considerable depletion to his spirit. Part of the energy to deal with the situation of the big green guy in the body.

"Or artificial intelligence should never appear in this world. Neither we nor the world are ready to welcome the arrival of this super-technological intelligent life..."

Although he has participated in the programming of artificial intelligence at Tony's request, it is clear that Banner still has a certain awe and concern for this advanced technology research, especially because he is the product of an experimental failure. Under this circumstance, this concern naturally becomes more obvious.

"Perhaps it's just wishful thinking on your part, Doctor."

Without hesitation, he denied Banner's concerns. Tony turned his head to look at the dense data in the laboratory, and said with a firm expression: "Or, we are only one step away from success. We have gathered the Avengers in this laboratory. , No, the two smartest brains in the world, I don't think we are any worse than Jiuyou. Since the so-called doctor in Jiuyou can create artificial intelligence robots like liquid metal robots, it makes no sense that the two of us can't. ."

"Sir, Mr. Banner, I need to remind you both that the Avengers party is waiting for you to appear."

In the laboratory, just when Tony and Banner once again disagreed on the existence of artificial intelligence due to the bottleneck of the experiment, Jarvis suddenly opened his mouth to remind.


Hearing Jarvis' reminder, Banner was silent for a while, then looked at Tony in front of him, and took the initiative to retreat: "Maybe we should all calm down Tony first, or go drink some wine to relax our tense nerves."

Hearing Banner's words, Tony turned his head and glanced at the data on the interface and the scepter in the center of the laboratory, his eyes changed, and finally shrugged and agreed with Banner's proposal: "Well, it's not bad anyway. time."

The research over the past few days has brought Tony's spirit to the limit.


Western Europe, some not-so-good forest.

[Kaz] Wearing clothes transformed from bear skins, he walked along the rough road in the forest.

For ordinary people, the forest is full of danger, but in the eyes of [Kaz], it is as free as the ground. In terms of the sense of crisis, animals are more sharp than ordinary humans, and they feel that it comes from [Ultimate Creatures]. As the suppression at the top of the food chain, I dare not have the slightest rash move.

Passing through the dense jungle on the side, [Kaz] glanced at a cheetah curled up and shivering above the treetops.

Behind him, Susan had a painful expression on her face, and followed the footsteps of [Kaz] with stiff movements.

And as long as you look down Susan's neck, you can see that an octopus head the size of a fist is blinking and attracting it there.

【Parasitic Octopus】——This is the product of the combination of parasites and octopuses that 【Kaz】 evolved through the ability of 【Ultimate Creatures】.

The tentacles of the octopus are only the thickness of silk threads, which drilled into Susan's body and controlled her limbs to achieve the purpose of controlling her actions.

"Come out."

After walking in the forest for a while, [Caz] suddenly stopped his steps, turned his ears like a bat to receive a subtle ultrasonic signal from somewhere, and then said, "I have found you."


Facing what [Kaz] said, the forest in front of him was silent, and there was no reaction at all.

However, [Kaz] had a determined look on his face. He turned his eyes, and instantly his powerful vision beyond human swept through all the scenes in the forest. When he raised his palm, spikes like porcupines emerged from the back of his palm. He pointed in the direction of a certain corner of the forest and said expressionlessly: "Don't challenge my patience, your so-called camouflage has no meaning in my eyes, so to give you a choice, just follow my words now. , or wait until I find you and integrate it into the body little by little."

"I have no ill will."

Hearing the threat of [Kaz], a Hisso sound came from the forest, and then Doctor Doom appeared in front of him wearing a cloak.

Covering his broken arm with a large cloak, Doctor Doom looked at [Kaz] in front of him and Susan behind him, his eyes flashing under the steel mask and replied: "In fact, I am with full sincerity. came."


In the forest, Susan looked at Doctor Doom who appeared in front of her, and squeezed out a difficult name from her rigid body.

Ignoring Susan's name, Doctor Doom put his eyes on [Kaz]: "Even as a [Ultimate Creature], I don't think you are completely omniscient, otherwise when you were at the Hydra base before, you You will not choose to run away at the last moment. In fact, the human beings in this era are not very different from any time you have encountered in the past. Human beings have not only evolved extraordinary powers like me, but also mastered supernatural powers. A powerful weapon as you imagine."

"Powerful weapon?"

Hearing Doctor Doom's words, [Kaz] showed an interested expression on his face.

"It's like the weird weapons that ordinary humans used in the Hydra base before."


Nodding lightly, Doctor Destroyer answered [Kaz]'s words and continued: "In fact, the Hydra base uses only ordinary firepower weapons, which in the eyes of ordinary people may be enough to produce deadly firepower. Threats, but for the superhumans who have mastered powerful abilities, this kind of firepower is dangerous but not enough to cause fatal damage, and the powerful weapons I am talking about are actually in the hands of the most powerful countries in human beings. We have a super weapon capable of destroying a city in an instant - a nuclear weapon."

"Nuclear weapons?"


The Avengers Tower, the grand party scene.

The Avengers are holding their glasses and walking through the party guests.

Although superheroes need to rush to save the world every day, they also need a little rest time to let the nervous nerves relax for a short time.

"You don't look like you're in high spirits?"

In front of the bar at the party, Steve nodded slightly to the bartender in front of him, then turned to look at Johnny the Torch who was drinking with a dull expression, and said actively.

