Because of the appearance of the [Ultimate Creature], the entire Hydra base was in chaos.

A large number of Hydra soldiers poured into the laboratory where the accident occurred. However, in the face of what [Kaz] showed, the powerful power of the ultimate life form at the top of the food chain, obviously no amount of soldiers could deal with the chaos. The situation has changed a lot.

"Doctor Doom?"

In a laboratory at the Hydra base, researchers keep important research data and items as instructed.

The figure of Doctor Doom suddenly appeared at the door.


Raising his palm to form a violent lightning bolt, the researchers in front of him flew out. Doctor Doom ignored the panicked expressions of everyone in the laboratory and walked to the scepter. The eyes under the steel mask flashed with excitement, and then he stretched out his silver-white arm wrapped in black gloves and grabbed the mysterious scepter on the experimental table.

"This power..."

The moment he grabbed the scepter, Doctor Doom could feel an unprecedented powerful force pouring into his body.


"This era is even more interesting than I imagined..."

Extending his arm to block the attack from Dr. Zola, the huge force from the mechanical torso broke [Kaz]'s arm into a twisted appearance.

Controlling his broken arm to restore it, [Caz] looked at the image on the mechanical torso in front of him, and said with an indifferent expression: "I never thought that one day human beings would create such a completely abandoned body but still able to A tool for survival, in a sense, this is another form of [Ultimate Life Form]..."

"Humans are more powerful than you think."

Dr. Zola frowned in the middle of the mechanical torso, facing [Kaz]'s description, his tone was full of disdain: "It's just a primitive creature that has survived from ancient times, how can it be possible to know the beauty and power of technology. , the so-called [ultimate creature] is just a primitive creature like you who lived in a period of ignorance, a shallow and ignorant idea generated from that barren common sense..."

Because of his complete mechanical data, Dr. Zola has no feeling for the suppression of the food chain produced by [Kaz]. The various abilities displayed by the [Ultimate Creature] in front of him certainly surprised him, but it was just a surprise. As a super genius and technology expert in Hydra, he did not agree with the so-called [Kaz]. The self-proclaimed name of [Ultimate Creature].

"If there really exists an [ultimate creature] in this world, it would be me who has an immortal consciousness and can change and transform a more perfect mechanical body at will, rather than you, a primitive creature that should have been turned into a fossil long ago."

Dr. Zola's counterattack was merciless, and combined with the rapid offensive of the mechanical torso, it gave the illusion of completely suppressing [Kaz].

After all, judging from Strucker’s description, what [Kaz] possesses is the ability to digest cells at the cellular level. Any human being fighting against him needs to be careful not to be touched by his body so as not to be swallowed into his own body by his ability to use it. . Even Doctor Doom, whose body has been semi-metalized, cannot avoid this ability of [Kaz].

However, as Dr. Zola, who completely abandoned his own flesh and blood, and turned to control machinery through data consciousness. This ability of [Kaz] seems to be completely unable to cause him the slightest threat. After all, the torso of the fighting machine he controls at the moment is completely made of metal. The ability of cell digestion.

Controlling the mechanical torso again to make a huge roar, the tall [Kaz] in front of him flew out, and the expression on Dr. Zola's image became more and more certain: "It seems that my guess is correct, the so-called [Ultimate Creature] ] It is just a product of ignorance, and there is no resistance at all under the powerful scientific and technological power."

"Dr. Zola, be careful, [Caz] is not as easy to deal with as you think."

Covering his aching head, Strucker looked at the confident Dr. Zola, but the expression on his face was not as optimistic as the other party.

"Looks like you thought the opponent's attack had cast a shadow and lost your normal ability to judge, Strucker."

In the face of Strucker's reminder, Dr. Zola's image on the mechanical torso changed, but he didn't have much caution.

"It seems that my previous temptation seemed to be underestimated by you."

Opposite to Dr. Zola, [Kaz] who was knocked to the ground slowly stood up, the sagging chest cavity from the huge force recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and looked up at the confident Zuo in front of him. Dr. La, [Kaz] tilted his head, his expression still neither sad nor happy: "Primitive creatures? You seem to have made a mistake. In fact, in my eyes, these human beings are backward and primitive creatures. , that short life, even a short sleep that can't support me, has become a bone, and your stupid thinking will not understand at all, what [Ultimate Creature] represents is the real immortality , and above all creatures, the most powerful and invincible ability, under this power, your proud tool can't bring any threat to me at all, even , not even trouble."

"Because, I only need to use one finger to easily get rid of you."

He stretched out a slender finger to aim at Dr. Zola in front of him, and as the voice of [Kaz] fell, the next moment he saw the finger he stretched out from [Kaz]'s as if it had life. The palm of the hand came off, and it fell on the ground and quickly expanded into a squirrel-like creature. With a piercing scream, it climbed onto Dr. Zola's mechanical body in a flash.

"Squirrel? This is..."

On the image on the chest of the mechanical body, seeing the squirrel transformed by [Kaz]'s fingers, Dr. Zola's brows could not help wrinkling, and he was about to control his body to catch the squirrel that climbed up. The next second, a sharp metal gnawing sound rang out from the mechanical body.

"How is it possible, my mechanical torso is made of a special alloy, just a squirrel!"

Hearing this sound, the electronic eyes behind the mechanical body moved quickly, and Dr. Zola immediately saw the squirrel crawling on him, piercing the metal of his mechanical body with his sharp front teeth, in an unimaginable way. The speed opened a big hole in his body.

"The ability to surpass all living things!"

Covering his aching brain, Strucker looked at Dr. Zola who was defeated by [Kaz] with one finger, and couldn't help muttering to himself.

"We can't defeat such a monster. Under such a monster, we have no possibility of defeating it at all..."

"...No...Impossible...I...I...Actually...will be defeated by a mechanical body...I can't beat one..."

Biting through the alloy on the exterior of the mechanical torso, as the squirrel turned into by [Kaz]'s fingers continued to destroy Dr. Zola's mechanical body, this mechanical body that had previously shown great combat power suddenly seemed to have lost its use. The power of Dr. Zola on the chest screen began to blur, and the intermittent electronic sound from the mechanical body still conveyed Dr. Zola's unwillingness.


Just before Dr. Zola finished his last words, as the squirrel in the body destroyed the most important core control device, the mechanical torso that was standing immediately fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, from the position of the machine's head, the squirrel bit a hole, drilled out of it for a while and jumped back to the palm of [Kaz] and changed back to the shape of a finger.

Putting away his palm, [Caz] lowered his head and swept the mechanical torso that had no movement, then turned to look at Strucker and others not far away, he looked at the pale and fearful Hydra Leader: "It seems that your best hope is that the guy who controls the weird called mechanical tool has also failed, so what are you going to do next to stop me, if you don't make a little move, I'm going to eat all of you one by one."

"After eating all of you, I will find those Avengers and see how much more surprises the Avengers can bring to me than you..."

When his eyes met the gaze cast by [Kaz], Strucker subconsciously shrank back.

He knew very well that the message of the Avengers in [Kaz]'s mouth was what he had just obtained from his own brain.

If it were another situation, Straker would not have liked the Avengers to encounter such a situation. However, the current situation [Kaz] does not seem to have let their Hydra plan go.

How to change to other people, Strucker may still have the courage to use the powerful power and resources of Hydra to persuade the other party, but against a terrible monster like [Kaz] that uses humans as food. Even Strucker didn't have the courage to make conditions with the other party.

"As long as I still have a breath, I won't let you out of the Hydra base, [Kaz]."

Facing [Kaz]'s eyes that looked like food, Susan gritted her teeth, stood up against the feeling of suppression in her body, stood in front of [Kaz], and said with a firm expression.

"You seem to have made a mistake."

Looking at Susan's firm gaze, [Kaz] tilted his head: "You have never been my hindrance, so how could food be an obstacle?"

"Food should be cooked obediently."

"Humans have never been your food. Even in the ancient past, humans were once considered the food of the pillar man, but now, we have gotten rid of this identity and developed our own civilization and strength, no longer It's the food that was slaughtered in the past."

Putting her will on her hands, Susan looked at [Kaz] in front of her, and channeled some of the power she had finally recovered from her body, and landed on the tall body of [Kaz], using herself as pale as snow. face made a firm rebuttal.


The rebuttal in Susan's mouth did not make [Kaz] react too much, however, the power generated from him made him unable to help but show a surprised expression, he could feel a strange power appearing in him. on oneself.


The feeling of [Kaz] had just emerged, and in the next instant, a violent explosion burst out of his body.

Under the huge explosion, [Kaz]'s tall body exploded into several pieces in an instant, and various stumps fell to various places in the laboratory with blood.

The stance exploded. This was the most powerful and dangerous attack method developed by Susan after awakening her ability from the initial pure invisibility. By placing the stand inside an object or human body, the stand is detonated to produce an explosion effect. Although the destructive power produced by the stance explosion is powerful, it is also quite cruel in a certain way and consumes a lot of energy, so Susan does not want to use this trick unless it is a last resort.

Detonating the stance in [Kaz]'s body made Susan's body sway.

The feeling of weakness coming from her body made her want to fall to the ground immediately without doing any movement. However, the situation in front of her forced Susan to prop up her body and continue to fight.

She didn't think that the explosion generated by her detonation of her stance could kill the [Ultimate Creature] [Kaz].

Thinking of this, Susan didn't have any hesitation, and immediately began to ignore her weak body, forcibly extracting the power from her body and constantly creating positions of different sizes to cover the stumps on the ground. One of the [Kaz]'s head covered by his position opened his eyes, looked at the pale Susan, and said slowly: "The meaningless struggle, your so-called counterattack, in addition to consuming the power in your body Besides, it can't cause much damage to me at all. As an [Ultimate Creature], every cell in my body has amazing Even if it is divided into several pieces by an explosion, it can re-aggregate in the body. Together……"

Sure enough, as the voice of [Kaz] fell, a lot of blood and scattered flesh and blood on the ground began to move as if they were alive.


Looking at the squirming flesh and blood around, Susan's originally pale expression turned a little whiter.

Although she has tried her best to stop it, she obviously still can't cover all the flesh and blood.

Seeing, all efforts will be meaningless.

A faint red light suddenly appeared, and the crawling flesh and blood on the ground was fixed in place again.


Looking at the familiar power, Susan couldn't help turning her head, and then she saw Wanda, under the support of Quicksilver, also stretched out her palm to form a faint red mist to help herself.

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