"How before everything happens, I am very happy to participate in such a party, and even become the most dazzling existence of the whole party."

He lowered his head and poured all the wine glasses in his hand. Johnny turned his head and glanced at the lively party behind him, but there was no joy on his face. He raised his hand and asked the bartender for a glass of wine. He replied in a low tone. Said: "However, now all I think about is Susan's business, and the situation in the Hydra base makes me uneasy."

Reaching out and taking the new wine in front of him, Johnny took a sip to himself, looked at Steve who was half-drunk and asked, "Captain, what did you ask from that guy? There is something related to Susan. news?"


Seeing Johnny's expectant gaze, Steve was silent for a moment, then shook his head, bowed his head and thanked the bartender who handed the glass, and deliberately avoided Johnny's gaze and replied, "The other party is Jiutou. The leader of the snake, the general interrogation is not enough for the other party to speak, but we also learned some useful information from the other party's mouth, and we may be able to find some parts related to Susan."

"The Avengers have been trying to find information about Susan, so, Johnny, you should also cheer up, instead of being so decadent..."

"Maybe you're right, Captain."

Steve's persuasion obviously played a role.

In the face of the information revealed from the mouth of this Captain America, Johnny naturally chose to believe it.

He took a deep breath and drank the last sip from the glass in his hand: "I don't think Susan wants to see me like this."


Here, Captain America is making unintended lies in order to persuade the decadent Human Torch.

On the other side, Tony was holding a wine glass and looking at the figure in a white Tang suit in front of him, he couldn't help but raised his eyebrows, showing an unexpected look on his face.

"Ah Xing, I didn't expect you to come to this party?"

"I didn't have this idea originally."

Hearing Tony's ridicule, Ah Xing's face matched with an embarrassed expression, he glanced at the scantily clad figures around the party, and replied with a bitter face: "But Ah Bao kept moving towards coming over to play, So I had to follow along."

"A Bao."

Hearing the name appearing from A Xing's mouth, Tony's expression instantly stiffened.

Although, because of the previous battle, everyone discovered the identity of the reincarnation of Immortal Abao.

However, this transformation is not enough to change the image of Po in Tony's heart from the original annoying stinky brat to a powerful immortal in Penglai.

A Bao is still the original A Bao, except for getting fatter, there is no other difference.

"Mr. Stark, why didn't you see Ms. Pepper coming to the party?"

In this world, the things you don't want to happen often happen.

Holding the wine glass, Tony heard A Xing's answer, and was thinking about how to avoid that annoying kid, preferably not to meet each other during the whole party.

However, a familiar voice came from behind him.

Turning his head and lowering his head, Tony immediately saw Po, who looked even more round, raised his small head and asked with a puzzled expression, "Is it true that Ms. Pepper finally recognized your true face, so she decided to Dump you, Mr. Stark, and go find your own happiness."

Po's words made Tony's mouth twitch.

Taking a look at the lively party atmosphere around, Tony tried his best to suppress his emotions and made corrections: "First of all, we are not separated, Pepper is only on a business trip abroad because he needs to arrange his company's affairs. In addition, you What is it about the pursuit of your own happiness?"

"Don't tell me, in your eyes, Pepper and I are not happy together."

"On this point, I think you should know best, Mr. Stark."

Facing Tony's rhetorical question, Po blinked his eyes and replied with an expression of "I don't know anything."

"Ha ha……"

Here, Tony's mood fluctuates violently because of Po's words.

On the other side, Sol heard the conversation between the two, and suddenly let out a hearty laugh.

"Interesting brat, I like your directness, boy."

"Sorry, Mr. Sol, it seems that your Earth girlfriend didn't come to the party. Could it be because of the long-distance love that caused problems in your relationship with each other?"

Facing Po, Tony may have to suppress his emotions because of the age of the other party.

And against Sol, he obviously doesn't need to worry so much.

Looking at Sol, who didn't have any eyesight, Tony immediately raised his eyebrows and spoke mercilessly.

"In fact, Jane and I have a pretty good relationship. She has to go to other countries because she needs to participate in the research on celestial aggregation."

Hearing Tony's soft and thorny question, Saul's eyebrows wrinkled, and he immediately replied: "She is a top astroscientist, and some people even said that Jane might get a nomination called Nobel, although I don't know the specifics. What is it, but it should be a good thing."

"Pepper pays more attention to work related to the real economy than research. In fact, she has successfully done it. The company she manages is arguably the largest combined economy in the world. Most of the people..."

"Let's look elsewhere."

Successfully provoked a quarrel between the two in the A Bao rolled his eyes, and quickly turned his attention to other places, without any nostalgia, he went to Run away elsewhere.

"Wait a minute, Bao."

Looking at the back of A Bao running away excitedly, A Xing cooperated with a helpless expression, then turned his head to look at the two people in front of him who obviously needed some time.

Finally, he shook his head lightly, and left the scene after chasing A Bao.


"It was a good party, wasn't it?"

The Avengers, the entrance to the party.

A handsome blond man looked at everything in front of him, twitched the corners of his mouth to reveal a strange smile, twisted his body to form a special posture, looked at a tall and thin figure with brown and black skin and said nothing behind him, opened his mouth. said.

"What do you think, Mr. Darcy?"

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